
When I read our story it was with a smile of recognition. Managers in
general perhaps even mCore in more technical oriented organizations, are
always afraid that 'them people will not understand'. I did several Open
Space's in construction, ICT and other 'technical organizations' and it
worked fine as it always does if you feel that this would be a good
What I say/do is somethong like: 
I am sure that Open Space will help you and I do not know of any kind of
other intervention as you seemed to have tried several interventions.
Open Space is the only intervention I can think of. (so there is no plan
B). And they also explain to me that nobody is going to talk, that
nobody is going to step into the circle etc etc. And than I say, if
nobody is going to talk and if nobody is going to step inside the circle
than either you do not have a problem or you have a very severe problem.
And if there is not a problem fine but if it gets clear for all that
there is a problem, they want to solve it. People in this kind of
organization like to solve problems.... It is their way of speaking and
it creates a lof of energy. And I am sure thet are going to do something
about it, if they realise there is a problem. 

I hope this helps and my english is not to bad

Warmest regards from the Netherlands Carla 

Met vriendelijke groet,


drs. C.J.P. (Carla) Vliex 


senior Adviseur


Twynstra Gudde Adviseurs en Managers

Stationsplein 1, 3818 LE Amersfoort

Postbus 907, 3800 AX Amersfoort

Telefoon 033 4677376

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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
Brendan McKeague
Sent: vrijdag 25 januari 2008 09:06
Subject: Open Space with Construction Engineers

I have been provided with a challenge....

A colleague (an organisational psych and consultant) has introduced me
to a Construction Alliance - a group of construction companies that have
joined together to build a major 200klm long highway in Western
Australia. They have been 'working' together (physically) for about a
year and have become stuck around 'communication' - especially between
the project managers, site engineers, supervisors working at the ground
level. The professional HR company they hired to guide them through the
human dynamics dimensions of their collaboration has not been very well
received by the people - they have provided 'facilitated interventions'
that seem to have added to the difficulties. My colleague suggested they
try Open Space and arranged the conversation yesterday with two senior
managers in the Alliance - at which they expressed that they needed a
process that would allow people to feel trusted and respected, not be
treated like children at school, and to be able to raise and deal with
the issues that were causing them problems - mainly lack of
It was obvious (to me and my colleague) that they needed some Open Space
- and after explaining what it is and how it works - they agreed that
this would be wonderful....except - that they didn't think it work with
engineers and construction workers....AND - they would have trouble
'selling' it to the Alliance Director.
Funny how the managers clearly identified that what these folks wanted
was trust and respect for their views - and this was what they wanted
too - and then baulked at the methodology that would deliver this...!

So, I have had a call today from my consultant colleague who reports
that they have said:

a) their boss might go along with it if they could assure him that there
would be a Plan B in place - if it falls apart then the Org Psych would
step in and rescue (to which I will say something like---mmmm, that
wouldn't really work for me!)

b) are there any case stories of Construction Companies using this
method - and it worked?
(I chuckle - inwardly- when folks think that being in construction - or
whatever- somehow means that they are distinct from the rest of the
human species! reminds of Michael Herman's story 'can Catholics do

My request
I can relate Harrison's story about AT&T Olympic Village at Atlanta -
which is primarily a design team - are there any others involving
Construction Engineers that spring to mind?

With thanks
from a very hot Western Australia

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