No Erik. That would neither be possible nor desirable. Contraction and Expansion. Breathing. The breath is an essential part of both the form and the essence of Open Space and Life.


On 21-Nov-09, at 6:33 AM, Erik Fabian wrote:

Is this space closed to moments of contraction?


On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:12:32 -0600, Denise Tennen < > wrote:

Thank you so much for your comments, Wendy

On Nov 20, 2009, at 4:51 AM, Wendy Farmer-O'Neil wrote:

In my experience, truth is relative.  It depends essentially on my
perspective.  The vaster my perspective, the more many-faceted
truth appears.  Until the very notion of truth becomes more of a
living process than a static fact.

I have experienced contraction in the resonant field of OSList
throughout this conversation.  To me that signals the presence of
aggression.  Aggression can be very subtle or very blatant.  Either
way, it stimulates hurt, often in those other than its target.

I am a student of Aikido, so violence, non-violence, aggression,
its evocation, its arising, and its transformation are my daily
bread.  I still have a lifetime�s worth to learn about it.  I
believe that the purpose of conflict is harmony.  What I have
learned so far, is that aggression is a destructive, life denying
vector in that equation.  And that clean heart anger is a
generative life affirming vector.

I have yet to hear clean heart anger in this conversation.  I have
heard a lot of aggression in a variety of forms and guises.  I have
also heard hurt, pain, sadness, confusion, frustration, to name a few.

I will share what my experience has been in service to transparency
if it serves no better purpose.

I feel contraction when I hear OS and NVC spoken of as tools
because for me, they have become profound ways of being in the world.

I feel contraction when I hear pain in Chris Corrigan�s voice when
he wonders why this conversation needs to unfold this way between
people he cares about.

I feel contraction when I hear blame, shame and name-calling.

I feel contraction when I recognize the operation of a poisoned
well argument.

I feel contraction when I hear someone caught in the steel jaws of
an old hurt.

I feel contraction when i hear the pain of someone who has had to
fight too damn hard for every inch and breath.

I feel contraction when I see more unsubscribes in a day than I
usually see in a month.

I feel care, concern, pain, and sadness when I think of all of you
in this circle who are listening or speaking.  It is you who I most
want to speak to right now.

Here is my hand.

I offer it in absolute commitment.  I will never put you out of my
heart. I will hold space with and for you through it all.  Even in
our most shadowed , unloved and disowned places.  I�m game to face
the monsters of the deep.  I prefer them to the shallows.

I will name that the use of violence and aggression cloaked as the
servant of truth has been the strategy of many who would prefer to
silence, persecute, oppress and discredit those whose opinions or
choices were in conflict with their own agendas.  It has been the
root of much human suffering.  I can feel suffering present on this
list right now.  I don�t like it.  I won�t support it.  I am
saddened that people I admire and respect are behaving this way.  I
am requesting that it stop. I am also requesting that the back-
channel story-telling stop.  If you do not have the integrity to
air your complaints directly, at least have the decency not to
perpetrate slander. (And I am speaking about everyone involved not
one person in particular, because I�m certain it�s going on in
several directions.)

I guess we have finally grown up.  We are apparently big enough,
brave enough, and ready enough to face a real dragon.  Can�t wait
to see what we do with the treasure.

In deepest respect and with great love for you all,


On 20-Nov-09, at 1:12 AM, Michael Herman wrote:

Wendy Farmer-O'Neil
CEO Prospera Consulting

The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

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Wendy Farmer-O'Neil
CEO Prospera Consulting

The moment of change is the only poem. -- Adrienne Rich

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