Hi Phelim,
Your decision sounds wise, but somewhat difficult to make, under the circumstances. Let's hope anyone else who is asked checks their own feedback as carefully as you did. I am mentally storing your experience for future situations I might encounter.
Thank you,

On 22/10/2006, at 9:27 AM, Phelim McDermott wrote:

Hello folks,

OK guys here's the scenario. And sadly I have to pussy foot here.

So I apologise if there's code happening..

You do an open space gig which you set up yourself.. and it causes a bit of a stir. Of course.. It works. So people talk about it and you get asked to do some more. By other people in the same sector..the arts..

As ever you feel like you're simultaneously a sort of "joan of ark" because of your passion and at the same time a pretender... I mean there's people out there who have been doing this for years .. however you take courage because as Harrison says anyone with a good heart... etc and today you feel ok about where you're coming from.

Anyway.. through various connections the big gig comes knocking on your door. it's something you really care about. its close to your own passion its a real opportunity and its a major kudos gig for your own company.. in lots of ways and you start to talk with them about it.....

Then as you talk you begin to suspect that they want open space cos it looks like it does certain things ie involves people, looks democratic but you suspect...

that they dont REALLY WANT to open space they want to look like they opened space cos that will buy them some "cred.". Then they can say they consulted and opened it out but then they did what they did.

When they say they want one day rather than two you suspect its cos they fear what might come up if there's more time.

they say THE IMPORTANT PEOPLE wont come to a two day event but they will to a one day.

Because its your own environment you have an emotional response to this and fight even harder for the value of two days... obvious reasons.

They make a demand that it happens within an unrealistic time frame without really even knowing what the theme or the BIG QUESTION might be. They want you to do it with at least SIX different groups... (I said it was a BIG GIG)

You know you could just say yes and some wonderful things might happen because you opened space on an issue in an area thats really important to you but you also know it's a compromise..

the more they say do six one day events the more you find yourself arguing for TWO DAYS


yes If you slow down make sure the invitations are right before we proceed... you will move faster..

You find yourself asking...... If it was someone who wasnt so emotionally involved would they just go with what they were asking for?

You realise its happening...


You dont want to do open space to tick someone's cool consultation box..

as you are making your decision

You simultaneously feel noble and STUPID..

You find yourself getting more demanding and outrageous in your suggestions...

"Forget six separate gigs do ONE enormous g
ig if you really want to sort this... get some diversity and .ask the BIG question!"

You also know actually this is true ! it would be amazing but are already seeing that maybe it's not going to happen.. there will be different gigs happening they will probably even ask someone else in to do open space because we said we couldnt do it to their schedule...

You tell them you dont feel its right for us to do this gig and they probably want something other than open space

You feel a bit crap.. and dont quite know what happened..

You feel like you've failed because you didn't manage to communicate well about why you were being so adamant about certain things..

you feel a bit isolated..

you know its good long term but momentarily you feel sad..

You hope someone else understands how you're feeling..


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