Dan : What brings you there?

2013/10/27 Daniel Mezick <d...@newtechusa.net>

>  Hi Andriana,
> I am driving to Quebec on 11/5. I am driving right through Drummondville
> along my route. Yes, I believe I can arrive in Drummondville around
> 430PM-500PM. I'm posting travel-plan details in the thread I started about
> the trip...
> On 10/27/13 7:33 PM, Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring wrote:
>  Dan: TO bad that monday is not a good day for me to attend that I am
> working all day long.
>  I would like to know when are you comming to Quebec and if your are going
> to Drummondville.
>  Adriana
> 2013/10/27 Daniel Mezick <d...@newtechusa.net>
>>  Greetings Friends,
>> "... The old ways are passing, and the new ones are yet to arrive. We are
>> in the Open Space between what was and what might become."
>> -Prologue to SPIRIT book
>> This is a gentle reminder that the next call in the "Agile for OST
>> Facilitators" series is Monday October 28 2013 7PM EST, which is
>> tomorrow.
>> This is a call for OST folks new to "Agile software development" who want
>> to know how and why to connect OST with "Agile adoptions."
>> All the details are listed below, including the history of these calls so
>> far. You are hereby invited to participate!
>> 10/28 Conference call link:
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/OGJUMYQ0FRQ67ZR
>> For typical organizations looking to improve, Agile is a very large
>> process & culture change. Agile is typically implemented as a mandate,
>> complete with prescribed practices. This very standard approach of
>> introducing and then mandating Agile practices is over 13 years old and is
>> not getting fantastic results. If it was, we would be able to point
>> thousands of stories about lasting success with Agile.
>> Open Agile Adoption is a new approach for Agile adoption. It's focused on
>> people, then practices.  It replaces the mandate with an invitation. It
>> incorporates Open Space, leadership storytelling, passage rites and more,
>> in service to better Agile adoptions. You can learn more at
>> www.OpenAgileAdoption.com
>> The agenda for the call on 10/28 is to answer the questions listed below.
>> The call is limited to just 25 persons, so please note that your
>> registration is an explicit commitment to attend.
>> If you plan to participate on the call, you might want to examine these
>> links first:
>> Open Agile Adoption
>> http://newtechusa.net/agile/deviation/
>> www.OpenAgileAdoption.com
>> Agile values/principles
>> http://agilemanifesto.org/
>> http://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html
>> Agile pratices- all too often, mandated
>> https://www.scrum.org/Scrum-Guides
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_%28development%29
>> 10/28 Conference call link:
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/OGJUMYQ0FRQ67ZR
>> You might be surprised at just how prepared most teams are....
>>  [image:
>> http://newtechusa.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/OpenSpace01.jpg]
>> ...for a little open space
>> On 10/19/13 10:20 AM, Daniel Mezick wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> You are cordially invited to participate in the next "Agile for OST
>> Facilitators" call! We had 17 folks on Call#1 (see below)
>> The idea is it answer questions about Agile adoptions so that OST folks
>> can more fully understand the Open Agile Adoption (with Open Space)
>> technique.
>> The call is limited to just 25 persons, so please note that your
>> registration is an explicit commitment to attend.
>>  =======================================================
>> Call #2: Agile for OST Facilitators Date: Monday October 28 2013 7PM EST
>> =======================================================
>>  Purpose of Call: Orient OST folks on Agile adoptions, and discuss using
>> OST in Agile Adoptions, including discussion of specific challenges and
>> opportunities.
>> You can register here...
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/OGJUMYQ0FRQ67ZR
>>  I hope to talk to you on the call!
>> Kind Regards,
>> Dan
>> www.OpenAgileAdoption.com
>> 203 915 7248
>> www.DanielMezick.com
>> =========================
>> =========================
>> Call #2:
>> Agile for OST Facilitators
>> Date:
>> Monday October 28 2013 7PM EST
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/OGJUMYQ0FRQ67ZR
>> Agenda: One Hour Call #2:
>> 0/ Quick Review: (05 mins)
>> 1/ Answer questions generated from Call#1 (25 mins)
>> 2/ Dialogue/New Questions (25 mins)
>> 3/ Deconvene/Summary (05 mins)
>> =========================
>>  Recap of Call#1 on 10/05/2013:
>>  1.    On Call#1, I suggested that the participants (new and existing)
>> send questions with the text "[AgileOST]" in the subject line, so I can
>> collect, list and answer your questions on the next call.
>> 2.    We ended the Call#1 with a suggestion that every one participating
>> examine these docs:
>> www.agilemanifesto.org
>> http://www.agilemanifesto.org/principles.html
>> https://www.scrum.org/Scrum-Guides
>> =================================
>> CALL #2 Details
>> =================================
>> Questions that have come in from Call#1 are listed below.
>> There are many interesting questions.
>> I plan to answer them on the next call on 10/28.
>> Senders of questions are not listed in the data.
>> I disclose these questions so you can see what is happening, and decide
>> if you want to opt-in to the call.
>> The questions form the rough agenda; there will be a brief review at the
>> start.
>> You can use Call#2 as your entry point; there is no requirement to have
>> been on Call #1 to participate in Call#2.
>> If you are new to the topic, consider examining the links Agile-related
>> links (above) to get oriented before the call.
>> Q. About Open Agile Adoption:
>> If the facilitator for the 1st OS is external to the organization
>> (neutral as oppose to an on-going 'coach'), why can that person not also
>> facilitate the 2nd OS? ...granted that it is also a good idea to pass on
>> the learning of opening space to someone internal if they can play
>> comfortably that neutral role among their peers.
>> Q. the question I have is about roles.  reading the scrum.org site, i
>> see different trainings for different roles.  it would be helpful to get a
>> sort of program, cuz i can't tell the players without a program.  there are
>> a bunch of folks sitting at computers, writing code, cobbling code, etc.
>>  there's some project owner.  there are users.  and some others in between.
>>  would help to know something about sizes of groups, training required for
>> different roles, languages used, and these sorts of details.
>>    I   Q.  I struggle with the notion that “agile has become *mainstream*,
>> while at the same time has a “85% failure” rate  - on the face of it this
>> seems like folly - why would any company want to adopt agile with such a
>> poor track record?
>>  ·        Q. In the case of OAA where there has already been an attempt
>> to adopt agile (rescuing an adoptation), training in agile (scrum etc) will
>> already have taken place, but in the case where a unit goes straight into
>> agile via OAA (straight adaptation), when does the training take place?
>> Before the first Open Space, or between the two OS event (as part of
>> liminality)?
>>  ·         Q. I was a little perplexed by the comment you made on OSList
>> about there being more ways to fail with Open Space in agile adoptions than
>> to succeed, this seems to put OST on a danger list.  Put differently, it
>> seemed to suggest that there is just one right way to run OST to be
>> successful while there are many wrong ways – what is not clear to me is
>> what is that right way?
>>  ·         Q. In our last teleconference you talked of “proceedings”,
>> but it was not clear to me what you meant by that (OS proceedings, agile
>> proceedings, other)?
>>  ·         Q. At the last teleconference we also established that the
>> follow up after the first OST event is critical for success – but how will
>> the follow through be run, and more importantly who will be responsible for
>> this follow up?  (If it is the OST facilitator then I would have doubts as
>> to whether OST facilitators who are not also agile experts are really
>> suitable for OAA.)
>>  ·       Q. If agile adoptions fail because they are mandated by senior
>> management, and if we manage to turn this around with your suggested OAA
>> approach using OST, this will surely also involve a certain degree of
>> transformation within senior management ranks (indeed it may lead to a new
>> kind of resistance at the top).  This in turn could lead to a negative
>> perception of OST itself.  Would you like to comment?
>>  o   I say this because I see a parallel problem in lean adoptions which
>> also often don’t bring about expected results.  In lean this may partly be
>> due to mandating, but more often to either treating lean purely as a
>> technical tool (rather than a whole system) without the equivalent Japanese
>> attention to empowering the humans behind the system, or to very poor
>> support and commitment to lean from senior management.  This leads to lean
>> being run more like an add-on application rather than a whole new operating
>> system.
>> On 10/13/13 10:00 PM, Daniel Mezick wrote:
>> Friendly (last) Reminder regarding the call tomorrow, 7PM EST:
>> "Agile for Open Space Facilitators".
>> There is a minimum of 20 minutes for questions...probably more.
>> Hope you can make it!
>> Dan
>> This is an invitation to signal interest in learning more about how Open
>> Space can help Agile adoptions, and
>>    - learn about the structure of the Agile industry, and
>>    - learn about the dynamics of the current Agile adoption situation,
>>    and
>>    - learn how Open Space can play in the Agile Space, and
>>    - learn more about Open Agile Adoption
>> There will be no marketing of anything whatsoever on this call. The
>> intent is to offer a gift, to folks here who are skilled in OST, folks who
>> may not have a programming/IT/software/Agile background.
>> The date and time for the proposes conference call is:
>> Monday, October 14 at 7PM EST
>> Here is a starting agenda:
>> 1/ What is Agile? What is Agile coaching?
>> 2/ What are some of the special problems with Agile coaching and Agile
>> adoptions?
>> 3/ How can Open Space help?
>> 4/ Can Open Space facilitators can be Agile coaches? Is this really
>> possible? If so, what extra stuff do they need to know?
>> 5/ What is Open Agile Adoption, and why do I care?
>> 6/ What next steps can I take to learn more about the Agile opportunity?
>> ======================================================
>> Event name and Topic:
>> "Agile for Open Space Facilitators"
>> Date: 10/14 (Monday)
>> Time: 7PM EST
>> Duration: 1 hour
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/H5KPHZNVZ5PSJ7XQ
>> Agenda:
>> Welcome OST Facilitators!
>> This is an overview of Agile and Agile adoption practices for Open Space
>> Facilitators who are new to Agile, new to Agile adoptions and new to Agile
>> coaching. The purpose of the call is orient skilled Open Space facilitators
>> so that they can understand the dynamics of Agile adoptions and prepare to
>> facilitate Open Space meetings during Agile adoptions as described at
>> www.OpenAgileAdoption.com and the OSLIST
>> Schedule:
>> Minutes, Topic
>> 05, Intro
>> 15, Basic Agile ideas
>> 15, Agile Adoptions (see detail above)
>> 20, Questions and dialogue
>> 05, Summary and conclusion
>> ======================================================
>> On 10/11/13 11:14 AM, Daniel Mezick wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Monday 10/14 is the day when you can hop on an interesting, 1-hour,
>> educational conference call:
>> "Agile for Open Space Facilitators"
>> I promise it will be an excellent use of your time!
>> We will cover Agile as it pertains the use of Open Space in Agile
>> adoptions.
>> Here is the registration link and related for the call on Monday. Signup
>> is very simple! I hope to see you there!
>> NOTE: The call is limited to 25 participants, so PLEASE register only if
>> you intend to be on the call. Thanks!
>> You can reach me as follows:
>> @DanMezick on Twitter
>> 203 915 7248
>> d...@newtechusa.net
>> Note:
>> You may wish to browse www.OpenAgileAdoption.com in advance of this call.
>> ======================================================
>> Event name and Topic:
>> "Agile for Open Space Facilitators"
>> Date: 10/14 (Monday)
>> Time: 7PM EST
>> Duration: 1 hour
>> Registration Link:
>> http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/H5KPHZNVZ5PSJ7XQ
>> Agenda:
>> Welcome OST Facilitators!
>> This is an overview of Agile and Agile adoption practices for Open Space
>> Facilitators who are new to Agile, new to Agile adoptions and new to Agile
>> coaching. The purpose of the call is orient skilled Open Space facilitators
>> so that they can understand the dynamics of Agile adoptions and prepare to
>> facilitate Open Space meetings during Agile adoptions as described at
>> www.OpenAgileAdoption.com and the OSLIST
>> Schedule:
>> Minutes, Topic
>> 05, Intro
>> 15, Basic Agile ideas
>> 15, Agile Adoptions (see detail below)
>> 20, Questions and dialogue
>> 05, Summary and conclusion
>> ======================================================
>> I hope to see you there!
>> Kind Regards,
>> Dan
>> On 9/21/13 12:44 PM, Tricia Chirumbole wrote:
>>  Count me in Dan!
>> Thanks for all of your efforts and energy in encouraging this exciting
>> melding of practices and communities.
>> Just became a Certified Scrum Master this week! :) woof! And launched my
>> new practice that is OST + Scrum/Agile: Mojo Collaborative!
>> Best Wishes in Paris Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Donna Read <
>> donna.r...@managing4wellness.org> wrote:
>>>  Hi, Dan, I, too, would be interested.  Thanks for doing this.  Best,
>>> Donna
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 21, 2013, at 9:24, kath...@energyatplay.com wrote:
>>>   Hello Dan,
>>> I'm interested in your offering. I'm just starting up an online learning
>>> community at Microsoft that is about Adopting Agile for Content Developers.
>>> Kathryn Elliott
>>> On 2013-09-19 10:59, Daniel Mezick wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> This is an invitation to signal interest in learning more about how Open
>>> Space can help Agile adoptions, and
>>>    - learn about the structure of the Agile industry, and
>>>    - learn about the dynamics of the current Agile adoption situation,
>>>    and
>>>    - learn how Open Space can play in the Agile Space, and
>>>    - learn more about Open Agile Adoption
>>> There will be no marketing of anything whatsoever on this call. The
>>> intent is to offer a gift, to folks here who are skilled in OST, folks who
>>> may not have a programming/IT/software/Agile background.
>>> If there is enough interest from the OST community, I am ready, willing
>>> and able to arrange and conduct a short, structured phone conference to
>>> address these topics and facilitate some lively dialogue and Q&A around
>>> these topics.
>>> The date and time for the proposes conference call is:
>>> Monday, October 14 at 7PM EST
>>> Here is a starting agenda:
>>> 1/ What is Agile? What is Agile coaching?
>>> 2/ What are some of the special problems with Agile coaching and Agile
>>> adoptions?
>>> 3/ How can Open Space help?
>>> 4/ Can Open Space facilitators can be Agile coaches? Is this really
>>> possible? If so, what extra stuff do they need to know?
>>> 5/ What is Open Agile Adoption, and why do I care?
>>> 6/ What next steps can I take to learn more about the Agile opportunity?
>>> To signal interest:
>>> 7/ Please add a brief note of interest to this thread, by replying to it
>>> 8/ Send me an email (d...@newtechusa.net} with "OAA 10/14" in the
>>> message subject
>>> You can visit www.OpenAgileAdoption.com if you want to investigate
>>> these topics a bit more in advance of responding.
>>> You are invited to signal interest! Based on your feedback, I will know
>>> exactly what to do.
>>> Will you reply by Monday 10/7, or sooner?
>>> Thank you and
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Dan
>>> --
>>> Daniel Mezick, President
>>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>>> (203) 915 7248 <%28203%29%20915%207248> (cell)
>>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
>>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>>> Agile Manager.
>>> Explore Agile Team 
>>> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
>>> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>>> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>>> Community.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
>>> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>>>  _______________________________________________
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> --
>> Tricia Chirumbole
>> US: +1-571-232-0942
>> Skype: tricia.chirumbole
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
>> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 <%28203%29%20915%207248> (cell)
>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team 
>> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
>> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>> Community.
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
>> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 <%28203%29%20915%207248> (cell)
>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team 
>> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
>> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>> Community.
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
>> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 <%28203%29%20915%207248> (cell)
>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team 
>> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
>> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>> Community.
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
>> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick, President
>> New Technology Solutions Inc.
>> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
>> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
>> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
>> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the
>> Agile Manager.
>> Explore Agile Team 
>> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
>> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
>> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
>> Community.
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSList mailing list
>> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> --
> Adriana Díaz-Berrio Ph.D. CRHA
> (514) 739 2268
> www.diazberrio.com
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> --
> Daniel Mezick, President
> New Technology Solutions Inc.
> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
> Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog<http://newtechusa.net/blog/>.
> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.
> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
> <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the Agile
> Manager.
> Explore Agile Team 
> Training<http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/>and
> Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>
> Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>
> Community.
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org


Adriana Díaz-Berrio Ph.D. CRHA
(514) 739 2268
OSList mailing list
To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
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