Thomas, I run up to you, kiss you, dance with you, eat herring with you…


Oh.  Where was I?


Jimmy, in my experience, about 2.5 days of Open Space delivers the goods -
I’d ask you a design question back again – what is the purpose of the OS,
how does it fit in to some overall longer (is that what you are thinking
of?) event, what does it want to accomplish therefore how long should you
design your event, and so on.


There is such thing as saturation point, of sensory overload.  Of being
physically tired from all that talking, laughing, puzzling, challenging,
solving, wondering, and running around from group to group in an environment
full of text and words and people and ideas. Of capacity.  Of bodies minds
and hearts being able to take in more versus being full.  Of giving people
percolation time, down time, reflection time, replenishment time.


Having said that, I know others have tried longer OSs (I seem to recall,
Gerard, didn’t you and Annette and colleagues do a many days one in…2000,
was it? was it 10 days 10 themes? Were there days off in between?) in


…or am I just imagining things?




PS: Thomas said:

Oooaoo, I agree with Lisa although I´m a bit more modest in my response.
Klockrent would be a clear Swedish respons. Kind of "right on target".



L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e





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