Lisa and all--

Yes! Yes. There is value in being the witness. We are inside the system,
a part of what is going on. Whether we touch or withhold our touch, we
are touching.

In a trial, each witness plays a crucial part. Each not only observes
but speaks her or his truth. Each affects the verdict. Not as the judge
or jury making the decision.

As I hear the various responses, it seems that much of what we each have
said comes from where we stand in the system of systems of systems
(where else could it?). By that I am seeing that Barry works primarily
inside a system of which he is an integral part. (So his active
participation is required.) Others work for corporations who "hire" them
to come in from "outside" and help. (So they need to be vigilant to keep
the impartial role.) Others of us (including me) work in communities of
which we are a part in less or more participative ways. (So they may
need to play a more active role.) What does that say about our
conversation about participation?

                        :- Doug.

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