Hello, everyone -


I love all your recommendations and experiences as you are adding to my
thoughts about this multi-language Open Space.


As of my conversation today with the client, here are some things we are
doing, and we are talking all of your ideas into consideration as well as we
are forming up our thoughts about this...


(yes, participants are being included in this generation of ideas and
resources to help in this multi-language event; and yes, the participants
are very excited about coming and sharing their knowledge, so the energy is
high. No, I don't think we have capacity to hold multiple/simultaneous
events or train folks, which is of course a great idea, and yes, the farmers
will 'drive' most of the process/conversations, and my framing of the intro
will remind 'helpers' with agencies that it is the farmers' event).


We now have identified 3 main languages - for which we will provide roaming
translators - for the other smaller language groups we will ensure
volunteers to be their 'buddies'.  Registration includes participants
self-identifying which languages they speak, and *all* participants will
place colors on their name badges indicating what languages they speak.  So
there will be both pre-established *and* informal, peer based,
self-organizing translation.  And we are very much assuming and providing
support and nutrition for the participants to find their own ways of
communicating, sharing, documenting and so on.


We will have opening circle instructions with 2 language groups on headsets,
others sitting near each other according to their needs -- then everyone
will take off their headsets and participants will announce their topics in
their home languages (they will make their signs at a location where
volunteer translators will help write their signs in a few other languages
as they are created - then they will come to the center to announce their
sessions in their own languages).


We will identify a few discussion areas as language-specific.  The rest are
mixed and we'll have enough participants and helpers to share in translating
for each other.  Participants will either use this organization method or
take care of their needs in other ways, which is fine.  We will have
volunteer notes-takers sit at every discussion area (because not all
participants read and write).  We will document via text, video, photograph,
and perhaps via graphic recording.  We will probably set up a mural wall so
participants can draw whatever they want during the event.  Post-event we
will distribute the documentation in hard-copy, electronically, via visuals,
and for some participants, they'll hold storytelling times post-event to
share their experience orally post-event.  The client will secure funding to
translate the Book into the several written languages.


Our evening events will include inquiry circles in whatever languages people
desire (one evening) - it's a way of sharing experiences through sharing
questions.  On the other evening whomever wants to will learn the local
dances of the region our event is in (I expect some silliness) and then
there will be world music DJ dancing for whomever desires.  Others will
simply enjoy nibbles and chatting.


I am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to this...and thanks so much for your
great thoughts and experiences...






L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net

 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 


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