Dear Lisa,
got it. See you in Berlin in May at the WOSonOS.
Status today: You and 103 other very important folks (including 5 from the San Francisco Bay area) from 23 countries have signed up. Of course, there is plenty of more is the direct link to all the infos

Greetings from Berlin

Lisa Heft schrieb:
Hi, folks - I'll try to reply to Michael's email to the list and see if this gets posted.

Previously to this problem period I had received an acknowledgment of each message I sent to OSLIST -and- also received that post into my Inbox *from* OSLIST. Since this started in January I received acknowledgements but never received those OSLIST posts of mine in my Inbox (like Esther) - and I did not receive many of *your* posts, either (though I could go to the Archives to see them). According to our diagnosis chat here, some of you would not get my postings, and some would.

I have taken all color or special font out of this email - I understand by our diagnosis that our dear listserv may not be liking what it liked before.
Too much rich (text) food, I suppose.

I don't know how to adjust the setting otherwise to be sure it is not 'rich formatting' and I am not a gmail user - however...

I did go look at the Boise State site / to see my member settings - under 'Acknowledgements' a button was highlighted that said '[Special or obsolete setting]' and I changed it to 'Receive Copy of Own Postings'. Because I did receive them previous to this problem time and that is the button I thought I had set in my settings..
I wonder if that change-in-settings-I-had-not-made offers a clue, Michael?

I am *honored* that you are all trying to find me ;o) and I do hope to be found. And I do hope to find you all, as well.
It makes me laugh to think of a special "Lisa-filter" as Thomas mentioned.
Sharon - thanks for checking in your Spam folder - once, for a fundraising event for a food delivery program, I did make and wear a dress out of Spam for a Food-As-Art event. Yes I did and I looked splendid if I do say so myself.

I look forward to us all working this out - seems as if we are making major steps forward.

...And I am also honored that I am the sunshine of Thomas Herrmann's world.....

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Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
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++49-30-772 8000

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