All good things from people named John!

My friend Toke Moeller often shares the insight that “purpose is the invisible 
leader” and I share that too.  Purpose can be stated and unstated, and like 
everything in the realm of complexity, is always changing. 

In order for emergence to happen, it happens within boundaries, and that 
includes the emergence that later comes to redefine boundaries. My point 
earlier was that stated purposes can help a great deal AND you need to leave 
space for the possibility that any way you state it or understand, there is 
always a high chance that your purpose itself may not serve, or may be at odds 
with a different, hidden and often more powerful purpose.  

This gets summed by my other friend Tim Merry who says “Culture eats strategy 
for breakfast.”  This means that no matter how clever you are or how articulate 
you are about purpose, goals and intentions, if you are opening space, culture 
will show up, and it is sometimes the more powerful purpose.  

This is why holding space is often terrifying.


> On Jan 4, 2015, at 12:40 PM, John Watkins <> wrote:
> John,
> My experience is that open spaces (and open systems) are "purpose-seeking" 
> systems, and getting clarity through emergence about purpose is probably one 
> of the most important aspects of people opening space together.  Purpose is 
> dynamic and powerfully grounding in a sense of essence or the being-ness of 
> the emergent group; it's like a strange attractor for the emergence of 
> meaning and aligned action.  Goals, on the other hand, are inert and static; 
> they tend to shut down rather than open up space.  If you set goals before 
> you gather together and make meaning, often all they do is reinforce the 
> "limitations that we mistake for our goals," to cite one of my teachers.  We 
> end up with what we started with, not something with new potential and power. 
>  Goals can be helpful, though I prefer to think about intentions and 
> aspirations and what I want to accomplish instead.  So, I would go for 
> purpose first, and use goals only as a crutch (this is a good purpose for 
> them, BTW), or even, retrospectively, once purpose and meaning and intention 
> and aligned actions are envisioned and something has been accomplished.
> John Watkins
> On Jan 4, 2015, at 2:37 AM, John Baxter via OSList wrote:
>> I feel Chris like we have seemingly conflicting suggestions, but might be 
>> talking about different things.
>> Reading about games recently (McGonigal's Reality is Broken) got me thinking 
>> about goals.  And specifically, how goals are different from purpose.
>> Don't know whether this will help but here goes.  I am only just thinking 
>> this through so it is not well tested.
>> Goals are an element of a good game.  They are almost part of the rules of 
>> the game, like an agreement - something that we buy in to as part of 
>> participation.
>> The most productive spaces I have been part of have had a clear goal for 
>> that space (that is understood and agreed to by all).
>> I haven't used the word 'goal' to describe this before and maybe it is not 
>> the best one, but it feels right to me to use a different word than 
>> 'purpose' which always seem in reality to be impossible to pin down.  I am 
>> always aware that there is a broad web of different intents and purposes and 
>> ideas that no individual will ever compute (even just those within 
>> themselves, let alone others!), that will always be fuzzy.
>> Personally, having a solid 'goal' for a space is a fundamental part of 
>> holding that space, any space.  It need not be written down, but I need to 
>> feel it, and ideally it is as transparent as possible in the invitation and 
>> for participants (part of the social contract of participation).
>> Cheers
>> John Baxter
>> Cocreation Consultant & ​Co​Create Adelaide Facilitator
>> <> | 
>> <>
>> 0405 447 829​ | ​@jsbaxter_ <>
>> Thank you to everyone who came, helped or spread the good word about City 
>> Grill!
>> Summary and links: 
>> <>
>> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList 
>> < <>> 
>> wrote:
>> Sometimes though, fuzzy purpose is really really useful.  I’ve had 
>> situations where a group is really sure of what it is doing, and what it 
>> exists for and yet nothing is working.  
>> This happens a lot with mainline churches these days, many of whom are 
>> certain that they can recreate the “success” they had in the 1960s.  They 
>> are certainly clear on their purpose, but the harder they try, the worse 
>> they make it for themselves.  
>> And so we have run OST meetings where the purpose was unclear and fuzzy and 
>> people simply proposed topics that interested them.  And it turns out that 
>> that is a good way to discover the new directions you are trying to get 
>> into.  Of course all groups need a boundary, and in the case that 
>> immediately comes to mind, the question was “What else can we be?” 
>> People felt that was too fuzzy to get any kind of strategic work done, but 
>> what happened was that it invited people into a now three year journey of 
>> wayfinding together.  Which, it turns out, is a good purpose for a church.
>> I think it’s not my job to “help people discover what they should be doing” 
>> even in Open Space.  I can, however, help hold space so that people can 
>> explore the fuzziness and confusion that they find themselves in AND I can 
>> model behaviour of not needing to know, of avoiding premature convergence of 
>> ideas and purpose, so that the innovation and wisdom and leadership at the 
>> margins can come forward.  
>> In the parlance of software developers, not knowing what to do is a feature 
>> of living in this world, not a bug.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>>> On Jan 3, 2015, at 2:00 AM, Anne-Béatrice Duparc via OSList 
>>> < <>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I love how you put it in words John. I will discuss it today with the 
>>> caller. Indeed there is much that seems already prepared and "shoulds". I 
>>> hope I can help them let go of it. 
>>> Thanks for the reminder,
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:56:24 +1030
>>> From: John Baxter via OSList < 
>>> <>>
>>> To: Gail West < <>>, World wide 
>>> Open Space Technology
>>>     email list    < 
>>> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] First open space, advices needed :)
>>> Message-ID:
>>>     < 
>>> <>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> If you can help the group to become clear about what the most important
>>> focus/challenge/question is for them *now*, then they will be able to let
>>> go of all those preconceived discussion topics in order to address their
>>> priority.
>>> If the purpose is fuzzy then all people have to go on is their baggage and
>>> prepared ideas.  This makes it hard for people to embrace the space, and
>>> they are likely to walk away disappointed (though they may still get a lot
>>> done).
>>> Overall, it will be useful to help people find what they really want to 
>>> *do*,
>>> vs what they think they should *talk about*.  I don't really know how to
>>> describe this better, nor how you should do it.  But it might help.
>>> Cheers
>>> *John Baxter*
>>> *Cocreation Consultant & ?Co?Create Adelaide Facilitator*
>>> <> < 
>>> <>> | <>
>>> 0405 447 829
>>> ? | ?
>>> @jsbaxter_ < <>>
>>> Anne-Béatrice Duparc
>>> (0)76/378.69.98
>>> Comité de BIEN-Suisse Initiative fédérale pour un revenu de base 
>>> <>
>>> Génération RBI <>
>>> Association Solid'Art Solid'Art <>
>>> On Sunday, December 21, 2014 2:58 AM, Chris Corrigan 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> You really don't have so much time for convergence and action planning. I 
>>> would have people start into their work and connect with folks who are 
>>> doing similar things and then when you meet again you can make strategic 
>>> choices. 
>>> Chris
>>> -- 
>>> Harvest Moon Consultants
>>> Facilitation, Open Space Technology and process design 
>>> Check <> for upcoming 
>>> workshops, blog posts and free resources. 
>>> On Dec 20, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Anne-Béatrice Duparc via OSList 
>>> < <>> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I will go with your proposal concerning the report Chris, including next 
>>>> steps and follow up in it. I like the proposal to have a date to meet 
>>>> again and have everyone reporting on what is going on. I wonder though how 
>>>> we could include a step in between that would help towards a synthesis and 
>>>> action planning, because similar or close next steps might emerge from 
>>>> different sessions, and also things that are important for most of the 
>>>> group, things that are important only for some of them... 
>>>> Do you think that could be done through the internet?
>>>> I will also see with the organizers (thanks Harrison) if that's okay for 
>>>> them that we don't have a formal lunch so that we can have more sessions. 
>>>> I love that idea :)
>>>> As for the children, yes, I will love to include them :) I just wonder how 
>>>> it is possible to have children from 0 to 8 included in OS 
>>>> conversations... I would be happy to hear your thoughts about it. I think 
>>>> the best way would be to let it open : children who want to join do so and 
>>>> the other ones do whatever they want with the adults that are there for 
>>>> them.
>>>> Daniel, I would like to have two days, but that is not the actual 
>>>> setting... Maybe I can propose that for the next one. As for the moment, I 
>>>> would like to help them have the best possible experience for this already 
>>>> planned short period of time and I feel like I am well engaged in this 
>>>> process thanks to all the good advices here :) 
>>>> And thanks again, I feel so much more intelligent and confident when I 
>>>> have all your ideas :)
>>>> Anne-Béatrice Duparc
>>>> (0)76/378.69.98
>>>> Comité de BIEN-Suisse Initiative fédérale pour un revenu de base 
>>>> <>
>>>> Génération RBI <>
>>>> Association Solid'Art Solid'Art <>
>>>> On Saturday, December 20, 2014 12:28 AM, Anne-Béatrice Duparc 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks to all of you for the trust you allow me to feel through your 
>>>> words. That's just what I need!
>>>> I am really grateful to be part of this community :) 
>>>> Hugs,
>>>> Béa
>>>> Anne-Béatrice Duparc
>>>> (0)76/378.69.98
>>>> Comité de BIEN-Suisse Initiative fédérale pour un revenu de base 
>>>> <>
>>>> Génération RBI <>
>>>> Association Solid'Art Solid'Art <>
>>>> On Friday, December 19, 2014 6:03 PM, Chris Corrigan 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> Anne Beatrice. 
>>>> You will be fine. Make sure the sessions are as long as possible. Two 
>>>> sessions of at least an hour will be important. Keep your intro short. 
>>>> Don't tell people what to do just tell them how it works and stand back 
>>>> and let them post their topics and get on with hosting their 
>>>> conversations. 
>>>> Provide them with a report form that has a so for the groups to record 
>>>> next steps and what they commit to do for follow up. Photograph those 
>>>> reports and send them by email to everyone. This saves you having to have 
>>>> a report back session. 
>>>> Make a date to meet again and tell everyone to come then and report on 
>>>> what is going on. 
>>>> See who stays behind. That group will be a good team to help move the 
>>>> issues forward and plan the next meeting. Go for a celebration drink with 
>>>> them. 
>>>> Chris 
>>>> -- 
>>>> Harvest Moon Consultants
>>>> Facilitation, Open Space Technology and process design 
>>>> Check <> for upcoming 
>>>> workshops, blog posts and free resources. 
>>>> On Dec 19, 2014, at 3:47 AM, Anne-Béatrice Duparc via OSList 
>>>> < <>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I am asked for my first Open Space! By a group of parents who are 
>>>>> homeschooling their children and want to form as an association. 
>>>>> They already planned the meeting for the 10th of January. The duration 
>>>>> for the planned event is 3h30 and there will be a shared meal before it. 
>>>>> It really seems short to me for an Open Space. 
>>>>> There will be around 40 adults and 30 children. The children will be 
>>>>> taken care of by some adults, but some of them may also take part to the 
>>>>> event. It would be great :)
>>>>> We had no preparation meeting so on as I was just contacted but they 
>>>>> already sent me by email some of the subjects they would like to discuss. 
>>>>> Even if I know that in OST subjects are not planned in advance, I share 
>>>>> them with you as a way to determine if OST can be a good thing for this 
>>>>> group of people  :
>>>>>  -  Aims and objectives of the non-profit we could create.
>>>>> -  What are the resources we want to give ourselves (time, energy, money) 
>>>>> ?
>>>>> -  What are our resources for the long term? 
>>>>> -  How to build a sustainable association or group that does not depend 
>>>>> on one or two persons? 
>>>>> -  The creation and role a committee could have in the non profit
>>>>> - Would we like to merge or collaborate with the Homeschool Association 
>>>>> of Switzerland?    Pros, cons, how?        
>>>>> -  Next steps
>>>>> -  Articles of the non-profit
>>>>> - What is the aim of the non profit? Create activities? Support people in 
>>>>> their choice? To be known?  
>>>>> I have also understood that the situation is tense, because some cantons 
>>>>> in Switzerland are going towards forbiding Homeschooling.
>>>>> As it would be my first Open Space, any advice is welcome. I am 
>>>>> especially wondering if Open Space is a first good step in that case and 
>>>>> what can be realistically achieved in 3h30 by a group of people that 
>>>>> mostly don't know each other and would like to have some consensual 
>>>>> concrete next steps at the end of the afternoon. 
>>>>> Any advice welcome, even if it is to say : please do something else :) 
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Béa
>>>>> Anne-Béatrice Duparc
>>>>> (0)76/378.69.98
>>>>> Comité de BIEN-Suisse Initiative fédérale pour un revenu de base 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Génération RBI <>
>>>>> Association Solid'Art Solid'Art <>
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