Hi all, 
  I have come accross the OS a few days ago.  Since then I have been pondering 
about it, reading what I found on internet and ordering books that felt right 
to order.  And pondering some more.  Getting the feeling for it.  
  I love the papers posted on the openspaceworld.org.  If ever I read a bunch 
of papers that made me feel at home (the first word of choice was: sane, but 
then I changed it to feeling at home), it is these.  
  With this in view, I would be interested to know/read about the stories 
behind the events that the practitioners do - if a company calls for an OS day 
- why does it do it? What is the story behind it?  I found Harrison's stories 
more than illuminating and hence the question.  
  Another question would be: what happens afterwards? Say a company did a 
marvellous OS event - people got self-organized, they bonded, the Spirit spoke 
and sang and danced.  But my question is: what happens next? Because: until a 
day before the OS event everyone had their job to attend to as defined in a 
world prior to the OS event.  What are the experiences of what happens 
afterwards? Because, it seems to me, for the whole thing to actually be 
implemented in real life and not only during the three days of the OS event - a 
company (organisation, or whatever) would need to keep the space open 
afterwards too, people would have to be allowed to switch their teams if that 
is required by the commitment they made at the OS event, they would need to 
keep talking in open and free ways where everyone is equal as in the OS event 
for the event to live longer than the 3 days...  And example that prompted this 
question is the example of Hampton Roads in one of the papers posted on the
 website - there the event seems to have found a way into everyday reality - 
what are other experiences on the ground?
  Then: how does one become a practitioner?
  And: are there any workshops, events or similar organised in Europe some time 
soon - I live in Barcelona, Spain so for me the ideal would be in Barcelona (a 
very nice city if I can entice you to come over), but if not, then I could make 
it anywhere else in Europe (at least I hope so).  Or even outside Europe, funds 
and luck permitting. 
  Keep up the good work. 
  Best regards, 

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