Am 24.05.2011 um 17:38 schrieb Harrison Owen:
So do we really need a 5th Principle? I don’t know. And for sure I
wouldn’t waste time convening a council of the wise to make the
determination. Personally, I am just stuck with it, as I was with
the preceding 4. Blinding Flashes of the obvious that I just
couldn’t avoid. Will than make sense to anybody else? Who knows?
Do we need a fifth principle ?
Do we need any principle ?
Do we need anything
while everything and all
is happening by itself
using and engaging
and empowering us
for the realization of all ?
Do we need principles ?
Do we need a law ?
Do we need to exclaim:
»be prepared to be surprised «
whilst we are surprised
of being prepared ?
One, or two or five
or countless principles,
beginning with »wh«
whoever, whatever, whenever,
when, or whereever
it is all within our experience
of the very one principle »why ?«
which is our neverending surprise
and the question
which never will be answered
as long as we are alive
as bumblebees and butterflies.
Florian Fischer
Münchener Straße 6
10779 Berlin
Fon (030) 2116752
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