I loved that book too
was really helpful /supportive prior to running my artists worldwork group and the devoted and disgruntled gig,

I thought of it when the day after our open space event there was a picture of an enormous blue Butterfly on the front page of the independent newspaper! (some people have sent me emails which i will reply to in time have been inundated with responses post our event.


On 16 Jan 2006, at 20:33, Christine Whitney Sanchez wrote:

Hi Kathleen,

I loved the book Synchronicity and am also a fan of ICA. If I had a nickel
for all the sticky walls I've sold to clients :-)...

For me, on both a personal and a professional level, the essence of Open Space work is captured by a David Bohm quote, also found in Synchronicity - "The ability to perceive or think differently is more important that the
knowledge gained."

Thanks for writing.  Looking forward to more...


Christine Whitney Sanchez
KAIROS Alliance Inc.
2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue
Phoenix, AZ  85048
www.kairosalliance.com <http://www.kairosalliance.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Kathleen
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 8:00 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Keepin' Busy

Hello Christine,

You quoted part of one of my all-time favorite quotes and I just wanted to
acknowledge that. Do you know about the book "Synchronicity" by Joe
Jaworski? I ask because that quote is peppered throughout the book and is
also a favorite of mine.

Was just in Phoenix for a Cultural Competency training with my fellow
Technology of Participation trainers. Are you, by any chance, familiar with ICA's facilitation methods? I've been using them for about 15 years and
within the last year started to do Open Space facilitation.
I'm totally hooked.

More when there's an opening in time. Let me know if anything I've written
is of interest.

Kathleen Osta

Kathleen S. Osta
Vital Clarity
15 Hunters Way
Asheville, NC 28804
828-253-8343 office
828-231-5565 cell
828-253-8284 fax

On Jan 16, 2006, at 2:20 AM, Christine Whitney Sanchez wrote:

Joelle, isn't that amazing?  Maybe it is the power of intention or
perhaps the complimentary phenomenon of Goethe's wonderful "moment one
definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too."


Christine Whitney Sanchez

KAIROS Alliance Inc.
2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue
Phoenix, AZ  85048

From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
Joelle Lyons Everett
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:13 PM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Keepin' Busy

In a message dated 1/12/06 12:34:30 PM, milagr...@cox.net writes:

I've finally broken the surface after swimming up from the bottom of
the flu river that hit our family over the holidays.  I'm not
recommending this as a first choice for a spiritual retreat, but
being so sick did have the effect of quieting my mind and giving me
the experience of living beyond time.  I wasn't able to do any of my
"normal" stuff and therefore, I could not distract myself in any of
my favorite ways.   And, I can't explain this - during my absence,
there was very little activity of any kind that needed my regular
attention.  So, as I've resurfaced, I'm not at all "behind."
also had this experience when I was working out of the country.  How
does that work? A shorthand description might be that this is how it works in open space/open time. Another, more shamanistic take may be that our ordinary experience of time and space is altered when second
attention takes over.


A few years back, Paul and I decided to take a much needed sabbatical.
The amazing (and scary) thing was that for the whole two and a half
years that we were away from consulting work, we had not one
business-related call, no e-mail inquiries, nothing. Within a week of
deciding that it was time to get back to work, we had an assignment
from a new client.  I never understood what was at work here. . .
unless maybe the power of intention.

I like your river-bottom metaphor--we also have spent a virus-laden
holiday season.  Glad to hear you are out and about again!

Joelle * * ==========================================================
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