Hi, Ms. Tree -
Tree wrote:
Thanks, Lisa, for pointing out that there is a distinction between
what the open space practitioner holding space can/should do and what
a participant in the open space can/should do.  Big difference.  Some
of my comments blurred that distinction.
I don't think your comments were blurring anything - I just noticed we
all were combining thoughts on the whole process - and I had a need to
cluster some thinking into participant's ability / freedom / 'role'
versus (in spite of?? Just joking...) the facilitator's role.  
This gives me an opportunity to say how much I enjoy the way you share
your thoughts, Tree.  For example I like how you said recently 'I know
what I think but I like to ask questions'.
A participant in the OS I just worked on last week said in closing
"I came here with my own set of truths.  But participating in this, I
have gained so much knowledge about other things that are also true."  
I love how Open Space and some other dialogic processes help people
witness other peoples' truths without necessarily having to change their
own truths...
I love when your Tree drops little leaves into our conversation pool.
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449
 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net
 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 

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