At 10:22 PM 9/02/2007, you wrote:
Anyhow, when they administered the test they
discovered that for all the clients who had participated in open space there
was the largest increase in test scores anybody had ever seen. The
director's conclusion was that OS was the most effective therapeutic
modality they had ever employed.

Harrison - this reminds me of a very powerful 'self-therapy session' I experienced in an OS event a few years ago.... During the lunch break of a two-day OS with over 100 participants, a man in his late fifties came over to me and with a very puzzled look on his face, said:

"You remember this morning when you explained to us about that Law of Two Feet business, I didn't really understand what you meant, so forgot about it....then I went into the first session and this bloke was just hogging the whole conversation - I was so bored and angry I could have throttled him - but I just sat there out of politeness and fear and I didn't move.... Then it was break time and I had a nice cuppa and some fresh air and was really looking forward to the second session and went along to get into it - and guess what - the same bloke was there too and starting to do exactly the same thing - just hogging the whole thing - so I said to myself, I've had enough of this and I GOT UP AND WALKED RIGHT OUT in front of him, (this man's facial expression at this stage of his story was absolutely priceless to behold - I will never forget the joyful look on his face) - and you know, I felt really great - it was the first time in my life I had ever done anything so bold and out-of-place....and after that, I just walked in and out of a few groups for the rest of the morning and I had a great I'm off to enjoy the afternoon!"

I know that there are many such stories in the OS chronicles - such 'liberation' is a joy to see and costs nothing in therapeutic fees - a quiet (and inexpensive) revolution indeed!


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