I can see you now,  Ms. Lisa :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of Lisa Heft
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 1:50 PM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: did you get lisa's original message?

Hi, folks - I'll try to reply to Michael's email to the list and see  
if this gets posted.

Previously to this problem period I had received an acknowledgment of  
each message I sent to OSLIST -and- also received that post into my  
Inbox *from* OSLIST.
Since this started in January I received acknowledgements but never  
received those OSLIST posts of mine in my Inbox (like Esther) - and I  
did not receive many of *your* posts, either (though I could go to the  
Archives to see them). According to our diagnosis chat here, some of  
you would not get my postings, and some would.

I have taken all color or special font out of this email - I  
understand by our diagnosis that our dear listserv may not be liking  
what it liked before.
Too much rich (text) food, I suppose.

I don't know how to adjust the setting otherwise to be sure it is not  
'rich formatting' and I am not a gmail user - however...

I did go look at the Boise State site / to see my member settings -  
under 'Acknowledgements' a button was highlighted that said '[Special  
or obsolete setting]' and I changed it to 'Receive Copy of Own  
Because I did receive them previous to this problem time and that is  
the button I thought I had set in my settings..
I wonder if that change-in-settings-I-had-not-made offers a clue,  

I am *honored* that you are all trying to find me ;o) and I do hope to  
be found. And I do hope to find you all, as well.
It makes me laugh to think of a special "Lisa-filter" as Thomas  
Sharon - thanks for checking in your Spam folder - once, for a  
fundraising event for a food delivery program, I did make and wear a  
dress out of Spam for a Food-As-Art event. Yes I did and I looked  
splendid if I do say so myself.

I look forward to us all working this out - seems as if we are making  
major steps forward.

...And I am also honored that I am the sunshine of Thomas Herrmann's  


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