Thank you Eva.
I have planned to use storyline. I´m curios how you wold suggest to do the part 
with seeing how to go on. Would you just have a conversation there and than, or 
do you have other suggestions?

I´m not familiar with "Deep essence". Tell me some more? 

Hege :-)

30. mai 2013 kl. 19:31 skrev Eva P Svensson <>:

> Hi Hege,
> I would suggest that you also do the storyline in the prep-meeting - by doing 
> so you invite the possibilities that "what ever happen" that causes the 
> conflict will come up and from there you and the group can talk about it, 
> name it, invite it to see how to go on.
> All the best and greetings from a sunny Sweden as well
> :o)
> Eva
> P.S And maybe do the "deep essence" to see what behaviors and actions 
> occur's..
> Bästa hälsningar
> Eva P Svensson
> EPS Human Invest AB
> Co owner Genuine Contact Group Inc
> Medlem i Beyond Performance Group
> "Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående företag 
> och organisationer"
> Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA
> Besöksadress; Norra Allégatan 8, Göteborg
> Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil; 0706- 89 85 50
> Skype: eva.p.svensson
> Facebook sida: EPS Human Invest AB
> twitter:@EvaPSvensson
> "Jag kan inte lära dig något. Allt jag kan göra är att ställa frågor till 
> dig, och låta dig själv finna svaren." Sokrates
> 30 maj 2013 kl. 09.38 skrev Hege Steinsland:
>> Daer OS list.
>> I`m going in to a process in the Church of Norway. I`we done some pre-work 
>> to look at the situation, using the medicine wheel. The 17 th of june we 
>> will have a pre-work for 5 hours to plan the OS meeting, where, when, theme, 
>> who to invite and so on.
>> Now I´we been aware of a conflict situation, that have made some people draw 
>> back from being active in the church. This is still going on, and it 
>> involves the leader that hired me.      I´ve been told from here earlier 
>> that she is having a conflict, but we haven't talked formally about it 
>> according to this OS - planning.
>> Yesterday someone else, that I told about this OS  process was really 
>> inspired, and wanted to join in - but then said it might be difficult 
>> because of this conflict situation.
>> This is the church in five municipalities that have merges to one 
>> organization, one and a half year ago. Now they experience some «noise» in 
>> the organization. Not everyone are happy, information does not flow good 
>> enough and there is an issue about responsibility.
>> I know that there have been conflicts in other of these churches as well a 
>> few years ago. There might still be wounds that are not healed because both 
>> of them ended kind of dramatically. I did some work with them earlier, and 
>> than some of this came up, so I have a feeling its still there.
>> In the church of Norway we have one democratic leaderstructure parallel with 
>> the pastorale structure, so there are both a priest with responsibility for 
>> the pastorale work, a lay leader with responsibility for employment, 
>> economy, buildings and so on, quite involved with the total work in the 
>> church. There are also board of selected people with a certain 
>> responsibility, so the leaderstructure is quite complicated. I´we been 
>> preparing this job with the group of three leaders, the priest in charge, 
>> the lay leader, and the selected leader.
>> I´m going to use the circle of sorrow in the pre work. There might come up 
>> that there are conflicts, sorrow and anger. But it might be quite different 
>> things, from different areas. 
>> I ask myself questions like
>> How much and how should I focus on this in the pre- work. What should I not 
>> do here?
>> How do I know if we should plan the OS meeting, or if there are other things 
>> to do first?
>> And if there are things to do first - what tools will be useful and suitable?
>> I´m asking for advices, tools, things to be aware of in this situation up 
>> front, and during the work. I think this is very important, and I find it 
>> difficult and challenging.
>> Grateful for some help.
>> All the best from
>> Hege in a sunny Norway
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