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On 11/13/14, Jeff Aitken <> wrote:
> Bryan,
> I'm also now involved in a conversation about academic programs
> teaching and being designed along the lines of participatory
> methodologies. It's happening in the Facebook group of the Art of
> Hosting, which is a worldwide learning community using participatory
> practices and methodologies including Open Space and allied work. It's
> an introductory conversation but may interest you and anyone else on
> the OSLIST. I'm happy to talk offline as well.
> Jeff
> On 11/13/14, Jeff Aitken <> wrote:
>> Greetings Bryan.
>> There are some collected resources on OST research papers on the Open
>> Space World website. At least those that were found a few years ago.
>> I see on your website your work with the Society for the Anthropology
>> of Consciousness. Dr. Jurgen Kremer chaired my humanities dissertation
>> on OST which is listed above. It was not the most rigorous empirical
>> inquiry, but an Organic Inquiry wide ranging around indigenous
>> worldviews and the roots and practice of OST. I'd welcome a
>> conversation.
>> Jeff Aitken
>> Lagunitas, California
>> On 11/13/14, Bryan Rill via OSList <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Harrison and other Open Spacers,
>>> I would like introduce myself and make a request regarding research into
>>> the
>>> efficacy of Open Spaces.
>>> My name is Bryan, and I recently founded the Co-Creation Institute at
>>> the
>>> Hong Kong Polytechnic University. CCI, as we call it here, is a space to
>>> facilitate personal and organizational transformation, with a strong
>>> base
>>> in
>>> presence and reflective dialogue. Our objective is to create new
>>> cultures
>>> of
>>> innovation that combine interactive environments with co-creative
>>> facilitation. I invite you to explore our program, but more importantly
>>> I
>>> would like to know more about existing research. Co-Creation and
>>> presence
>>> training will benefit from empirical research, and I am now looking for
>>> related research projects to inspect the methodology, issues raised, and
>>> future directions that we may push.
>>> Open Spaces integrates many of the principles that we draw inspiration
>>> from,
>>> and I am planning on implementing it as a framework within CCI. While I
>>> have
>>> read many discussions and the text on Open spaces, I would like to find
>>> out
>>> more about how others have conducted research. If anyone has such
>>> information, please contact me any time. Our program would benefit from
>>> your
>>> experience.
>>> Kindest Regards,
>>> Bryan Rill, PhD
>>> Director, Co-Creation Institute
>>> Hong Kong Polytechnic University
>>> School of Design
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