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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Suzanne Daigle <>
Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Where did 2 1/2 days come from?

What's described above is but one of the reasons why I am going to
Berlin, Germany: for the 16 hours, sleep twice, naps and lots of
bumble bee/butterfly conversations, to experience deeply with a world
community what Michael and others see and know about Open Space which
they have passionately pursued for many years, to add my voice to
theirs, and  to just "be" and "revel" in Open Space with old and new
OS friends. I wish all the thousands of people in our OS community,
past and present, could all be there and I know in spirit, they will

I just made my final decision last week, saying the heck with it, I'm
going. I feel drawn to be in historic Berlin (indeed a fortuitous
place) to celebrate this 25th anniversary of Open Space.

Just got back from a series of meetings in Connecticut and New York
with friends and business folks, many feeling fearful and stuck in
their corporate lives, held to goals, expectations and results that
there aren't enough hours in a day  to achieve. And darn, they don't
seem to be having much fun.  The Wall is crumbling in so many places
in our world right now and this Open Space gathering in Berlin may
remind us all how lucky we are to perhaps be of service by opening
space to re-create, restore, renew and grieve a bit too.

Very much look forward to meeting mmp and others in the host country.

Hopefully many more may impulsively decide as I did to join this very
special 2010 WOSonOS. And from what I read, it's a vibrant and very
green (full of parks) city to walk, visit and breathe into.

I can't wait! Suzanne

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 7:34 PM, doug <> wrote:
> Peggy--
> Thank you for restating what I had been trying to remember on what
> happens after 1 day, 2 and 2.5.
> It is interesting that people internalize the law after many days, that
> a rhythm develops. I wonder about the collective unconscious and the
> deeper things within the human species when we have longer observances,
> and how that is perhaps parallel to what you are noticing here.
>                        :- Doug.
> On Sun, 2010-04-04 at 15:32 -0700, Peggy Holman wrote:
>> I remember a simple framing from Harrison when first learning about OST.  He 
>> said you can have a great conversation in one day.  A second day provides 
>> time for a sense of direction to emerge.  In 2.5 days, there's time to set 
>> priorities.  That characterization fits my experience.
>> I have either run or participated in a few OS's that were more than 2.5 
>> days.  I find they are great for truly internalizing the law of 2 feet.  
>> When explicitly invited to spend days and days in Open Space, people become 
>> more facile at paying attention to their own internal rhythm.
>> Peggy
>> On Apr 3, 2010, at 1:27 AM, Michael M Pannwitz wrote:
>> > Dear Doug,
>> > when I started facilitating os-events I was still employed by the 
>> > Protestant Church of Berlin as an OD-consultant. Most of my work was with 
>> > parishes and most of the participants were working folks who were able and 
>> > ready to follow the invitation to an event that started
>> > -Friday afternoon (about 3pm and could go to 7pm)
>> > -Saturday all day but not before 10 am so people could still do their 
>> > weekend shopping (the hours shops were open was much more regulated back 
>> > then, 1996, then today)
>> > -Sunday, sometimes in the morning but often in the afternoon so that 
>> > participants could attend worship services, get a lunch at the event at 
>> > about 12:30 and stay until 16:30, enough to do a thorough Action Planning.
>> > So, thats how a 16 hour event spread over 3 days became fairly common in 
>> > my first year (1996-1997) with 16 events in that year.
>> > There were shorter events (4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, a day and a half, 
>> > etc.) but it was very impressive to see how "16 hours spread over three 
>> > days, sleeping twice" differed from shorter designs, even from 16 hours 
>> > (same amount of time) spread over 2 days, sleeping once.
>> > (By the way, "16 hours spread over three days, sleeping twice"  has long 
>> > been the "formula" with the Future Search crowd).
>> > Later, when I worked with os all over, and also facilitated two full days 
>> > and a half I could not really find those additional hours in the morning 
>> > of the first day adding much to the os...half a day, a whole day and half 
>> > a day seemed to work just was also the only design where I 
>> > never heard anyone saying in the Closing Circle "we should have had more 
>> > time" or similar statements. These time related statements are always to 
>> > hear in shorter designs.
>> > I have never been in an event or facilitated one that went over more than 
>> > 3 days BUT I have heard of such events and as I remember folks involved in 
>> > them felt that the additional time had not been needed.
>> > This seems to be supported by remarks in Closing Circles where people 
>> > occasionally have said that now they are ready to go home and move on and 
>> > that the time was just right or that they didn't feel they could 
>> > continue..."happily exhausted", someone once said.
>> > I have read about longer os events in a brochure issued by the Peace Corps 
>> > that used os in their trainings quite a while back...would not be 
>> > surprised if they still do.
>> > The WOSonOS this year in Berlin employs a full 2,5 day design...and as far 
>> > as I know that has been its design regarding the length for many years. 
>> > The use of Action Planning in the last half day is now also being employed 
>> > every now and then but I think was not part of the early 
>> > will be part of the design in Berlin.
>> > I see you and another 10 folks from the USA are coming...great opportunity 
>> > to have a breakout session on that topic. Having a total of presently 126 
>> > people from 25 countries attending will definitely provide plenty of 
>> > diversity not to mention High Play, High Learning und no small amount of 
>> > Productivity and Fun!
>> > Here is the link for those of you wanting to see the updated information:
>> >>
>> >
>> > You are all invited to come!
>> > Greetings from springtime Berlin
>> > mmp
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > douglas germann schrieb:
>> >> Hi--
>> >> Where did the idea for 2 1/2 days come from? Why not 4 or 5 or 3?
>> >>                    :- Doug.
>> >> *
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>> > --
>> > Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
>> > Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
>> > ++49-30-772 8000
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 389 resident Open 
>> > Space Workers in 67 countries working in a total of 139 countries worldwide
>> > Have a look:
>> >
>> >
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Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009

Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009

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