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Your Self

A world that works for ALL is a world of love made visible

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> On Mar 31, 2015, at 1:04 PM, via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> 
> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race    Together
>      Campaign (Harrison via OSList)
>   2. Re: Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race    Together
>      Campaign (Carmela Ariza via OSList)
>   3. Re: Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race    Together
>      Campaign (Carmela Ariza via OSList)
>   4. OS Hotline - Today! Tuesday, March 31 @ 12PM EDT
>      (Tricia Chirumbole via OSList)
>   5. Hotline is today - March 31st :) (Tricia Chirumbole via OSList)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:49:10 -0400
> From: Harrison via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: "'Lisa Heft -'" <lisah...@openingspace.net>,    "'World wide Open
>    Space Technology email list'"    <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race
>    Together    Campaign
> Message-ID: <004401d06b2a$f98ed3f0$ecac7bd0$@net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Lisa - I do love it when you go on! J And, as you might suspect, I think you
> are working a tad too hard. Not in doing what you love... but in talking
> about it. A Short Take might be something like - "Make a small circle of
> chairs (with a few left over, piled on the side), sit down, and BE (in your
> case) LISA (and if you are somebody else, fill in the BLANK). Nothing to
> tell, nothing to do. Just BE there. Amazing who drops by. Just be prepared
> to be surprised. 
> And if it helps, remember... Whoever comes is/are the right people. Whatever
> happens is the only thing that could have. Whenever it starts is the right
> time. When it's over it's over. You could also say, Wherever it happens is
> the right place. But no need. You are already IN the RIGHT Place.
> ho
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> From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
> Lisa Heft - via OSList
> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 12:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race Together
> Campaign
> [I'll cross-post with you Lucas, because the two places I saw you post this
> have such different-from-each-other communities of practice. And this is a
> long response so I know that whoever does not feel inclined to read this has
> the freedom to use the Law of De-Leet...]
> Lucas - you are such an inspiration. 
> Instead of saying 'why doesn't someone...' / 'why is the world.' / 'why
> isn't anybody.' / 'why don't people.' 
> . you just step out into it. 
> And in doing so, you change the world, person by person. 
> Not 'how can we make impact in the highest numbers' but true, real,
> immediate, zero-resources (except your time, heart and passion)... impact. 
> I want to be focus on the fact that you asked us for something, and I want
> to make sure I am hearing you. 
> You ask for thoughts and suggestions for improvement. You ask about creating
> "a simple, repeatable process for opening 'pop-up civic space' so others
> might do the same."
> My first answer is to do what my colleague Ellen shared with me. Those of
> you who know me know that this is what I myself am like, as well. 
> While taking her commute to work on public transportation, she one day
> decided to put down her book, take off her earphones. And she turned to the
> stranger - a man - next to her and started talking.  "How about this weather
> we are having?"... at first. And during this ride they found themselves
> talking about power dynamics at work, gender dynamics, race dynamics,
> cultural differences-assumptions-projections, interpersonal communication.
> all in one ride. And it was so moving to both of them as they shared towards
> the end of their conversation how this level of real listening to another
> person is rare and special. 
> So that is what you can do. Simple, repeatable, zero resources, change the
> world.
> It does not work every time. That is what 'let go attachment to outcome' is
> about. You do it because it is the right thing to do. Because it changes
> you, too. Because with practice, it feels ore natural. Because it is the way
> you want the world to be.
> Ellen mentions that skills are also needed for this sort of interchange.
> Experience, understanding and respect enough to not say "how about that race
> stuff everyone's talking about?" or asking someone to speak for an entire
> tribe (youth, women, elder, whatever) instead of speaking just for
> themselves. Or steering a conversation to topics *you* want to talk about
> (race, voting, whatever). Which is not listening, at all. Is not about the
> other person at all. Is not being fully present. I would hope instead you
> practice active listening skills and curiosity but not "let's pull this all
> out into the open" curiosity because *you* are ready to do so. Again - that
> would be all about you.
> Meet each individual exactly where they are. And be amazed. And learn. And
> wonder. 
> My other answer is as I reflect upon something I have done which is similar
> in nature to your putting chairs out to see who comes to join the
> conversation.
> One of my favorite places to facilitate is in prisons. In some settings the
> process you select is affected by the physical setting you are in - just
> like for any facilitation job. So I have done various kinds of facilitative
> work in prisons but for this example I am thinking about a day-long event
> such as a health fair - which is often held on the prison yard. Various
> non-profits / NGOs have tables, pamphlets, volunteers to tell you about
> services. And in the interest of health and wellness, my offering is a
> hosted conversation space.  
> In a maximum security prison, you cannot do anything that - when seen from a
> guard tower - looks like chaos. Chaos may mean lack of safety. Assault. So
> things like 'everyone freely moves about in little self-organizing groups'
> does not look structured. And I also have to select a process where people
> can come in or out at any time - no beginning, no explaining, no set-up.
> Therefore I set up a circle of about 20 chairs in some highly visible
> location in the middle of the prison yard - like right in the center of the
> yard. I put a sign on the back of one out of every 5 chairs (facing out - so
> staff / guards / inmates see a sign if they look at the circle of chairs).
> It says "Ask Lisa". That makes prison staff feel that I am some sort of
> expert person 'in charge' of what looks like a very specific circle. So that
> takes care of opening the space to let whatever happens happens, in a
> setting that has more rules and needs for 'control.'
> And I sit there for eight hours, welcoming whoever wishes to join as the
> conversation flows. People come in and out and sit for awhile in the circle
> to listen or to talk, for as long as they want, or as long as their free
> time is scheduled. The conversation shifts and turns and goes where it needs
> to go. People usually start by asking me something / looking to me for
> something, but all I do is to reflect back to them. How does that make you
> feel. What does that mean to you. That must really be big for you. What do
> others think.  
> When some people first arrive they test me, saying things they think will
> offend me. Turns out that the others are there so say 'we're talking here -
> if you want to stay, respect it'. And actually you can say anything to me in
> that setting and I will not be offended.  So that first testing tactic does
> not work and they get to move on to sharing and hearing thoughts about
> things.
> It can start as being about health (let's say it's a health fair). However
> specifically when doing this in prison, in my experience, it always turns to
> experiences and feelings of grief and loss. Missing a loved one's funeral,
> missing being a father to their child, knowing what they could contribute,
> wishing they could vote for someone they feel would help the country,
> mourning the loss or discovery of the man or woman they once were, could
> have been, realizing now the potential they have, developing themselves,
> reflecting on things. 
> My tips and tools for that? Same as any facilitation. Rest well, eat first.
> Hydrate. Set up a space. Pre-think what materials you may need and bring
> them along. Then for this kind of facilitation it is very similar to
> peer-to-peer listening in any setting.  Just breathe. Receive. Witness.
> Appreciate. Don't try to do therapy, don't try to bring someone to a way of
> thinking, don't try to delve into something that interests me or that I wish
> they would talk or think about. Because what? Same as above. it's not about
> me. It's about them. That's the point. 
> These are the reflections that to me I would bring into a setting such as
> yours - chairs on the plaza. Holding space. Being responsible for what you
> are inviting. Not trying to drive a conversation to fill a need or yearning
> that I myself may have. Breathing. 
> ___
> To me, this is radical listening. Radical peacemaking. True dialogue. Which
> is as much about listening as it is speaking. Which is not about changing
> someone at all, but instead, about honoring each person's truth as true for
> them. Staying curious. Being amazed.
> My observation is that with all this social media and online tools stuff,
> people more and more are able to find, learn about and stay in what is
> already of interest to them. Issues and people they are already comfortable
> with. The known. Rather than being exposed to surprises. To other ways of
> being. Other ways of seeing. Of making a living. Of navigating. Of
> expressing. Of being complex and full humans.
> So how do you make a replicable, repeatable process? You take off your ear
> plugs, put down your book, and turn to the other person to talk about the
> weather. You listen, without attachment to outcome. You hold space. You be
> responsible for your own internal *stuff* and you own it, you don't project
> it onto someone else. You don't be "helpy". You just . be. And if you are
> comfortable doing so, you walk out into the world and be more of that. In
> everything you do, everywhere you go. And the world changes. Not in big
> how-many-people-what-do-we-measure ways. But in meaningful, memorable ways,
> person by person.
> If you've read this far, thanks for listening to my going on a bit about
> something I am really passionate about: being peace.
> Lisa
> Lisa Heft
> Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
> Opening Space
> On Mar 26, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> I happen to live in Charlottesville, Virginia where a recent violent arrest
> of a student and race-related protests have gotten some national media
> attention.  Over the past two days I tried an experiment in creating pop-up
> civic space for dialogue.  
> This is designed as an alternative to how Starbucks conducted its Race
> Together initiative last week which has had mixed reviews.  I wrote up my
> thoughts below and attached some photos so you can get a feel for the
> experience.
> My goals were to "bring dialogue to people" and to create a simple,
> repeatable process that others might improve or replicate, even without
> resources.
> This is not to detract from formal and well-resourced dialogue programs.  I
> believe there is also a vital need for public dialogue in the margins like
> this when no resources are available.  
> I'm wondering what your thoughts and suggestions are for improvement.
> -- 
> If I try something in a Starbucks over the next few days, it will be very
> different-- it would be just a sign-- a silent invitation-- and people can
> choose to sit down and join the conversation if they'd like.
> What do you think?
> Where do we go from here? Well, if I/you/we can create a simple, repeatable
> process for opening "pop-up civic space" like this, then others might do the
> same, and we might all surprise ourselves with what is possible.  There is
> certainly a need for more productive dialogue in our country. 
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:15:08 -0700
> From: Carmela Ariza via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: "lisah...@openingspace.net" <lisah...@openingspace.net>,
>    "oslist@lists.openspacetech.org" <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>,
>    "oslist@lists.openspacetech.org" <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race
>    Together    Campaign
> Message-ID:
>    <1427793308.57418.yahoomailiosmob...@web161002.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:15:08 -0700
> From: Carmela Ariza via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: "lisah...@openingspace.net" <lisah...@openingspace.net>,
>    "oslist@lists.openspacetech.org" <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>,
>    "oslist@lists.openspacetech.org" <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Opening Space on the Heels of Starbucks' Race
>    Together    Campaign
> Message-ID:
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:27:06 -0400
> From: Tricia Chirumbole via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>    <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: [OSList] OS Hotline - Today! Tuesday, March 31 @ 12PM EDT
> Message-ID:
>    <CAGT+W5PtZzGaGbaqxER9EqiYAk-VPaep=xheg3vh2go2gea...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Good day all!
> The hotline is coming to a device near you soon! Join us *today* - *Tuesday
> March 30th at 12PM EDT (*Note daylight savings time has occurred in the US,
> so please check your time zone!)
> We will be using the *video platform Zoom...*If you have not used
> *Zoom* before,
> we highly recommend that you download, install, and test it well before the
> call: https://www.zoom.us/.
> *To participate:*
> 1.       *Sign-up *and post topics: http://bit.ly/OShotline
> 2.       *Join the call* from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
> https://zoom.us/j/751609912
> a.       Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)
> b.      International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference
> c.       Meeting ID: 751 609 912
> In gratitude,
> Tricia Chirumbole
> Facilitator. Consultant. Champion.
> Participant-Driven Engagements/Co-Creative Cultures
> Mojo Collaborative
> www.mojocollaborative.com
> 571-232-0942
> skype: tricia.chirumbole
> twitter: @themojozone
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> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:27:59 -0400
> From: Tricia Chirumbole via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>    <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: [OSList] Hotline is today - March 31st :)
> Message-ID:
>    <CAGT+W5P4cUwNr-8X9E4iz5z9NiEt9Pe7pis=_7n7ed1t-hz...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Date correction! The OS hotline is today, Tuesday March 31st :)
> Tricia Chirumbole
> Facilitator. Consultant. Champion.
> Participant-Driven Engagements/Co-Creative Cultures
> Mojo Collaborative
> www.mojocollaborative.com
> 571-232-0942
> skype: tricia.chirumbole
> twitter: @themojozone
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Tricia Chirumbole <
> tri...@mojocollaborative.com> wrote:
>> Good day all!
>> The hotline is coming to a device near you soon! Join us *today* - *Tuesday
>> March 30th at 12PM EDT (*Note daylight savings time has occurred in the
>> US, so please check your time zone!)
>> We will be using the *video platform Zoom...*If you have not used *Zoom* 
>> before,
>> we highly recommend that you download, install, and test it well before the
>> call: https://www.zoom.us/.
>> *To participate:*
>> 1.       *Sign-up *and post topics: http://bit.ly/OShotline
>> 2.       *Join the call* from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
>> https://zoom.us/j/751609912
>> a.       Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)
>> b.      International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference
>> c.       Meeting ID: 751 609 912
>> In gratitude,
>> Tricia Chirumbole
>> Facilitator. Consultant. Champion.
>> Participant-Driven Engagements/Co-Creative Cultures
>> Mojo Collaborative
>> www.mojocollaborative.com
>> 571-232-0942
>> skype: tricia.chirumbole
>> twitter: @themojozone
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> End of OSList Digest, Vol 49, Issue 30
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