Yaari-jan, thanks for this.

Indeed, some of the greatest resistance I ever experienced in proposing OST was 
with my local NVC community. There was so much concern about using OST you'd 
think the sky would fall if space was opened to practice NVC.

And after a long while, after experiencing several one day NVC practice events 
held in OST some  of the most skeptical folks came around and saw the practice 
of OST has its merits.

Now, mind you, they had their criticisms still-- they worried that the good 
practice of NVC was somehow threatened. After all, anyone could post a session, 
even someone with no experience of NVC.

On the matter of being NVC'ers not being peaceful and instead being dogmatic, 
etc.--- to be fair don't we have our share of not-quite-peaceful and a wee bit 
dogmatic in the open space community?  

I, for one, am guilty as charged!

much warmth from a seattle-like san diego,

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