Luminary! Love the word. Suggests light in abundance. Elimination of
shadows. Cessation of uncertainty. Enlightenment for sure! How strange that
such people can be real party poopers!! I can certainly understand the
syndrome. Always treated like pampered princes, they suddenly join the
people. Shocking!!! And yet in my own experience, the true "Luminaries" are
those who share their light without prejudice or precondition - they are
just there, fully present to the situation.


I suppose you could look a being in Open Space as a sort of separation of
the sheep from the goats - those who require the spot light from those who
are the light. That always ends up being a useful determination, I think. 


When it comes to working with "Luminaries" (false or true) in Open Space, I
have never found it necessary to do anything different from what I would
ordinarily do, such as: 1) Have a good heart to heart conversation with the
sponsors before the gathering. Especially about the guest list and the
invitation. Make it very clear that this is an event for those who care to
come which automatically makes them the right people - whose "rightness" is
determined by their caring and not their "star power." If they want star
power, have a star show - fill the theatre seats with folks, turn out the
lights (keep them in the dark :-)) - and turn on the stars. I guess there is
a place for something like that, but it's not open space. 2) Help people to
understand that the motive power is passion and responsibility - which
amongst other things makes it very clear that the quality of the experience
(both learning and contribution) is totally in the hands of each
participant. And if there is a problem - The Law of Two Feet will cut in.


Seems to work every time.






From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Peggy
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:25 PM
Subject: The challenge of "luminaries"


Along with Stephen Silha, I just completed an Open Space with 150
journalists.  Actually, it was a mix of mainstream journalists, media
educators and students, and citizen journalists.  It is the 5th gathering of
the "system of journalism" that Stephen and I have done in the last 2 years.
It was also the largest.  Along with the size, it brought a new twist to our
journalism work.


We have developed a positive reputation and as a result, attracted a handful
of people considered expert in the changing landscape of journalism.  These
"luminaries" are used to being on stage, the ones others turn to as the
experts.  And, while ego may be a factor for some of them, they truly do
bring particularly valuable insights.


Following the conference, we head from one of them, who was quite turned off
by the whole experience. Here's an excerpt:

> Instead I was at a New Age, "open circle" conference where
> the questions were as flat and meaningless as possible so no one would
> excluded.  


Just so we don't dwell on this individual, a variation of this luminary
situation occurred with the Nexus for Change.  In that examploe, I spoke
with one of the "luminaries" who had originally planned on attending.  She
cancelled at the last moment because she just didn't see a role for herself.
She described herself as a high introvert and without a role, felt she would
not be comfortable there.


So, here's my question:  these folks (even the ones with egos) have gifts to
offer.  What experiences have you had in creating conditions where
luminaries/elders/experts actually see a role for themselves and make a
productive contribution to an Open Space?


(In retrospect, my current thought is to talk to them beforehand and
encourage them to post a session on a question they wish to explore or, if
they don't feel the others present are sophisticated enough for their
question (whether that is actually the case is an entirely different
question), at least post a session on a subject they believe others would be
interested in learning about from them.)







Peggy Holman
The Open Circle Company
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
(425) 746-6274


For the new edition of The Change Handbook, go to: 


"An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get burnt,
is to become 
the fire".
  -- Drew Dellinger

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