Thanks Michelle, 
Happy New Year all!
TM primarily uses prepared speeches and table topics (impromptu speech) to 
promote public speaking skills.  In order to be certified at the first level 
(CC - Competent Communicator) one has to give 10 speeches (project) whereby 
each speech has a different objective e.g (1. ice breaker, 2. organize your 
speech, 3. get to the point, 5. your body speaks..) and the evaluation of each 
has a different checklist e.g. Evaluation to organise your speech would include:
Speech value -  interesting, meaningful
Preparation - research, rehearsal
Organization -  logical, clear
Opening - attention-getting, led into topic
Body - flowed smoothly
Conclusion - effective
Transitions - appropriate, helpful
The rigid format of TM means that each evaluator is given a checklist according 
to the CC guide, ie role in session, and speech they may be evaluating:
 A typical meeting agenda could be:

19:00 Get Together 
19:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks  
19:19 Toastmaster of the Evening Opening 
19:25 Table Topics (Impromptu Speech) 
19:36 Speaker 1: (Prepared Speech) 
19:43 Speaker 2: (Prepared Speech) 
19:51 Speaker 3: (Prepared Speech) 
19:59 Speaker 4: (Prepared Speech) 
20:10 Introduction of New Guests 
20:13 BREAK 
20:24 Evaluation – Table Topics  
20:30 Evaluation – For Speaker 1 
20:34 Evaluation – For Speaker 2 
20:38 Evaluation – For Speaker 3 
20:42 Evaluation – For Speaker 4 
20:46 Time Keeper Report 
20:49 Ah Counter Report 
20:52 Language Evaluation 
20:56 General Evaluation 
21:05 Voting 
21:08 Closing Remarks and Announcement 

As far as previous OS sessions are concerned, the agenda would be approximately:

19:00- Opening Cirle, the theme, the principles, the law,
Creating the agenda 
19:30- First round of group discussion 
20:00- Second round of group discussion 
20:30-21:00 Closing Circle 

I was considering to change the format slightly:

19:10-19:30 Opening welcome by TM, introducing the changes in this "joined up" 
Opening Cirle, the theme, the principles, the law, Creating the agenda 
19:30- First round of group discussion 
20:00- Second round of group discussion 
20:50-21:00 Convenor / Group discussion "report-back"Closing Circle / Remarks 

The time for the group discussions may need to be reduced accordingly and I was 
thinking the thinking the closing circle may be changed to focus on a 
report-back format.  The report back may be from the group convenor or just 
anyone who attended the group.  As for voting maybe just a show or hands, use 
of sticky dots to vote on topic, and present 'prize' to topic convenor?  TM 
usually present ribbons to the best speaker, table topic speech... at the end 
of each session. 

As for theme, probably somewhere along the lines: "How can we best become 
competent leaders?  What are the issues and how can they be best addressed?"




From: Michele Frankel <>
To: Tim Lam <>; World wide Open Space Technology email list 
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [OSList] Openspace and Toastmasters - A Taster

No suggestions, but I would love to attend.

On second thoughts , I have one suggestion , a far more detailed ckeck list to 
consult with , for evaluation.

Best wishes for the New Year.


On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Tim Lam <> wrote:

Warm wishes to all and the best of health this festive season!
>As a distant spacer and located within the corporate (no names mentioned) 
>world, we recently ran a 2 hour OS taster, faciliated by our dear friend Mark 
>Pixley (Thanks again Mark!).  It was really well received and the feedback 
>extremely positive given the 'short' time period and the session being held 
>after normal office hours.
>It is great to see more discussions and fantastic advice on 'mini-sessions', 
>however I am planning to run a joint session with a Toastmasters (TM) club!  
>Without going into too much details about the TM 'philosophy' and hopefully 
>not to offend any TM'ers.  TM aims to improve speaking and leadership skills 
>by running 'speech projects' which are timed and evaluated.
>What are ones thoughts on how a balance can be made between the 'chaos' of OS 
>and the 'rigidity' of TM?
>Although the session may not be run for a few months (their time is booked for 
>the next two) I thought it may be interesting to see ones points of view.  The 
>main question is still brewing but I'm thinking about a 'Leadership', as TM 
>run 'Competent Communication' and 'Competent Leadership' certifications.  Any 
>suggestions for 'the' question?
>Good Health !
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