Thank you Lisa Heft.  That is very thoughtful and provocative.  Konny

On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 12:19 AM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <> wrote:

> Hello, dear friends.
> As your current OSLIST Poet Laureate I wish to continue to create found
> poetry, in the practice of one of our late great past Poet Laureates, Ms.
> Laurel Doersam.
> I sit with a conversation you have had and think about how it comes apart
> and fits back together again in a new and poetic way.
> I enjoy showing you back … yourselves.
> Happy reading - Lisa Heft
> ________
> *In Honor of the Lurkers*
> ________
> Hey…
> I am a lurker and sometimes contributor.
> I am one of the frequent lurkers.
> I am proud to be a frequent lurker.
> Mostly lurk but occasionally comment.
> Mostly lurking for many years.
> A regular lurker.
> Read the list. Daily.
> Mostly silent, sometimes reading, often feeling and holding space.
> Even trawling through pages and pages of repetitive posts on the digest
> format doesn't keep me away.
> Hey - I'm a regular lurker.
> I'm a regular lurker and learner.
> I enjoy the constant reminder about the core of OS principles.
> I particularly enjoy the principles of open space as practiced by the
> participants:
> No admonishments about perceived “off topic” threads,
> No shut-downs when (if) there’s a flurry of un-subscriptions due to the
> above.
> Such a positive list with world wide participants, so great.
> I am in love and in debt to this beautiful community.
> Enjoying…learning….practicing…
> Lurk
> Hey YES!
> Hello
> I’m a permanent lurker
> Same here.
> It's enlivening to see both the old hands and the new waves of Open Space
> lovers.
> A cool combination of experienced practitioners and new comers.
> The experience, curiosity, wisdom and generosity demonstrated through this
> list is very important to me, my work and life.
> I love the living wisdom through this OSLIST.
> I enjoy the reflections and the enthusiasm.
> I enjoy the fresh perspectives offered by REAL OSers.
> I feel connected to the community and I get inspiring ideas.
> From time to time I cannot resist to send again a tiny contribution to say
> hello I’m still there.
> Hi.
> Hi!
> Hi, everybody!
> I do lurk most of the time.
> Sometimes the volume is over my capacity.
> I sometimes comment.
> Sometimes I am reading daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes I do not check
> for a few months,
> and then simply delete the build up.
> Applying the law of two feet with my two eyes.
> And then I start again
> Definitely a lurker with random bits of input and responses.
> I am a frequent 'participant' in the discussion - but almost always only
> in my head.
> And I have many very fruitful conversations with you all – in my head.
> I engage in the conversation, try on different responses.
> I keep thinking of writing, but then see all the wisdom on the list and
> think, that’s it. Why repeat.
> I always learn…and I know the next time I have a question there will
> always be somebody to help answer it for me.
> Hey,
> Heyyyy,
> Heeeeey.
> Hey everyone,
> Here it comes: I am a lurker.
> I’m a passionate lurker.
> Love to learn while lurking.
> I am always here!
> I appreciate the active participation of some players who represent the
> thoughts of many others.
> Always appreciate new voices and perspectives as well.
> I feel connected to many of the topics that have been shared here in this
> group.
> Hey - I'm here too.
> I lurk here too.
> I lurk a lot.
> Me too!
> I am an active reader.
> I READ every message, and learn a lot!
> Yep, I mostly lurk.
> Gratitude to still be amongst this community.
> Grateful for our co-learning.
> MASSIVELY GRATEFUL for all I have learned.
> Always a grateful and admiring learner.
> A learning-by-listening kind of lurk.
> My active participation is in the listening / reading space at the rim.
> Not posting often, but taking in the gifts of this list with much
> gratitude and passing them on in the world.
> And in applying the principles of practice in my own life a lot of the
> time.
> Often I have so many things to do
> that I don’t give myself the time to sit down and write a thorough, well
> thought reply.
> Now that I write this,
> I realize that it is not necessary to put the bar that high.
> It does not always have to be of academic quality –
> a simple sharing will do, too.
> So this is a note to myself.
> Hi!
> Hey!
> Hey OS List Folks
> Another lurker.
> I lurk often and read a lot!
> I use the list and the amazing contributions as inspiration to remind me
> why I love doing this.
> And that there are other ways and people out there
> doing things differently.
> I think every single posting leads some us somewhere, even if those places
> aren't so obvious.
> I especially like when the search is fragile and the outcome uncertain.
> Thank you for being and doing.
> I am always fascinated by the conversation and learn tons.
> Appreciating each kind word or gift exchanged or question asked.
> I love people’s thinking, awarenesses, interests, divergences on this
> list.
> I occasionally offer my 2 bits... I guess that's what happens when
> interest accrues on my 2 cents over time.
> I love the sense of security and support.
> I am curious - how do we really define LURKERS?
> I don’t consider myself a lurker.
> I don’t hide behind somewhere, ready to pounce.
> I have no evil intentions.
> I haven't yet gotten used to the modern meaning of "lurker" and don't ever
> identify as one.
> The definition seems to say that listening isn't active participation.
> I’m no lurker.
> I actively participate in reading, listening, and reflecting.
> Oh thank you for saying that, thank you.
> Lurk!
> I am a happy lurker.
> And I am not. I am … a witness.
> Fully engaged and fully present.
> For what is dialogue? It is someone speaking, and someone else who is
> fully listening.
> In live os events you see the butterflies.
> A silent presence creating Space.
> We are a community working with open space,
> Therefore able or learning to be absolutely present
> And absolutely invisible.
> Thanks for the affirmation.
> Sets a lovely tone.
> Really resonates.
> Hi, everybody.
> Hello, world.
> I lurk, regularly.
> I am not ashamed. Sometimes I even post.
> Then I lurk.
> Listening has improved my practice for sure!
> Has anyone noticed that it is almost
> impossible to say "lurk" rapidly in succession?
> Try it:
> Lurk lurk lurk.
> lurklurklurklurklurklurklurklurklurklurkllkllkkkk.
> Argh.
> Ah, I am so glad!
> I’m still growing inside.
> I’m a lurker and a learner.
> I am a listener and a witness.
> I am very happy to be part of this list.
> I like this community.
> Keep the work and the words flowing.
> I lurk.
> I may well be digging into the vast collective wisdom soon.
> I lurk.
> Whoa, that was hard to say.  It feels good to get that off my chest.
> Thanks for listening.
> My pleasure.
> Listening is my part in the dialogue.
> __
> Inspired by / including words and thoughts by
> Jeff Aitken, Chris Altmikus, Ramón Alzate, Neichu Angami, Juana Anguita,
> Carmela Ariza, Cal Austin, Tova Averbuch, Arno Baltin, John Baxter, Konny
> Benjamin, Stéphane Brodu, Andrea Chiou, Steve Cochran, Jonathan Coe, Ashley
> Cooper, Suzanne Daigle, Lise Damkjaer, Jean Francois Dauba, Corinne Devery,
> Koos de Heer, R. Duff Doel, Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring, Stella
> Duffy, Ingrid Ebeling, Florian Fischer, Patricia Gooding, Kári Gunnarsson,
> Saehi Hahn, Shannon Hecker, Lisa Heft, Michael Herman, Jan Höglund, Peggy
> Holman, June, Chris Kloth, Anja Korvenmaa, Francois Knuchel, Satyanarayanan
> Kumar, Shobha Kumar, Christy Lee-Engel, Chuni Li, Pernilla Luttropp, Liz
> Martins, Jo McLaughlin, Viv McWaters, Joshua Morrison, Gerard Miller,
> Susanne Moosdorf, Elspeth Murray, Kevin O’Brien, Lawrence O’Connor, Mary
> O’Connor, Harrison Owen, Marks Mcavity, Kathleen D. Osta, Marie Ann
> Östlund, Lori Palano, Michael M Pannwitz, Susan Partnow, Bhavesh Patel,
> Thomas Perret, Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain, Annamarie Pluhar, John Rapp,
> Arturo Uscátegui Restrepo, Martin Roell, Christine Whitney Sanchez, Horst
> Schmid, Agneta Setterwall, Nigel Seys-Phillips, Lisa Sieverts, Davis Smith,
> Anne Stadler, Hege Steinsland, Donnan Stoicovy, Bob Sullens, Elisabeth
> Tepper, Gijs van Wezel, Annika von Walter, John Watkins, Agnieszka Maja
> Wawrzyniak, Jutta Wiemar, Robyn Williams, Markus Wittwer and Rosa
> Zubizaretta
> … with apologies for any mis-spellings / mis-alphabetizing / possible
> omissions of your names …
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