Dear Colleagues,

Greetings ! Here's to to let you know that we are convening a 2 Day Workshop by Harrison Owen on the 29th-30th May 2008 in London .U.K

Some of you will know that Harrison is putting his final touches to his new book entitled: Wave Riders.

The focus of this workshop is on: Wave Riders: Leadership of Self Organising and High Performance Systems

Some Rationale for the Workshop

"The search for high performance has been a major concern of businesses and organizations for decades. Achieving optimum levels of human performance is no longer just an issue of organizational effectiveness and maximized profit, but now a matter of global survival".

Harrison argues that in part the solution for achieving high performance is not another round of organizational change but a paradigm shift in our thinking and the need to recognize the importance of self organizing. "In effect were we to recognize and fully appreciate the power of self organization we could be relieved of an enormous task, freeing time and energy for the many other pressing issues of our day .We might actually learn how to leverage the power of self organization for our benefit, thereby achieving levels of performance which presently lie beyond our wildest dreams."

In this 2 day workshop, Harrison will challenge senior leaders and others to explore on the leadership of High Performance in a self organising world. Most of the 2 days will be spent in an immersion of Open Space experiences. It will therefore provide senior leaders with the Skills for using and managing Open Space Technology in their own leadership approach.

And YES: we will offer a discount to the OSLIST Community. Booking and details of the Workshop are at Looking forward to meeting you all in London in May.



Anand Kumar
Research Associate
Aeneas Knowldege Transfer Consultancy
0044 1243 779378

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