Good idea Artur!

So, the invitation will be made in three language: English, Spanish & 
Portuguese, but the co-facilitation only in the two first.

It will be wonderful to have many Brazilians participants, always I was 
thinking of them but I wasn’t awareness of the language issue.

Thank you very much!

Juan Luis

PS: Of course I’m counting with you now for the Portuguese version. Could I?


De: OSLIST [] En nombre de Artur Silva
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010 16:59
Asunto: Re: [OSLIST] All roads take us to Santiago de Chile


Juan Luis:


I think your "7 principles to organize WOSonOS in Chile" are wonderful.


Biut, may I recall you that the biggest country of South America doesn't speak 


That's ok with the facilitation, as they can understand it in one language or 
the other. But in what concerns the Invitation, you may take care on how to 
include Brazilians too... 


Good luck


Abrazos ("Abraços" in Portuguese, "Hugs" in English)





From: JL Walker <>
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 5:36:07 PM
Subject: Re: [OSLIST] All roads take us to Santiago de Chile

Dear friends:

Seems that my heart doesn't give the wide to respond to so much generosity and 
welcome to the next WOSonOS in Chile (to not to say a single word to my 
difficulties with English).

So let’s go now to action, my intention from now on is that I will be 
periodically writing to you to the list, in the mode of presenting to you the 
state of the art about the ongoing processes of the co-creation of this great 
invitation for the WOSonOS IXX Chile 2011, integrating also the precious 
feedback that you are giving to me and that I pretend that you could 
continuously maintain.

For me leading this process in that way seems to be easier and for sure I will 
enjoy it while doing it. All is emerging right now!

Only seven brief things I want to precise to you by the moment that is 
predominating in my mind like the principle guidelines (or provocative 
propositions) so far:

First. The principal attributes of the next WOSonOS in Chile would be warmth, 
creativity and hospitality.

Second. Things will be keep simple. And with all that it has to be done will be 
done in the more pure Spirit of Open Space and WOSonOS traditions. 

Third. It will be a bilingual event, English & Spanish, and co-facilitated also 
in both languages.

Fourth. The Spirit of father Brian Bainbridge will be present. That means 
bringing the best of all the WOSonOS that precede and in which it would be very 
important an active participation of the Australian OST Community in the 
co-construction of the event for carrying forward all the passion and love of 
that precious man.  

Fifth. It will be the most biggest WOSonOS event at least in the quantity of 
countries that it will participate. By maintaining the habitual assistance of 
the northern countries it would be increased by the ones of the South, 
principally from my brothers of all Latin America.

Sixth. It will have all of the best IT support for making of it a real online 
event that makes possible also the participation of people that they couldn’t 
be present face to face on it. 

Seventh. It will also offer the most nice and cheaper tourist packages for 
visiting also the most beautiful and diverse places of this narrow and long 
wonderful country called Chile. 

And excuse me now but right now I'll begin to respond personally to every one 
of you that has wrote to me on this list, so you have to take patience with me. 

All the best,

Juan Luis Walker

Dr. Pedro Lautaro Ferrer 3381 Depto. 201

Providencia, Santiago, Chile.

Postal Code:  7511267

Personal email: 

Phone: 56-2-2691033

Mobile: 56-9-92220127

Skype: jlwalker54


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