Dear all,

Well, thank you, Catherine for posting the invitation to OSlist and for
sharing your story!

Yes, this is an invitation to all who care to to share about your personal
practice of Open Space.

Please see the invitation below. And if you contact me offlist, I'll send
you the invitation as a Word document to see an example of the illustrations
we hope to include with the book. The list, I don't think, can display images.

Thanks much!
skype: raffi_1970


Living Peace: the open space of our lives
An invitation

November 2007

We are writing you to invite your contribution for an e-book, tentatively
entitled *Living Peace: the open space of our lives*. OST facilitators from
around the world, experienced and people new to the practice, are being
contacted for this project.

Harrison’s last book was *The Practice of Peace*. It was a thoughtful,
playful, compelling, and engaging invitation to consider that the everyday
practice of Open Space in organizations is the practice of peace. If that is
so, then perhaps, taken together, those who work with OST have something to
offer the world about living peace on a day-to-day basis? 

There have been many conversations about the personal practice of open
space, but to our knowledge this has not been captured as a book. Chris
Corrigan and Michael Herman have elaborated an invaluable perspective on
that practice. And I credit them, Wendy Farmer-O’Neil, Birgitt Williams, and
Harrison Owen as inspiration for this book.

This book aims to deepen the conversation about the personal practice of
Open Space.

For the book, we’d like to invite you to answer one question: 

      ***“What is your practice of Open Space?”***

This is an inquiry into how each of us bring open space into our lives, how
we live Open Space.

In addition, you are invited to submit resources for a resource section at
end of the book on practicing Open Space in life. We welcome any materials
you see as valuable in deepening the personal practice of Open Space.

A *maximum length of two pages* for each contribution is suggested, and this
is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule.

We’d like to ensure a broad representation of voices in the book, both in
terms of perspective, experience, and geography. This invitation will also
be posted to other OSlists around the world. 

If you have any particular suggestions of people who should be contacted to
participate in this initiative, let me know!

If you think you will be able to make a contribution, please email Raffi at (or We’d like to receive submissions by
*February 1, 2008.*

Your piece can be anything that can be presented on a printed page, a story,
an essay, a parable, a word, a sentence, a picture, a diagram, anything that
can convey on paper what you understand your practice of Open Space to be.

If you’d prefer to share your practice of peace in a telephone conversation
that can be later transcribed into text, we’d be more than happy to do so.

The book will be made available for free online. Perhaps at a later point,
it might be available for sale in print form, in which case a significant
(50% at least) of proceedings will go to support the spread of OST around
the world.

Contributions will be selected by a committee (anyone with experience of OST
is welcome to participate in its work). All pieces will be available for
reading online, regardless of whether or not they are chosen for the book.

Vera “Dyomka” Vakulenko, a Moscow artist and community activist who designed
the Open Space on Open Space XIV logo and brought much spirit to that
conference will be illustrating this book. The drawing in this invitation is

We intend to publish the book in both English and Russian. If you can
circulate this invitation in other languages, it’d much be appreciated.

Your thoughts, questions suggestions and collaboration in this project are

If you can submit something for this book, please let us know by email!

Respectfully and in appreciation,

Raffi Aftandelian (San Diego, USA)
Vera “Dyomka” Vakulenko (Moscow, Russia)

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