Hi Patricia

Just to share an experience in bringing donors and CSOs/NGOs together
in OS...

In 2003, my colleague and I were asked to facilitate an annual meeting
between a group of donors and civil society organisations. After a
number of discussions re the agenda for the 1.5 day event, the
organising committee agreed to the suggestion that just over one day
be held in OS. While there was support for the OS session, the 
committee (mostly made up of donors) felt that it was absolutely
necessary to also include time in the agenda for a 'donors only'
meeting. At some point in the planning, I remember someone making the
suggestion to schedule the meeting before convergence/re-emergence.
Luckily, the committee also accepted the recommendation that the
'donor only' meeting take place after closing circle. In fact, if I
recall correctly, the committee decided that they were better off
keeping it off the official agenda (which I remember being very
difficult to draft since there wasn't much of an agenda;-). I think
there was some recognition of its exclusivity. 

Thinking back, I am trying to remember if the meeting actually took
place as I was among those not invited. If it did, I don't remember
its outcomes.

In September 2005, I was once again asked to facilitate the annual
meeting which brought together the same group of donors and CSOs. I
was asked to open some space. While there was one presentation that
HAD to be given before opening the circle (a major improvement as we
came down from three), there were no requests to include anything else
on the agenda - in particular, a 'donors only' meeting. I don't think
that anyone felt like it was needed.

Looking forward to hearing about your vision becoming a reality.


At 6:51 AM Sunday, March 12, 2006, Patricia Haines wrote:

PH> I think that what Harrison's story fromSouth AFrica is what Chris
PH> and the US Partnership convocation
PH> folks are seeking - a dialogue and mutual understanding. We have some 
research to do about what's
PH> happening in the larger philanthropic world with respect
PH> donor/grantee relationships. We'll be
PH> checking this out in the coming months. 

PH> Once Chris tries the idea out with his local community
PH> foundation, I'll do the same with mine. And I
PH> have this growing vision:  what might an Open Space convened by the Council 
on Foundations look
PH> like? or perhaps by the Duke or Indiana or Yale philanthropy programs? 

PH> I'm a newcomer to Open Space, but a participant referred to what happened 
in Raleigh at the US
PH> Partnership 1st anniversary Convocation as a "miracle". All of us
PH> have been working in our own ways
PH> for years toward what is now being called "sustainability", in
PH> its myriad dimensions. In addition to
PH> the extraordinary richness of the action plans that emerged in
PH> Raleigh, getting to know others - and
PH> being able to keep in touch with them via email - generates the
PH> energy of HOPE - and I, for one, now
PH> wake up each morning eager to check my email! 

PH> The OSLIST is part of this. In addition to hope you all give me
PH> concrete examples and solid things
PH> to ponder on  - thank you all. - Patricia

PH> ----- Original Message -----
PH> From: Harrison Owen <hho...@verizon.net>
PH> To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
PH> Sent:         Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:47:31 -0500
PH> Subject: Re: relationship-based funding

>> I don't know where this fits exactly -- but in the early 90's as RSA was
>> coming out of Apartheid, everything was in turmoil, not the least of which
>> was the Non-profit world, funders and recipients. I don't know who's idea it
>> was, but we did a day long OS with all parties. Everybody predicted that it
>> would be recipients with hat in hands chasing down funders. But that never
>> happened. Instead there was this marvelous dialogue with everybody involved
>> concerned with the New South Africa and the necessary social support
>> programs to uphold it. It would have been better for 2.5 days, but we did
>> what we did, and it seemed to do a lot.
>> Harrison 
>> Harrison Owen
>> 7808 River Falls Drive
>> Potomac, Maryland   20854
>> Phone 301-365-2093
>> Skype hhowen
>> Open Space Training www.openspaceworld.com 
>> Open Space Institute www.openspaceworld.org
>> Personal website www.ho-image.com 
>> OSLIST: To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the
>> archives Visit: www.listserv.boisestate.edu/archives/oslist.html
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Chris
>> Weaver
>> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 2:32 PM
>> To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
>> Subject: Re: relationship-based funding
>> a couple follow-up thoughts to my last post:
>> what i am really longing for in this, diane, is authenticity.  i've done a
>> lot of successful grant-writing and spent a lot of time on planet 501(c)3
>> (for our international friends that's what a non-profit organization is
>> called in the usa).  all the individual players care a lot, but the system
>> runs on "making things look good," which results in vast herds of "dead
>> moose" inhabiting the non-profit world.  executive directors sugar-coat
>> their reports to their boards.  marketing folks make the brochures and
>> annual reports look beautiful.  grant-writing is such a specialty because it
>> is a difficult art to tell foundations what they want to hear.  evaluations
>> are constantly striving to squeeze positive measurable data out of the
>> essential complexity of life.  and when all is said and done, almost nobody
>> is genuinely honored for their hard work and dedication in the honest and
>> authentic way that they deserve, and the people who are served remain
>> largely behind a thick rose-colored glass wall.  yes, wonderful and
>> critically important things happen...but in my view too much of it happens
>> in spite of the current paradigm, and with a lot of precious energy wasted.
>> with our new little initiative, i look forward the experience of donors,
>> project staff, and "clients" too sitting in circle, telling honest stories,
>> LAUGHING, and giving voice to the complex living thing called the reality of
>> the work.  when that happens, we will be able to roll up our sleeves and
>> take it to the next level.
>> chris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu]On Behalf Of Diane
>> Brandon
>> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:54 AM
>> To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
>> Subject: relationship-based funding
>> Chris, can you give a real or imaginary example of how this (State of
>> Grace Documents as relationship-based alternatives to grants & other
>> traditional funding mechanisms.) might work? The non-profit work I'm
>> part of receives grants from "Community Foundations", where "donor
>> advised funds" are granted to projects. In the "relationship-based
>> alternatives", would the donor have their funds in their own
>> investments, and work on a State of Grace document as a sort of MOU
>> (memorandum of understanding) between them and the project or program
>> they are funding? How would they not have many organizations seeking to
>> do this with them? The community foundations serve as intermediaries,
>> to save the wealthy person with a mission in mind from having to
>> organize those seeking funds, and from having to know all the
>> investment/donor laws, etc.
>> I like what you're suggesting, but I'd love to hear some further
>> descriptions, pros and cons. Is anyone doing it yet?
>> Diane Brandon (coordinator of a regional coalition that uses
>> participatory methods like FS, WC, AI -- and OS soon)
>> PS Melinda Salazar, who I mentioned some time back on this list, and
>> who is now a member, is having Steve Cochran facilitate her OS on
>> Teaching Peace at the high school in Durham NH on April 1.
>> On Mar 9, 2006, at 6:29 AM, Chris Weaver wrote:
>> > Thanks, Harrison & others, for the welcome when I posted a few weeks
>> > ago.  It's lovely to be remembered after a couple of years off-list, &
>> > delightful to see the online community thriving away in its inimitable
>> > way.
>> >  
>> > A couple current highlights & interests:
>> >  
>> > I continue to work with youth, particularly teenagers.  I'm working
>> > with some wonderful folks to develop a new form of "community-based
>> > indigenous education."  I promote a return to the ancient idea that
>> > the initiation from childhood to young-adulthood is a key moment for
>> > the vast living intelligence of nature to re-enter the consciousness
>> > of the human village.  Our youth can do this and are doing this for
>> > those who notice.  Open space is a really good tool for
>> > intergenerational, inclusive "culture creation," so that the youth can
>> > be widely and deeply honored and supported in their role, and welcomed
>> > back properly by the Elders and the village.  (Our project weblog will
>> > soon be up ~ I'll let y'all know.)
>> >  
>> > Last week (thanks to Patricia Haines & the list) I attended the open
>> > space convocation of the US Partnership for the UN Decade for
>> > Education for Sustainable Development at the EPA campus near
>> > Raleigh, North Carolina.  All I can say is that Steve Cochran has done
>> > something extraordinary, the unfolding of which will make itself known
>> > on this list and far beyond in the weeks & months to come.  Harrison's
>> > post about the new climate change research brings the opportunities
>> > around open space and the Partnership into an even sharper focus.
>> >  
>> > I am championing one initiative that came out of the convocation,
>> > which I am excited to mention, although it's in early development. 
>> > Inspired by my sketchy recollection of Michael Herman's "Giving
>> > Conference" in Chicago a couple years back, I'm working with Maureen
>> > and Zelle, Patricia, & others on a new way to bring potential donors
>> > together with grassroots sustainability project leaders, using open
>> > space, and resulting in State of Grace Documents as relationship-based
>> > alternatives to grants & other traditional funding mechanisms.  If all
>> > goes well we'll pilot this in North Carolina (probably here in
>> > Asheville) by summer.
>> >  
>> > That's my news from the Northamerican southeast highlands, as the
>> > birds call in the dawn from the Atlantic.  Enjoy your day, everyone.
>> >  
>> > Chris Weaver
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PH> "Never doubt that a group of committed citizens can change the
PH> world - indeed, it's the only thing
PH> that can." - Margaret Mead

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Allison Hewlitt
Bellanet International Secretariat <www.bellanet.org>
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