Dear all

Ok, here I will finally come out as a regular lurker. I have not been
active writing anything on the list, but have been reading with deep
appreciation for all the wisdom readily shared here.

I did my first Open space about 6 years ago with local government in
Denmark, since then I have been in love with this simple form of living and

I have mostly been active in the Art of hosting community holding the
online space there. Last year a small group of mates came together and
created a first online training over 4 months as an advanced AoH training,
deepening our and the participants practice.
This year we are offering something similar, but we are focusing more on
creating a space where practitioners and hosts of conversations that matter
can come together, learn from each other and be challenged and inspired
over 12 weeks to deepen their own practice and weave a global community
even closer.

*On Wednesday 21st Jan. we will have an open community* *call* that you are
warmly welcome to join - its free.
We will explore: "*What is moving you these days of global ruptures and
what is awakening and creating sparks in you?*"
Sign up for the call  here

To learn more about the course, the team and what we hoping to create here
have a look at our website:

Warm regards


Rowan Francis Simonsen
Tel. +57 311 4790 656
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