Greetings Bryan.

There are some collected resources on OST research papers on the Open
Space World website. At least those that were found a few years ago.

I see on your website your work with the Society for the Anthropology
of Consciousness. Dr. Jurgen Kremer chaired my humanities dissertation
on OST which is listed above. It was not the most rigorous empirical
inquiry, but an Organic Inquiry wide ranging around indigenous
worldviews and the roots and practice of OST. I'd welcome a

Jeff Aitken
Lagunitas, California

On 11/13/14, Bryan Rill via OSList <> wrote:
> Dear Harrison and other Open Spacers,
> I would like introduce myself and make a request regarding research into the
> efficacy of Open Spaces.
> My name is Bryan, and I recently founded the Co-Creation Institute at the
> Hong Kong Polytechnic University. CCI, as we call it here, is a space to
> facilitate personal and organizational transformation, with a strong base in
> presence and reflective dialogue. Our objective is to create new cultures of
> innovation that combine interactive environments with co-creative
> facilitation. I invite you to explore our program, but more importantly I
> would like to know more about existing research. Co-Creation and presence
> training will benefit from empirical research, and I am now looking for
> related research projects to inspect the methodology, issues raised, and
> future directions that we may push.
> Open Spaces integrates many of the principles that we draw inspiration from,
> and I am planning on implementing it as a framework within CCI. While I have
> read many discussions and the text on Open spaces, I would like to find out
> more about how others have conducted research. If anyone has such
> information, please contact me any time. Our program would benefit from your
> experience.
> Kindest Regards,
> Bryan Rill, PhD
> Director, Co-Creation Institute
> Hong Kong Polytechnic University
> School of Design
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