Daer OS list.

I`m going in to a process in the Church of Norway. I`we done some pre-work to 
look at the situation, using the medicine wheel. The 17 th of june we will have 
a pre-work for 5 hours to plan the OS meeting, where, when, theme, who to 
invite and so on.

Now I´we been aware of a conflict situation, that have made some people draw 
back from being active in the church. This is still going on, and it involves 
the leader that hired me.      I´ve been told from here earlier that she is 
having a conflict, but we haven't talked formally about it according to this OS 
- planning.
Yesterday someone else, that I told about this OS  process was really inspired, 
and wanted to join in - but then said it might be difficult because of this 
conflict situation.

This is the church in five municipalities that have merges to one organization, 
one and a half year ago. Now they experience some «noise» in the organization. 
Not everyone are happy, information does not flow good enough and there is an 
issue about responsibility.

I know that there have been conflicts in other of these churches as well a few 
years ago. There might still be wounds that are not healed because both of them 
ended kind of dramatically. I did some work with them earlier, and than some of 
this came up, so I have a feeling its still there.

In the church of Norway we have one democratic leaderstructure parallel with 
the pastorale structure, so there are both a priest with responsibility for the 
pastorale work, a lay leader with responsibility for employment, economy, 
buildings and so on, quite involved with the total work in the church. There 
are also board of selected people with a certain responsibility, so the 
leaderstructure is quite complicated. I´we been preparing this job with the 
group of three leaders, the priest in charge, the lay leader, and the selected 

I´m going to use the circle of sorrow in the pre work. There might come up that 
there are conflicts, sorrow and anger. But it might be quite different things, 
from different areas. 

I ask myself questions like
How much and how should I focus on this in the pre- work. What should I not do 
How do I know if we should plan the OS meeting, or if there are other things to 
do first?
And if there are things to do first - what tools will be useful and suitable?

I´m asking for advices, tools, things to be aware of in this situation up 
front, and during the work. I think this is very important, and I find it 
difficult and challenging.

Grateful for some help.

All the best from
Hege in a sunny Norway
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