Hi Christine!

There is one microphone and no management except self-management.

The goal:

 * Capture rich feedback across the entire membership using
   self-organization and 1 microphone
 * Scale to any number of participants (even 3000 or more) in a single
   unified circle with no management except self-management


 * At the start, the time limit is expressed clearly by the
   Facilitator; typically twice
 * At the start, each person 1st looks around and notices who is next
   to them to the immediate left and immediate right. The chance of
   interacting with some of them is nearly 100%...
 * One microphone is then passed by Facilitator to a circle member, to
   start the Closing Circle. The members pass it around, subject to a
   single rule:
 * If the microphone hits you, you look in the direction the mic is
   going and connect with those [2] people downstream; and discuss and
   decide who will talk. By agreement of these [3], exactly one person
   talks. The microphone is then passed downstream to the next [3] who
   repeat the process.


 * Tracked by time remaining relative to the microphone location (% done)


 * Opt-in. Anyone can pass. In theory anyone can talk. All decisions by
   consent of the [3].

This technique can be used anywhere the Closing Circle time is short relative to the participant count.


On 2/8/15 4:48 PM, christine koehler wrote:
Hi Dan

Wonderful ! I can see you walking away slowly from the center to open the market place. Very powerful way to show how to "get out of the way to let them go to work".

I am not sure to understand what you did for the closing circle. Was there one mic passed around the circle ? Or did you invite people who wanted to talk to do it together with their 2 neighbors , thus having only a (self)selection of participants talking ?


On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 7:19 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:

    Greetings All,

    I recently received an invitation to open space twice (2 locations
    scheduled one week apart) for a very large USA organization. Both
    events in both locations had many hundreds in attendance; we
    arranged seating for 400 at the 2nd event. (see link and pic
    listed below.) All in all over 1100 persons in total received an
    invite to one or the other of these events.

    I learned a few things that I am sharing here now. My intention in
    sharing is to help others who might find themselves arranging and
    executing larger-attendance Open Space events....

    The general theme of the learning has everything to do with that
    idea of 'one less thing to do'....

    Thing1: Opening circle

    At the 1st event, when the moment of invitation arrived, I simply
    placed the microphone very slowly in the center of the circle..
    and very slowly walked away, and found myself a seat. They figured
    the rest out ...without any assistance whatsoever from me.
    Awkwardness was replaced by flow as they realized I wasn't doing
    anything and the group advised itself.

    At the 2nd event, the client knew me and the process by then. So,
    after putting that microphone down, I just went all the way ...and
    slowly vacated the circle completely. It worked great...and felt
    really good too. I stood motionless well away from the circle for
    several minutes before moving slowly along to a new place and
    repeating that until I circled-the-circle exactly one time.

    I plan to keep doing something like this going forward.

    Any stuff that needed "managing" was handled by the group without
    any help from me.

    One less thing...

    Thing2: Marketplace "help"

    For large gatherings, some OST sages suggest situating 'helpers'
    at the time-space grid, presumably to assist participants if they
    need it.

    Not having done any OST events larger than 230 members, I was kind
    of unsure about what to do about this. Felt to much like "managing
    stuff" to me. So for the 2nd event I decided to omit any
    Marketplace assistance whatsoever from the experience-design, even
    though the group was much larger than my experience.

    After I slowly and deliberately explained and demonstrated the
    process of posting to the Marketplace, I laid the microphone down
    at center very deliberately, and slowly vacated the circle. And
    observed what they were going to do. And almost immediately this
    one guy (who posted early) lingered at the Marketplace. And he
    took it upon himself to orient anyone who had a question. Some of
    those he oriented then began also orienting the others.

    One less thing....

    Thing3: Space-Time Grid of Post-Its

    We expected 400++ so we had 18 session spaces and 5 1-hour time
    slots.  We we built a grid with 5 time-rows and 18 space-columns,
    with each time-row a single color. Total 5X18=90 session tags. The
    5 times were coded in 5 colors.

    When it became obvious the attendance was under 300, we simply
    draped a "curtain" of Post-It flip-chart pages over the rightmost
    end of these 5 time-rows to truncate the number of available
    spaces from 18 to 13, for a total of :

    [5 timerows]  X [13 spacecolumns] = [65 total session tags]

    ...After the start of the first session-time we later exposed
    additional space-columns 14 and 15 (each with 5 time-rows) so
    folks could add up to 10 more sessions throughout the day if they
    wanted to do that. We also placed the microphone over there.

    Thing 4: Whoops: Marketplace crowded by the circle; 1 MORE thing
    to do....

    ...When we arrived the evening ahead of the event, this epic
    circle of 400 chairs (see pics and links) was situated in the very
    center of room. The circle was clearly crowding the Marketplace.

    It became obvious that about 50 chairs needed to be moved before
    the Marketplace opened. We were told we could not move any chairs
    that evening. (Something about facilities.) With the client, we
    decided to do the following:

    ...At the moment just before the Marketplace was declared open, we
    paused everyone and asked those 50 people seated in those 50
    chairs if they might be willing to get up, pick up their chair,
    and carry it over to the opposite side of the space. It took about
    45 seconds for the group to move those 50 chairs. Thereafter we
    declared the Marketplace open.

    All in all a great event ensued. It was a large learning
    experience for all of us who took part in arranging and executing
    these two larger events.

    Thing 5: Huge closing circle, not much time...

    Some more experienced Open Space friends suggested having 2 or
    more "runners" each  2 microphones running around, instead of
    passing the microphone from hand to hand. The so-called "popcorn"
    method. Imagining this made me feel very uncomfortable, so I
    rejected it. I did not have an alternative at the time but
    realized I had the current day and the whole next day to come up
    with something.

    So I slept on it.

    I woke up with this: Closing circle: "Now we pass the microphone
    around, to express what we think and feel, about our experience
    together...before we start, take a look to your right and notice
    the [2] people sitting closest to you .. (pregnant pause). Now
    look to the left and notice those two folks also .. (pregnant
    pause). When you get the microphone, *connect with those two
    people to your left, and you all decide who is going to talk.*
    Then go, and when done, pass the microphone to the next [3] people."

    ...the numbers 2 and 3 can be configured to match the situation at
    hand, such that the closing can include everyone and stay within
    the time constraint.

    One less thing to do?

    Kind Regards,

    Link to larger picture:

    Daniel Mezick, President

    New Technology Solutions Inc.

    (203) 915 7248 (cell)

    Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog
    <http://newtechusa.net/blog/>. Twitter

    Examine my new book:The Culture Game
    <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for
    the Agile Manager.

    Explore Agile Team Training
    <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/> and
    Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>

    Explore the Agile Boston

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Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération
 Executive Coach, Médiateur
www.christine-koehler.fr <http://www.christine-koehler.fr/>
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax : 09  72  32 36  65


Daniel Mezick, President

New Technology Solutions Inc.

(203) 915 7248 (cell)

Bio <http://newtechusa.net/dan-mezick/>. Blog <http://newtechusa.net/blog/>. Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/danmezick/>.

Examine my new book:The Culture Game <http://newtechusa.net/about/the-culture-game-book/>: Tools for the Agile Manager.

Explore Agile Team Training <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-training/> and Coaching. <http://newtechusa.net/services/agile-scrum-coaching/>

Explore the Agile Boston <http://newtechusa.net//user-groups/ma/>Community.

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