Filiz and Funda--

I agree with others that it sounds as if your Open Space was quite 
productive, even if it did not happen exactly as you imagined it.

As I read your account, I thought that probably for most people, this was 
their first Open Space meeting.   And I remembered something that happened on 
Saturday.   Paul and I went to a funeral for the father of our son's wife.   It 
was held at a small Catholic church in a small town.   Because the father had 
been a policeman for many years, and was the chief of police, there were a 
number of city officials and police officers present who were not church 
and in the extended family there were many small children.

Before the service started, someone stood up and said that she was happy to 
welcome guests to the service, and because many were strangers, she would 
describe the service briefly, so we would understand what was happening.   She 
a simple explanation of each step of the liturgy, pointing out where everyone 
would join in, and what special things family members would be doing.   I 
noticed that it made it much easier for me and my young granddaughter to follow 
the service and join in the hymns and prayers.

When I facilitate OS, I usually, like Birgitt, post a schedule that lists the 
activities and times.   I also quickly outline the activities of the day, and 
if the sponsor has asked for action planning, I mention the time for that 
during my introduction.   Sometimes a simple outline of the schedule is 
in the invitation, so people know what to expect.

But I have also observed that Open Space conversations can be very intense, 
and sometimes, by the end of the day, some people are tired, or maybe just need 
time to reflect on all they have heard.   And as much as I enjoy a closing 
circle, there have been times that it just did not feel appropriate when we got 
to that point. "When it's over, it's over." This doesn't mean that you have 
done anything wrong.

I'm pleased for both of you that you are realizing your dream of opening 
space in Turkey!



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