Your poem is so beautiful dear Lisa, thank you very much for share it.

>From here I desire to you and all others a happy new year.


Juan Luis

(the new lurker)


De: OSList [] En nombre de Lisa
Heft - via OSList
Enviado el: viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014 21:19
Asunto: [OSList] In Honor of the Lurkers


Hello, dear friends. 

As your current OSLIST Poet Laureate I wish to continue to create found
poetry, in the practice of one of our late great past Poet Laureates, Ms.
Laurel Doersam.

I sit with a conversation you have had and think about how it comes apart
and fits back together again in a new and poetic way.

I enjoy showing you back … yourselves. 

Happy reading - Lisa Heft




In Honor of the Lurkers

I am a lurker and sometimes contributor.
I am one of the frequent lurkers.
I am proud to be a frequent lurker.
Mostly lurk but occasionally comment. 
Mostly lurking for many years. 
A regular lurker. 
Read the list. Daily.

Mostly silent, sometimes reading, often feeling and holding space. 

Even trawling through pages and pages of repetitive posts on the digest
format doesn't keep me away. 

Hey - I'm a regular lurker. 
I'm a regular lurker and learner.

I enjoy the constant reminder about the core of OS principles.
I particularly enjoy the principles of open space as practiced by the
No admonishments about perceived “off topic” threads,
No shut-downs when (if) there’s a flurry of un-subscriptions due to the
Such a positive list with world wide participants, so great.
I am in love and in debt to this beautiful community.


Hey YES!
I’m a permanent lurker
Same here.

It's enlivening to see both the old hands and the new waves of Open Space
A cool combination of experienced practitioners and new comers.

The experience, curiosity, wisdom and generosity demonstrated through this
list is very important to me, my work and life. 
I love the living wisdom through this OSLIST. 
I enjoy the reflections and the enthusiasm. 
I enjoy the fresh perspectives offered by REAL OSers.
I feel connected to the community and I get inspiring ideas.
>From time to time I cannot resist to send again a tiny contribution to say
hello I’m still there.

Hi, everybody!
I do lurk most of the time.

Sometimes the volume is over my capacity.
I sometimes comment.

Sometimes I am reading daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes I do not check for
a few months, 
and then simply delete the build up.
Applying the law of two feet with my two eyes. 
And then I start again

Definitely a lurker with random bits of input and responses.

I am a frequent 'participant' in the discussion - but almost always only in
my head. 
And I have many very fruitful conversations with you all – in my head.
I engage in the conversation, try on different responses.
I keep thinking of writing, but then see all the wisdom on the list and
think, that’s it. Why repeat. 
I always learn…and I know the next time I have a question there will always
be somebody to help answer it for me.

Hey everyone, 
Here it comes: I am a lurker.
I’m a passionate lurker.
Love to learn while lurking.

I am always here!

I appreciate the active participation of some players who represent the
thoughts of many others.
Always appreciate new voices and perspectives as well.
I feel connected to many of the topics that have been shared here in this

Hey - I'm here too.
I lurk here too.
I lurk a lot.
Me too!
I am an active reader.
I READ every message, and learn a lot! 

Yep, I mostly lurk. 

Gratitude to still be amongst this community. 
Grateful for our co-learning.
MASSIVELY GRATEFUL for all I have learned. 
Always a grateful and admiring learner. 
A learning-by-listening kind of lurk.

My active participation is in the listening / reading space at the rim.
Not posting often, but taking in the gifts of this list with much gratitude
and passing them on in the world. 
And in applying the principles of practice in my own life a lot of the time.

Often I have so many things to do 
that I don’t give myself the time to sit down and write a thorough, well
thought reply. 
Now that I write this, 
I realize that it is not necessary to put the bar that high. 
It does not always have to be of academic quality – 
a simple sharing will do, too. 
So this is a note to myself.

Hey OS List Folks
Another lurker.
I lurk often and read a lot! 

I use the list and the amazing contributions as inspiration to remind me why
I love doing this. 
And that there are other ways and people out there 
doing things differently.

I think every single posting leads some us somewhere, even if those places
aren't so obvious. 
I especially like when the search is fragile and the outcome uncertain.

Thank you for being and doing.

I am always fascinated by the conversation and learn tons. 
Appreciating each kind word or gift exchanged or question asked.
I love people’s thinking, awarenesses, interests, divergences on this list. 

I occasionally offer my 2 bits... I guess that's what happens when interest
accrues on my 2 cents over time.
I love the sense of security and support.

I am curious - how do we really define LURKERS?
I don’t consider myself a lurker.  
I don’t hide behind somewhere, ready to pounce. 
I have no evil intentions. 
I haven't yet gotten used to the modern meaning of "lurker" and don't ever
identify as one. 
The definition seems to say that listening isn't active participation.
I’m no lurker.
I actively participate in reading, listening, and reflecting.

Oh thank you for saying that, thank you.

I am a happy lurker.

And I am not. I am … a witness.

Fully engaged and fully present.

For what is dialogue? It is someone speaking, and someone else who is fully


In live os events you see the butterflies.
A silent presence creating Space.

We are a community working with open space,
Therefore able or learning to be absolutely present
And absolutely invisible.

Thanks for the affirmation.
Sets a lovely tone. 
Really resonates.

Hi, everybody.
Hello, world. 
I lurk, regularly. 
I am not ashamed. Sometimes I even post. 
Then I lurk. 

Listening has improved my practice for sure!

Has anyone noticed that it is almost
impossible to say "lurk" rapidly in succession?
Try it:
Lurk lurk lurk. 

Ah, I am so glad!
I’m still growing inside. 
I’m a lurker and a learner.
I am a listener and a witness.


I am very happy to be part of this list. 
I like this community.
Keep the work and the words flowing.

I lurk.
I may well be digging into the vast collective wisdom soon.

I lurk.

Whoa, that was hard to say.  It feels good to get that off my chest.  
Thanks for listening.


My pleasure.

Listening is my part in the dialogue.


Inspired by / including words and thoughts by
Jeff Aitken, Chris Altmikus, Ramón Alzate, Neichu Angami, Juana Anguita,
Carmela Ariza, Cal Austin, Tova Averbuch, Arno Baltin, John Baxter, Konny
Benjamin, Stéphane Brodu, Andrea Chiou, Steve Cochran, Jonathan Coe, Ashley
Cooper, Suzanne Daigle, Lise Damkjaer, Jean Francois Dauba, Corinne Devery,
Koos de Heer, R. Duff Doel, Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring, Stella
Duffy, Ingrid Ebeling, Florian Fischer, Patricia Gooding, Kári Gunnarsson,
Saehi Hahn, Shannon Hecker, Lisa Heft, Michael Herman, Jan Höglund, Peggy
Holman, June, Chris Kloth, Anja Korvenmaa, Francois Knuchel, Satyanarayanan
Kumar, Shobha Kumar, Christy Lee-Engel, Chuni Li, Pernilla Luttropp, Liz
Martins, Jo McLaughlin, Viv McWaters, Joshua Morrison, Gerard Miller,
Susanne Moosdorf, Elspeth Murray, Kevin O’Brien, Lawrence O’Connor, Mary
O’Connor, Harrison Owen, Marks Mcavity, Kathleen D. Osta, Marie Ann Östlund,
Lori Palano, Michael M Pannwitz, Susan Partnow, Bhavesh Patel, Thomas
Perret, Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain, Annamarie Pluhar, John Rapp, Arturo
Uscátegui Restrepo, Martin Roell, Christine Whitney Sanchez, Horst Schmid,
Agneta Setterwall, Nigel Seys-Phillips, Lisa Sieverts, Davis Smith, Anne
Stadler, Hege Steinsland, Donnan Stoicovy, Bob Sullens, Elisabeth Tepper,
Gijs van Wezel, Annika von Walter, John Watkins, Agnieszka Maja Wawrzyniak,
Jutta Wiemar, Robyn Williams, Markus Wittwer and Rosa Zubizaretta

… with apologies for any mis-spellings / mis-alphabetizing / possible
omissions of your names …


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