Harrison wrote (maybe these are Mizra's words coming to us through

"What do we want to show and what do we actually show?"

Tree responds:

When I read this statement in HO's email, I expected a completely AND
TOTALLY different discussion.  I thought Harrison was going to talk about
how in life (or open space) we can all do our best to communicate whatever
it is we want to communicate but as soon as our words leave us and other
people hear and/or read our words, we lose all control over how they will be
understood because every single human being has their own unique set of
filters.  Still, even though Harrison's email with Mizra's dialogue (how do
all you people get so fluent in writing English when it is not your second
language?  I am so humbled by all the non-English speakers on this list who
write so well in English.) focussed on the Danish cartoon phenomenon, FOR
ME, HO's email still has, for me, the meaning I first gave it.  For me, the
message is that it is very important to be clear within ourselves about what
message we are trying to communicate. . . but it is also very important to
always remember that we cannot control how others will perceive or
understand our message.

Then Filiz wrote:

I do not feel comfortable with any text that
> condemns a whole group (muslims in this case) with a certain behavior and
> puts everyone in the same box...

Tree responds:

The text Filiz is commenting on did not, in my perception, condemn anyone.
I read it, I think, as a parable that laid out some ways to think about the
Danish cartoons phenomenon.  I read it as an invitation to think.  My
'reaction' to Mizra's dialogue is no more or no less valid than, for
example, Filiz's.

Then Funda wrote:

i am not comfortable with boxes at all and those who see each other through

Tree responds:

I do not think I know anyone who is so evolved that they have no
preconceived filters that they use  as they interact with other human
beings.  We all carry filters.  Maybe a newborn infant has no preconceived
cultural filters (we could call such filters boxes).

Now I am sitting here with an inquiry of my own:  what was HO trying to show
us?  And what did he show us?

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