Dear friends and colleagues in Open Space !


Please consider joining us for a very special OST-training, November 7-10 in
Pelion, a peninsula north-east of Greece, a wild beautiful place.


This training is going to be particularly interesting because of its special

*       International, in terms of the facilitating team (Tova Averbuch  and
Avner Haramati from Israel and Thomas Herrmann from Sweden) and in terms of
the participants 
*       Local, in terms of hospitality (Maria Scordialos  and Sarah Whiteley
are living on the land, hoping to Open the Space in the region and in the
*       Anchored in real  context of the fires in Greece today: Having a one
day Open space event inviting the public at large.   
*       Modular: This is part one out of two, the second part will take
place in June 5-8 , 2008( with Tova and Avner from Israel and Chris Corrigan
and Caitlin Frost from BC Canada) and will put emphasis on leadership. Each
part is a whole all for itself and together they enable to root and deepen
the knowledge and practice 


We find it quite exciting that included in the 4-day training is a real
burning issue OST event!


You are invited to come for one of the trainings or for both! You may also
choose to come for the day of the public OS event for a " cost  only"
charge . To view the full invitation you are invited to visit: and for the registration:


Hope to see you with us!! 


please feel free to pass this invitation along 


In the name of this exciting international team


Thomas Herrmann 


Thomas Herrmann Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
Open Space Consulting Fax +46 (0)300-713 89
Pensévägen 4
434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Email:  <>
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