Así es Juan Luis. Y bien por Patricio que recibe el apoyo de esta comunidad para su tesis.
Un abrazo

El 30-05-2013 9:24, JL Walker escribió:
Buena Jorge, eso se llama una respuesta sincrónica.

-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Jorge Amigo
Enviado el: jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013 9:18
Para: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Asunto: Re: [OSList] Ayuda para OST. Open Space help please

Estimado Patricio
Veo que vives o estás en Chile, así que te ofrezco tener una reunión para
compartirte mi experiencia con Espacio Abierto y reflexionar juntos sobre el
tema de tu tesis.
Un abrazo
Jorge Amigo
celular: 96192161

El 30-05-2013 8:20, Patricio Bastian escribió:
thanks for the input.

Greetings from Chile,

Patrick Bastian

-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Kári
Gunnarsson Enviado el: jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013 8:12
Para: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Asunto: Re: [OSList] Ayuda para OST. Open Space help please

I recommend reading these books and literature see links:


with love from Iceland

On 30 May 2013 02:11, Kári Gunnarsson <> wrote:
I have a small advise.

When you do an open space, be sure to do the invitation like Owens
literature suggest, or otherwise you will not have the open space
technology for your study. Personally I am hung up on the five
preconditions of the reality, complexity, divers viewpoints, hot
opinions and urgency of the business issue that you include in your
invitation letter. now days I always ask my clients to convince me on
these preconditions in the contracting talks. I also like to map out
that the client's team has the full authority (formal and informal)
within the system to open this issue. My findings have been that lack
of these conditions make any technology fail to reach our desired
goal, but it will always have some effect. I always suggest the
alternative if we do not have the preconditions, that is to have a
boring and sleep giving power point show as this will have little
effect other then back pain of the audience as they sleep in strange
positions, (as save as it can be, he he). But I would not like my
name to be part of such events for I don't like pack pain.

When I was a kid I always liked to lay in the grass or under the
tables (best to combine both) if I need to sleep in a large gathering.
Thinking abut it now, I would probably still like to rest in these
places, listening in on the conversations as I face out into the
dream word.

With love from Iceland

On 29 May 2013 21:42, Patricio Bastian <>

I send warm greetings and introduce myself as a student preparing
her doctoral thesis entitled: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of
OPEN SPACE and Producing Technical Organizational Change -
Application IP compared in Central Valley Business Group Nomade.

I made good progress on my dissertation.

You could review the approach of my thesis. Especially on their
effectiveness as organizational change. Hopefully some document that
explains this.

I appreciate the courtesy.

My thesis is described thus:

Problem Formulation

The general question asks whether the Open Space is an effective
technique to produce sustainable organizational change and if it is
superior to other organizational intervention techniques, which are
based on smaller groups and a highly structured setting with a view
of the objectives. This question can generally be divided into the
following questions:
. Are individuals able to self-organize when subjected to an
unstructured context?
. Open Space Is capable of producing organizational responses that
the Organization needs?
. Do organizational change (to have occurred) sustainable over time?
. Do on these indicators than traditional techniques in terms of
efficiency and effectiveness?

Research Objectives

General Purpose

Evaluate the effectiveness of the technique of Open Space,
representing intervention techniques in large groups, to produce an
organizational change that accounts for internal and external demands of
the Organization.
Specific Objectives

. Analyze the operation of the Open Space and organizational skill.
. Measure and analyze the impact that technology has on the
. Compare the Open Space with other organizational intervention
. Contribute empirical and theoretical analysis of intervention
techniques in large groups.

Of course, I appreciate your comments to the discussion in my thesis.
Your input is a valuable aid.

Thank you, thank you very much.


Patricio Bastian Duarte

Note: My native language is Spanish. Please excuse typos

In Spanish language


Les envío un cordial saludo y me presento como estudiante preparando
su tesis doctoral, cuyo título es: Evaluación de la Efectividad  del
OPEN SPACE como Técnica para Producir Cambio Organizacional -
Aplicación comparada en IP Valle Central y Grupo de Empresas Nomade.

He avanzado bastante en mi tesis doctoral.

Usted podría opinar sobre el planteamiento de mi tesis.
Especialmente sobre su efectividad como cambio organizacional. Ojala
algún documento que explique este tema.

Agradezco la deferencia.

Mi tesis se describe así:

Formulación del Problema

La pregunta general busca saber si el Open Space es una técnica
efectiva para producir cambio organizacional sostenible y si es
superior a otras técnicas de intervención organizacional, que se
basan en grupos más pequeños y en un setting altamente estructurado en
la perspectiva de los objetivos.
Esta pregunta general, puede ser dividida en las siguientes preguntas:

·        ¿Son los individuos capaces de auto-organizarse al ser
sometidos a
un contexto desestructurado?

·        ¿Es el Open Space capaz de producir las respuestas
que la Organización necesita?

·        ¿Es el cambio organizacional (de haberse producido) sostenible
el tiempo?

·        ¿Es en dichos indicadores superior a otras técnicas
en términos de eficiencia y efectividad?

Objetivos de la Investigación

Objetivo General

Evaluar la efectividad de la técnica del Open Space, como
representante de las técnicas de intervención en grandes grupos,
para producir un cambio organizacional que dé cuenta de las demandas
internas y externas de la Organización.

Objetivos Específicos

·        Analizar el funcionamiento del Open Space como técnica

·        Medir y analizar el impacto que la técnica produce sobre la

·        Comparar el Open Space con otra técnica de intervención

·        Contribuir empírica y teóricamente al análisis de las técnicas
intervención en grandes grupos.

Desde ya, agradezco sus comentarios a lo expuesto en mi tesis. Sus
aportes son de valiosa ayuda.

Gracias, muchas gracias.


Patricio Bastian Duarte

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