Hi Thomas!

We've designed Action Rounds in OS several ways...

a) We use the 15 min after the closing circle model when facilitating Open Space after a keynote speaker for a couple of reasons:

a) When the group coming to hear a speech is not a formal organization there is less need to come back again after 15 min of action rounds with the entire group for a second closing circle.

b) In this design the energy and responsibility for action is directly linked to those who are drawn to the action topic. They may not ever see the other people who attended the speech. And the energy is then taken out into the world rather than back into the "non- organization" that gathered for the speech in the first place.

c) Time - there is often little enough time after the keynote in the first place, so bringing everyone back together again, is one less thing to do.

2) We've done up to 3 - 15 min action rounds after 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 day OS when more has been talked about. We use this model when working with community organizations or non-profit groups that have organizations with loose/volunteer connections or continuations. Often in these situations the action rounds form around persons outside of the paid staff who will concentrate on one particular aspect of the organization's purpose because it speaks to their particular passion. These volunteers may have deep ties to the organization, and some do. We return to a final closing circle to bring the energy of action back into the organization and create a shared commitment going forward. We've used this method with some corporate groups as well.

3) We've done action rounds where anyone can name an issue to be taken forward, the group votes on the 5, or 7, or 10 most popular, then these most popular are written on flip charts (or we sometimes use free standing (pinpoint) boards), champions are determined from the group, and then the whole group is invited to visit any and all of the issues and write their own suggestions onto the flip chart (I think Toke described this process). After this whole process there is time for clarification. We then get back together for a closing circle to support the entire group or organization to commit to and support the top issues. Sometimes we ask each person to name specific actions they will personally take away from the meeting.

All these versions have worked in the different situations. I'm sure everyone has their own modifications on the action round. For Maureen and I the method used depends on what the group needs.

with grace and love,


Zelle Nelson
Know Place Like Home/Engaging the Soul@Work/State of Grace Document



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On Nov 3, 2006, at 4:47 AM, Thomas Herrmann wrote:

Wow, just bumped into this rich conversation. Just had a question to you Zelle, would you mind sharing a little more about this design regarding having 15 mts action at the end after closing circle. And if you have experiences, compared to having action- space before the closing. I never had any activities after the closing circle in an OS but this sounds interesting!
Warm regards to you Maureen and your Open Space home from
Thomas Herrmann in a suddenly very cold and wintery south Sweden

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