
I am greatly enjoying conversations with OST people about Open Agile Adoption (with Open Space) and how it represents a big opportunity as an "entry point" for OST in organizations. Some of the fine folks I've talked to are expressing interest in getting OST going throughput large enterprises throughout the world...without actually articulating a specific strategy with steps to actually facilitate this.

As Harrison points out in Wave Rider, "high performance" seems to sell OK, certainly much better than a narrative about the self-organizing reality we live in, and how tapping into that might actually help. What sells even less well is anything to do with "play". Play is somewhat of a censored term in the business world. How can we do work if we are playing? Etc.

My current belief is that Agile adoptions represent a big, wide opening for getting the ball rolling. "Step 1" if you will. If we can be successful with Open Space in the Agile-adoption space, we probably have a legitimate shot at the wider enterprise. If not? ....

Some thoughts on the dynamics, and a likely (although by no means assured) path to success are summarized together, in this essay:

Why Open Agile Adoption Matters Now
An inviting workplace connects us to the work... and each other. People all over the world are signaling that they are no longer willing to tolerate an uninviting workplace. Creating an inviting workplace is a /game/. The best move now is to exploit any available entry points. Where are these opening located?**A perfect and readily available entry point is the now-mainstream adoption of Agile software development methods. The perfect tool for cracking open the world of work is Open Space. By using Open Space meetings inside mainstream Agile adoptions, we can crack it wide open.


Daniel Mezick, President

New Technology Solutions Inc.

(203) 915 7248 (cell)

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