Hi, Jennifer and others -

I offer a database for mutual use at my website - an international glossary of Open Space terms and phrases. I have to do a bit of fixing and adding as my website got hacked into some time ago and it messed with some of the different-alphabets-than- mine languages. There are also great recent contributions by Raffi (Armenian) and some of our other colleagues that I will soon be adding.

By the way, my observation is that the best people to translate Open Space terms and phrases are either native-speaker Open Space facilitators -or- professional translators who converse about it with Open Space folks -or- people with broad and diverse language vocabulary who spend thorough time with an Open Space person to understand the nuances of these concepts -or- poets.

The nuances of selecting amongst different word choices to carry meaning through culture and language (rather than literally translating the individual words) is in my experience, essential.

And there are regional differences as well. For example for Spanish it is sometimes useful to know which country you may be using the posters in - perhaps that is true for some other languages as well. I will illustrate this example by saying that one way to translate the 'Whoever comes...' guideline in Spanish is fine; however if you use that same Spanish translation in at least one Spanish-speaking country it has a sexual connotation, which had my colleague Joc Clark's meeting break into friendly laughter - a real 'ice-breaker' indeed...

The glossary is at:

This summer I will refresh my website and add some more resources for sharing...


 Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space

On May 24, 2010, at 3:10 AM, Jenifer Toksvig wrote:

Is there a database somewhere of the four principles and stuff in various languages? If there is, and if Danish isn’t in it yet, here they are:

Whoever comes is the right people – Hvemsomhelst kommer er de rigtig mennesker

Whatever happens is the only thing that could have – Hvadsomhelst sker er den eneste ting som kunne være sket

Whenever it starts is the right time – Hvornår det begynder er den rigtig tid

When it’s over, it’s over – Når det er færdigt, er det færdigt

The Law of Two Feet: if, during our time together... etc, as per page 95 of the book Loven om To Fødder: Hvis, mens vi er sammen, du befinde dig i nogen situation hvor du hverken lære eller bidrage, brug din to fødder og gå et andet sted mere produktiv.

Be prepared to be surprised – Være parat at bliver overrasked

Jenifer Toksvig

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