For some of you, midnight Thursday has passed. For some of you, there are still 
a few hours remaining, if you would like to submit a haiku to the Poetry 

> ___see below for more about this invitation_____
> The Spring 2015 OSLIST Restricted Form Poetry Contest.
> ___
> Our dear OSLIST has its own resident Poet Laureate, holding space for poetry 
> in any way they so enjoy, for about six months. I once again had the honor of 
> being this season’s Poet Laureate, and you can find my ‘found poetry’ in the 
> archives. Inspired by the late great Laurel Doersam, I took excerpts from 
> juicy conversations we had here on the list during my Poet Laureate season, 
> pulled the sentences apart, sat with them, and floated them back together in 
> ways that made meaning and showed patterns to me. And then I offered them 
> back to you as gifts of your own collective voice, during my poetic reign. 
> An OSLIST Poet Laureate does not have to be a poet. You are simply invited to 
> have fun with words. For about six months, until you host the next contest 
> (and some poets ask me to do it on their behalf, for which I am honored). 
> ‘Restricted form’ means you are inviting people to work within a constraint, 
> a certain shape, pattern or theme.
> So here…we… go.
> ___
> For the Spring 2015 OSLIST Restricted Form Poetry Contest, I invite you to do 
> the following. In honor of Harrison loving me when I go on and then saying, 
> in quite a bit about doing less, in a few words. I invite you to write a 
> haiku about how less is sometimes more, when Open Space is used.
> A haiku is 3 lines. First line = 5 syllables, second line = 7 syllables, 
> third line = 5 syllables. 
> Send me your haiku *directly* - not on the list - to 
> Three lines per poem.
> About how less is sometimes more, when Open Space is used.
> I will collect them, then show them back to you so collectively we can select 
> one, therefore selecting our next Poet Laureate. 
> Who will hold space for poetry on the OSLIST, for about the next 6 months.
> Deadline: Midnight wherever you are in the world, Thursday May 7. 
> Have fun, 
> Lisa Heft
> Spring 2006 and Spring 2015 Poet Laureate, OSLIST
> also known as Access Queen
> and a few other things

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