
You and others might be interested in knowing a bit more about some of the
learning villages around the world that are connected through the Art of
Hosting community.and the Berkana Institute   These communities are very
much living in Open Space, in the broader sense:

Kufudna Village in Zimbabwe:
The Shire, in Canada :

More here:



On 6/12/06, Frank Deitle <> wrote:


you said:
"PS: Where are you located, Frank? I couldn't anything about you on the

At the moment I am in Bethel, Alaska visiting my dad and experiencing the
wonderful open space of the tundra and the Kuskokwim river. I will be
returning to Massachusetts next week where I may be working with a rural
environmental education program center in the position of caretaker/lodge
coordinater--a position with which I see much potential to integrate OST
tools into day to day operations and community life. More on those ideas

"PPS: What does commoikos mean?"

"Commoikos" comes from the Latin "com" meaning "together" and the Greek
"oikos" meaning "home" ("oikos" is where we get the prefix "eco" from as in
ecology--the study of home). Thus commoikos means "home together" which is
what I conceive universal enlightenment to be like... coming home together.


On 5/29/06, Marei Kiele <> wrote:
> Frank, thank you for your wonderful webpage. I have bookmarked it and am
> looking forward to visiting every now and then and finding more and more
> treasures. I havn't put my attention to living in a community yet, as it
> seemed to far away from what I see around me, but reading about your vision
> makes it be closer and more achievable to me also ~ so I will include it in
> my wish-list, set an attention and attract this into my life sooner or
> later.
> Additionally, virtually I already experience being part of such a
> community on this list ~ hey, I am back into reading emails after having
> deleted the last 500+ because of feeling totally overwhelmed. And the moment
> I deleted my whole "os-list to be read later" folder I felt wonderful. And
> am now able to enjoy these conversations again.
> With joy and appreciation,
> Marei
> PS: Where are you located, Frank? I couldn't anything about you on the
> page.
> PPS: What does commoikos mean?
>  "Frank Deitle" <> <>
>  schrieb:
> > Mark and OS friends,
> >
> > I was going thru the some unread OSLIST emails today and discovered
> > this gem in Mark's wonderful post about "living an open space life."
> >
> > "Anne Stadler suggested that the next experiment should be an
> > intentional community based on "Living in Open Space".  So she founded
> > the "Spirited Work Community" in 1999.  With that, our focus (Anne and
> > I) changed from predominantly organization-oriented OS to
> > community-oriented OS."
> >
> > I'd like to hear more about the Spirited Work Community and open space
> > intentional communities in general. Ever since I discovered OST (or
> > did it discover me?) this year from the wonderful Lisa Heft, I have
> > fantasized about what a large-scale residential intentional
> > community/ecovillage/sustainable human settlement would be like if it
> > was visioned, organized, planned, executed, maintained, and governed
> > in Open Space. What kind of crazy, wonderful creature would that
> > become? What kind culture would emerge out of that? Are other people
> > out there thinking about this sort of thing? How do you see it
> > unfolding/coming about?
> >
> > I recently started to build a website to explore my own
> > conceptualizations of such an endeavor. It is very much in its early
> > stages of development. It very well may be entirely naive. All I know
> > is that I can't stop thinking about it. The website is:
> >
> >
> > Peace,
> > Frank Deitle

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