
If you want to see an example of a book written using self- organization and invitation take a look at:

The World Cafe: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, World Cafe Community, and Margaret J. Wheatley

This book - a wonderful resource - was not specifically written, but hosted by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs. Berret-Koehler had been asking Juanita to write a book about the World Cafe for years and she was reluctant to do so, because she did not wish to author a book about the World Cafe or to be put up on a pedistal as some sort of guru - everyone using the World Cafe had a story to tell. A few years later, Juanita and David decided that instead of writing a book they would host one. They invited anyone who had had any experience with the World Cafe to share their stories of using The World Cafe process in organizations around the world. They created a wiki site where anyone could share their stories and edit any part of the book online. They then put the stories together into a book as seen above.

So Raffi, there is no need to write a book yourself. Simply invite others to share in the writing process with you... Enjoy!

with grace and love,


Zelle Nelson
Engaging the Soul at Work/State of Grace Document/Know Place Like Home



work/home: 828.693.0802
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Isle of Skye
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Flat Rock, NC 28731

On May 20, 2006, at 3:55 PM, Raffi Aftandelian wrote:


Thanks for helping see what would make the invitation process simpler.
Pre-os? Coffee! Well, that's more open space!

Now, if I could only figure out how to make the writing of books a
self-organizing process! I have one or two ideas...


I think that was a minor miracle that you had the KKK there. And am
very curious how they and others emerged differently post-forum. In my
opinion, by having them there you modelled the notion of bringing the whole
organism into the room.

have a granular day,

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