Many thanks Chris,


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:29 PM, <> wrote:

> This might be a good place mfor me to offer again my free little e-book
> called The Tao of Holding Space, which is a rewriting of the Tao Teh Ching
> focussed on just these kinds of questions:
> Enjoy!
> Chris
> On Apr 22, 2014, at 12:05 PM, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
> June - "The focus of being present can at times be so exhausting!  Finding
> a balance is so important but in our fast paced, ever present technology
> world, I struggle with this."
> June, I think you have just put your finger on the nub of the issue: "I
> struggle with this." If my own experience is any guide, becoming present is
> inversely related to the struggle thereof. In a word, I think you are
> working much too hard. Everybody will find their own way, but I find that
> when my sense of presence slips away, the antidote is quite simply, STOP!
> Close your eyes and breath slowly until the sensation of your flowing
> breath, in and out, simply washes all the trivia away.
> I understand this can be difficult in the midst of total chaos (a
> classroom, for example), but it is possible. And that possibility is
> enhanced if at some other time (before or after) you take a longer time to
> gently and freely do the same thing. It's called practice. If you do that
> on some regular basis, I think you will find that when the  roof falls in
> and everything else seems in shambles... even then it is totally possible
> to restore you sense of center. It may only be an instant as the clock
> would measure it, but it is not about how long, but how deeply. Try it.
> Works for me.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> (Personal Website)
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> *From:* [
> ] *On Behalf Of *June
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 22, 2014 2:11 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Cc:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Being present & presence
> Thank you to Harrison & David for this conversation that has peaked my
> attention.  Being present and having presence is key!   This does not
> relate specifically to OST but to my work in post-secondary.  Successful
> and effective teachers are present and have presence; how do we all get
> there and stay there 100% of the time?!  And how can I help the students to
> be present when they are pulled in many directions as education asks so
> much of them?
> The focus of being present can at times be so exhausting!  Finding a
> balance is so important but in our fast paced, ever present technology
> world, I struggle with this.
> As a beginner in OST I will be mindful of being present & having presence.
> June
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
> Sent from my iPad
> On 2014-04-22, at 9:30, "Harrison Owen" <> wrote:
> David said: "I'm curious about your hunch about why being totally present
> makes a difference."
> And David, I am curious about your use of the word "hunch." Truth to tell,
> the power of Presence for the facilitator is one of the few things that I
> am totally certain of when it come to the facilitator's effective role in
> Open Space. When the facilitator is really (totally) present, just about
> everything else that the facilitator may or may not do or say don't make
> that much difference.
> And what, you might ask, is Presence? Doubtless there are a many answers
> as there are folks who think or talk about it, but for me it goes something
> like this...
> I think we all know when we are not present - neatly caught in the phrase,
> "Here but not all there." You know the syndrome. The present moment becomes
> virtually invisible, drowned in a fog of "might have beens," "could have
> beens," "ought to have beens." We are so worried and/or involved in the
> past and the future that NOW is just about eliminated. No space.
> At a practical level, this renders us virtually blind. And even with our
> best efforts, we find ourselves responding to just about everything except
> what is immediately in front of us. Such a condition is not conducive to
>  effective behavior under any circumstance, but in the unique situation of
> a facilitator in Open Space, I find it just takes you right out of the game.
> Genuine Presence is a wonderful thing, not only for the person who
> achieves it, but also (and maybe equally) for anybody in the neighborhood.
> With presence comes deep awareness of our surroundings at all
> levels...mental, physical, spiritual. This is rich fare for whoever
> experiences it, but that richness is shared. I don't like the image very
> much, but real presence is like a vacuum cleaner... drawing in,
> appreciating, becoming a deep witness of what transpires. The effects of
> this can be multiple, but for people in the presence of a Real Presence the
> experience is one of radical appreciation, acceptance... we might say love.
> The image of the vacuum cleaner is really awkward, but it does capture my
> experience that Presence initiates a vacuum which creates massive space,
> available for the growth of the people in their power. And in Open Space
> that is my purpose, my job as facilitator. I think.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> (Personal Website)
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> OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* [
> ] *On Behalf Of *David Osborne
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 22, 2014 9:08 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Open Space and Boundaries
> Harrison,
> Thanks for your response to this. I was this seemed to be
> the obvious question to me. Your answer as always brings up deep complex
> issues in a rather straight forward manner.
> My experience beyond OS is that people (myself included) get stuck in
> patterns where they do not embrace their full power. I love the purpose you
> describe: *"* *My purpose is to create an environment in which the people
> can experience their own power to the maximum and do things they never
> thought possible."  *or your
> Outside of open space I find myself constantly at this boundary of doing
> some to bring people to the edge of leaping into the space of their own
> power and capability. Sometimes they leap, other times they don't. Your
> message here has been a helpful reminder and a clearer frame of the
> boundary.
> There is also another subtlety buried in your reply. Your described doing
> the above by " *being totally present yet absolutely invisible". * I'm
> curious about your hunch about why being totally present makes a difference.
> Many thanks,
> David
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Harrison Owen <>
> wrote:
> David said -- "So I should do nothing........right?  or is my passion and
> caring to do a little bit ok?"
> David, I suspect something of a joke, but I think your question is
> important. At least it has always been important to me. Some long time ago,
> I recognized that if I empower you, you are in my power. And by the same
> token, whatever I do for you, you cannot, or do not need to do for
> yourself. It is true that some of us (most of us?) like to do things for
> each other, and I think that is wonderful. When somebody puts on a
> specially elegant party with close attention to every detail of guest
> comfort - that can be a thing of beauty. And if the martinis live up to the
> standards of everything else, I am all in! J
> But it remains true, I think, that if I empower you, you are in my power.
> And whatever I do for you, you will not do for yourself.  There are clearly
> times and situations where our "doing" is needed, important, even critical.
> But there are equally other times - it all depends on the purpose or goals
> or situation.
> So in the peculiar situation of facilitating an Open Space: Why do we do
> it? Doubtless each person will have to answer that one for themselves, but
> I am very clear why I take on the role of facilitator. My purpose is to
> create an environment in which the people can experience their own power to
> the maximum and do things they never thought possible. To achieve this
> objective, the people will need the most time/space available - which means
> that I need to fill up as little space/time as possible. Something about
> being totally present and absolutely invisible.
> Sometimes I know that my fellows may have felt that I was being uncaring,
> particularly when I left people to struggle with an inability to express
> themselves fully, a difficulty with language, or even physical barriers.
> But what I discovered over and over, and over again is that people have a
> marvelous capacity to help each other, and further - that when they learn
> to help, or maybe even more importantly, ask for help... Everybody is
> stronger.
> So what do I do? As little as possible. And the reward has been to witness
> amazing growth.
> Yes there are times when an emergent situation seemed to require a hand.
> But even in those situations I have found it useful to wait just a little
> bit longer than I felt comfortable, and more often than not a way was
> found, not of my doing.
> And on other occasions, where I did sort of jump in, I was taught a
> lesson. I remember particularly an Open Space I did with the North West
> Regional Advisory Council of the AARP. Average age: well past 80. There was
> something like 150 in the group, and the discussions were fast, furious and
> definitely passionate. One particular lady, obviously well past 80, just
> happened to have posted THE ISSUE. I don't remember what it was, but I
> caught up with her at the computers as she was writing her report. She had
> pages of flip chart paper, and clearly didn't see too well. I think it may
> have been the first time she had confronted a computer, up close and
> personal and her typing skills were of the One Finger variety.  Truly I
> felt sorry for her.
> I sat down beside her and offered to help. She stopped her work, sat
> silently for a moment, and then suddenly turned to face me saying, "Young
> man, I will type my own report!" She did, and I learned something: One more
> thing not to do.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> <>
> <> (Personal Website)
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> OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *David Osborne
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2014 3:25 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Open Space and Boundaries
> Harrison,
> So I should do nothing.......right?   or is my passion and caring to do a
> little bit ok?
> How do I decide?
> David  :)
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
> David - good to hear from you. And yes I too believe that the invitation
> is most important. And we can even help, a little bit. But generally
> speaking I suspect folks tend to work much too hard in this area as well.
> When there is a clear issue that people really care about (perhaps THE
> essential precondition for opening space / self organization), I find that
> the people involved usually have a word for it, maybe one or two. Those
> words may make absolutely no sense to us and/or even turn us off... but we
> aren't the people who count. Actually I find that when folks take a lot of
> time and effort defining their issue, there is a high likelihood that they
> really don't have one (issue) - or at least one that they really care
> about.  I guess this is another area where the conventional wisdom is
> rather turned on its head. Conventionally we might think of an invitation
> as an effort to convince people to come. This may be too strong, but I
> rather think that one sign of a good invitation for an Open Space is that
> it drives people away. Or more precisely, it quickly separates those who
> truly care from the "merely curious." At the end of the day the critical
> thing for me is not how many people come, but rather how much they cared.
> Five people who care a whole bunch are infinitely more effective that 50
> people who just show up. I think.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> <>
> <> (Personal Website)
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
> OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *David Osborne
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:54 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Open Space and Boundaries
> Harrison,
> I'm catching up on my email and finally have had time to read your
> response here re containers. I agree with your perspective above fully. I
> see the topic of what people care about as the focus or container for the
> conversation. It is self-emergent and we can't force it...we are bystanders
> or midwives. I do believe we can influence the forming process though. For
> example; a clear invitation to discuss what's urgent and important,
> providing a time, place, and safe space to have the conversation all seem
> to coalesce the energy and support it either mobilizing or dissipating as
> the case may be. I do believe as actors that care we are co-creators in the
> process.....although we can't control it. Maybe this is an attractor from
> complexity language ...or perhaps as I refer to is the container
> of the conversation.....and we're describing the same thing.
> Best as always,
> David
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 3:48 PM, Harrison Owen <> wrote:
> David - I have known Glenda for some years, and have always found her to
> be bright, fun and contributory. She has some wonderful insights about self
> organization, and she works very hard. As a good academic, she certainly
> does her detail, sometimes a bit more than I feel I want or need, but good
> for all of that. However, when it comes to enhancing our function in a self
> organizing world (or Open Space), I suspect she is working a bit too hard.
> She and her fellows have developed a whole series of approaches and
> exercises which enable you to do what I find pretty much happens all by
> itself. But that is probably just me. And for those of you who want to know
> more about Glenda, I suggest her latest book --
> And now back to containers and boundaries. The issue (our differences) may
> be purely semantic  - but maybe not. As I think back over lots of Open
> Spaces, and more particularly what I might call the natural appearance of
> Open Space (Tahrir Square, for example, or the coffee pot) I fully agree
> that from the outside they all look like bounded/contained experiences.
> There seems to be an inside and an outside, a container of some sort. But
> the question for me: - Is that boundary/container externally imposed, and
> therefore prior to the process of self organization as a precondition - or
> is the boundary/container a PRODUCT of the process of self organization?
> As I read Glenda, she would opt for the former: Container as precondition.
> I find myself coming down on the other side - The apparent container is
> actually a product of the process. In a word, what starts out unbounded and
> disassociated (random people and things) coalesces into a meaningful form,
> or better, organism/organization - which is what self organization is all
> about, I think.
> I grant you that in an Open Space the "room" would seem to be a
> pre-existing container, but I don't see it as essential. In fact I've
> "done" a number of Open Space in the middle of an open field. And when you
> look at natural occurrences, I think it becomes quite clear that
> pre-existing boundaries/containers don't really have much to do with what
> is happening. They may be convenient or inconvenient, but not
> determinative. The other things you mention (time slots, bulletin board,
> etc.) don't fit for me either. Helpful to be sure, but you can get along
> quite well without any of it, or so I've found.
> So what is going on? My sense is that self organization with humans (in
> Open Space and/or everyday) commences when some sort of a vector of caring
> shows up which draws people together. Someone, somewhere, sometime says, or
> just thinks, "I care about... Not just a little bit, but I really care and
> am prepared to take responsibility for what I care about. " If this
> care/concern is shared - and others care for the same thing, but maybe in
> very different ways... the ball starts rolling.
> In Open Space, this caring is made concrete and specific with the
> invitation. Of course, when the invite is sent out nobody has a clue
> whether anybody will come... but if they care, they will come, and given a
> date/place, electronic or physical they will all show up in one time/space.
> The vector of caring will draw them in...
> If the story I am telling roughly reflects the facts on the ground, I
> think there are some interesting and serious implications for the role of
> the facilitator and the function of the container. EVERYTHING is well on
> the way before there is a facilitator in sight or container at hand. In a
> word, the system, from the first moment of its emergence does it all by
> itself. We are bystanders, midwives at best. And the container (whatever
> that might be) is the product of the process ... and not the precondition
> or cause.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> <>
> <> (Personal Website)
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> OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* [
> ] *On Behalf Of *David Osborne
> *Sent:* Monday, April 07, 2014 12:26 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Open Space and Boundaries
> Harrison,
> I think this is one of the few times I have a different point of view that
> you. I believe OS's have natural containers built in. I also believe you
> need a container for open space to be effective. I think the difference
> stems from having a different definition or viewpoint on what a container
> is and can be. My view has been heavily influenced by Glenda Eoyang's
> theory and work in this area. For something new to emerge from self
> organization something has to hold our bind the diverse agents together for
> them to have exchanges across their differences.
> - The room or space the OS is being held in is a container....
> - A concept or idea that people care about brings the people
> binds or contains them creating the space to have the
> conversations to emerge.
> - The bulletin board is a container.....scheduling a specific conversation
> at a specific place and time.
> In my experience there are always multiple containers that are massively
> intertwined.
> My thoughts along the way.
> David
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Michael Wood <>
> wrote:
> Thanks, Harrison, for your response to my question on 'boundaries',
> particularly your paraphrasing of my question - which was spot on.  One
> thing I've taken from this brief conversation is that although considering
> the boundaries can be useful, we also need to accept that boundaries are
> never entirely clear, always moving on a spectrum from clear to
> uncertain/murky and if we, as a sponsor or facilitator, get overly bound up
> with boundaries then we might have moved, once again, into being too
> controlling.
> Michael Wood
> Perth, Western Australia
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:01:40 -0400
> From: "Harrison Owen" <>
> To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
>         <>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Open Space and boundaries
> Message-ID: <000301cf4f56$00776480$01662d80$@net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> It has been common for us to speak of Containers and Boundaries as somehow
> essential to Open Space. I can't quite find the place, but I do remember
> saying something like that myself, as in, "The role of the facilitator is
> to create the container..." It certainly made sense at the time, but I
> always felt a little uncomfortable with the image. Too mechanical,
> coercive... too something. And Michael has brought the subject up again.
> " we have a situation where the 'boundaries' are actually in a
> state of complex flux and uncertainty. The financial 'givens' are
> ambiguous; there is no 'locum'
> pastor in place because of legal uncertainties with the existing
> pastor...etc." You might call it "messy boundaries" -- and he raises the
> question whether one should press ahead with Open Space, or wait until the
> "mess" is settled down. On the one hand, Michael "hunches" that one should
> press on -- Open Space. But his hesitation comes, I suspect, from the prior
> notion that fixed boundaries/containers are necessary for an effective Open
> Space. What to do?
> Some thoughts (new ones for me): Containers are great for cooking soup,
> but are unneeded and maybe even problematical in Open Space. It is all
> about holding things together. In Open Space groups of people come together
> to deal with their issues. At the very least that would mean gathering in
> some common time/space, be that physical or electronic. It would seem that
> this co-location could be facilitated were some suitable "container"
> provided, presumably by the sponsor/facilitator. This certainly makes
> sense, and as a rough way of speaking, it seems to describe what is going
> on. But as I think about it, I think we may be missing a most important
> point. Coming together in Open Space happens because people care to come.
> And they continue their connection as long as they care to do so. (Law of
> two feet)
> >From the "outside" it might look as if they were held in place by a
> container, but that is illusory. The actual dynamics are centripetal, the
> force is mutual attraction... people are "there" because they care to be
> there and not because they are contained by some external structure. In a
> word, we as facilitators really don't do a thing, and creating a container
> is the least of what we DON'T do. The people, from the beginning, do it all.
> Of course, there are situations where groups come together under orders,
> mandates, whatever. And they are definitely "contained." It is also true
> that the tighter that container, the less likely self organization will
> take place. If true, providing a container is not only unnecessary but also
> destructive. In the name of Opening space, we effectively close it. Or so I
> suspect it might be. Just thinking...
> Anyhow Michael, should my mental peregrinations lead anywhere useful, it
> would seem that your "hunch" was spot on. Forget the boundaries/container.
> Just invite the space to open.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
> Camden, Maine 04843
> Phone 301-365-2093
> (summer)  207-763-3261
> <>
> (Personal Website)
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
> OSLIST Go to:
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [mailto: 
> On Behalf Of Michael Wood
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 9:59 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [OSList] Open Space and boundaries
> A Case Study....
> One of the principles that I have generally worked with in Open Space is
> helping the client get clear on the 'boundaries' of the space that's being
> opened. For example, helping people who come into the space to know 'what
> up for grabs here and what isn't? What decisions have already been made?'
> So picture this (purely hypothetical of course)....a church community in
> which the pastor has (in many peoples' opinion) run off the rails and the
> main church body is in the process of trying to dismiss him; the church is
> in compete disarray and completely conflict ridden, many people have left;
> the pastor who holds all the keys, banking passwords; church telephone
> connections etc etc, has taken legal advice and had hunkered down in the
> church owned house where he continues to hold the reigns of power (via some
> of his 'allies' in the church) despite not formally being the Pastor of the
> church anymore....
> we have a situation where the 'boundaries' are actually in a
> state of complex flux and uncertainty. The financial 'givens' are
> ambiguous; there is no 'locum' pastor in place because of legal
> uncertainties with the existing pastor...etc etc.
> So in terms of 'Opening Space', do we wait a bit longer until some of the
> legal boundaries are clarified, OR open space right away in the midst of
> the hunch is the latter, but any thoughts from anyone?
> Cheers
> Michael
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