Thanks Harrison. Was it three days? I'd figure Friday-Sunday, July 5-7.

On Jun 3, 2015 10:52 AM, "Harrison" <> wrote:

> Jeff – it was the 4th of July Weekend (nicely symbolic, I thought –
> Liberty and all of that), but exactly which day was the opening day, I
> don’t have a foggy clue. But you can be sure that the bar was well engaged
> the night before. And after that, who cared what day it was?
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
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> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* OSList [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jeff Aitken via OSList
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:33 PM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list; Martin Grimshaw
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] 30 year anniversary celebrations / #OpenSpaceTech
> / What is Open Space?
> The OT symposia in the US were so often held on the week of July 4 that I
> assume it was true in 1985 also.
> July 4 was a Thursday, so I also assume the event gathered (at the bar) in
> Monterey on Monday night July 1, and the space was opened on Tuesday
> morning July 2.
> Anyone know?
> For fun, and a portrait of the times, July 4, 1985 was also when
> Springsteen played Wembley.
> Jeff
> On Jun 3, 2015 10:05 AM, "Martin Grimshaw via OSList" <
>> wrote:
> Hi folks
> Great response, many thanks and I love the ensuing conversation. The quote
> below is brilliant Chris, and I love the elevator pitches Michael :)
> *Harrison, close your ears now* > For those of us using Twitter... one
> thing that's been on my mind for a while, is encouraging the community to
> converge more around the #OpenSpaceTech hashtag. For reasons that should
> become obvious after a few moments perusal of them, the choice of
> #OpenSpace, #OST or even #OS don't work very well. I and a few others have
> been using #OpenSpaceTech a bit, which is less burdened by unwanted
> interference, but not well used. #OpenSpace is used and makes sense, but
> tweets often get lost in the noise.
> Proposal: This community shifts toward #OpenSpaceTech as a Twitter
> hashtag, to help us share and gather. Any thoughts or enthusiasm?
> *Ok, back in the room techno-meh folks.*
> I've been conversing with Jack Martin Leith (@jack_m_leith), over on the
> Twitter thing. I'm told the *Open Space 30 year anniversary* is
> approaching NEXT MONTH, and he's keen for the community to celebrate it. In
> particular he was wondering the actual date of OT3 in 1985, and suggesting:
> "We could host #*OSchat* <>
> here on Twitter. Check out #*innochat*
> <> for mechanism. See
> - I could make a web page."
> I suggested a blogging onlaught, ideally using #OpenSpaceTech, as above,
> where appropriate.
> I've never used innochat personally. Any reactions?
> Cheers.
> Martin Grimshaw
> 07591 552420
> There's Better Ways Of Working <>
> a Thriving Planet <> project.
> Twitter @ThrivingPlanet <> @CaterflyOST
> <>
> LinkedIn <>
> Caterfly <>: For smart, responsive and
> collaborative workplaces
> Follow our Art Of Work <> and Smarter
> Working <> blogs
> *Tools For A Smarter Planet:* Facilitation, organisational consultancy,
> training, support for start-ups
> Thriving Planet Community Interest Company is a 'Fair Shares' social
> enterprise for personal, organisational and planetary wellbeing.
> *Bookings open: **Shift: Why Isn't Organisational Change Happening? 21/7,
> Learn how to use Open Space to host participant-led unConferences 12/6 &
> 21-22/8, Mindfulness for Smarter Living & Sociocracy for Dummies each 1
> week, September, Greece ....
> <>*
> On 03/06/15 17:46, Michael Herman via OSList wrote:
> the elevator speeches michael p mentioned, collected years ago, are
> here...
> some new stuff, too, after a recent updating at
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <
>> wrote:
> My favourite way to talk about Open Space is this.
> Client: "I need a bunch of ideas/perspectives/leadership on this issue
> that we can't figure out."
> Me: "got it. I have a process where we can raise and document every
> conversation that we need to have/activate leadership/creat experiments/get
> to the heart of the matter. All we need is a space and a good invitation
> and I'll help the group quickly organize themselves."
> --
> Harvest Moon Consultants
> Facilitation, Open Space Technology and process design
> Check for upcoming workshops, blog posts and free
> resources.
> On Jun 3, 2015, at 3:37 AM, ingrid ebeling ebus via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Does this work for you?
> “Open Space is an evocative dialogue process of an inspired group, that
> co-creates knowledge and wise solutions in a self-organised way.“
> Greetings from Hannover,
> Ingrid
> *Ingrid Ebeling, EBUS *
> Institut für Entwicklungsberatung und Supervision
> *Systemische OE-**Prozessberatung und **-D**esigns  *
> Executive-Coaching • Großgruppen-Interventionen
> Am Alten Gehäge 6 • D- 30657 Hannover
> fon +49-511-336 03 30 • fax +49-511-336 03 47
> mobile • *
> <>*
> Am 03.06.2015 um 09:28 schrieb Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
> Dear Harrison,
> “Brief Essays” on “What is Open Space?” reminds me of the elevator
> speeches that we did a few years ago... seems they turned up every now and
> then again, which is great.
> Searching for Elevator Speeches in our OSLIST Archives (thanks Harold)
> turned up a bunch of strings (or tunnels as Douglas also calls them), it
> was Jeff Aitken in 2000 who suggested:
> "Twenty five words or so, to be uttered into the ear of a person who would
> just love Open Space if they only knew about it. They say to you: "What is
> Open Space?"
> You say to them:"
> Here is my take:
> "Open Space is the only process that focuses on expanding time and space
> for the force of selforganisation to do its thing. Although one can't
> predict specific outcomes, its always highly productive for whatever issue
> people want to attend to. Some of the inspiring side effects that are
> regularly noted are laughter, hard work which feels like play, surprising
> results and fascinating new questions."
> Obviously, this is more than 25 words. Therefore I chose that slow
> elevator Florian Fischer suggested, adding that you find more slow
> elevators in small buildings than in high buildings... or better yet, enter
> a "Paternoster", see here
> which is a neat "endless"  elevator, a place where you can do your
> "elevator speech" in the pater noster style.
> Greetings from Berlin
> mmp
> On 02.06.2015 23:24, Harrison via OSList wrote:
> Well done!  I did notice, however a certain “culture specific slant”
> -- When it came to talking about the impact of the Law of Two Feet,
> you mentioned that some people might just be off for a “cup of tea.”
> JOf course you did redeem yourself when describing the genesis of OS
> in the Coffee Break! However, I might fault you for no mention of
> “Two Martinis.” One might think that the only thing essential for a
> grand Open Space is multiple libations!
> Seriously – I loved what you have done. And it occasioned a thought –
> a notable experience in my increasingly senile condition.  We have
> always had a poetry contest (recently concluded). Perhaps now we
> should add a “Brief Essay Contest” on the subject of... “What is Open
> Space?”
> It is certainly true that Open Space (OST) is the “same” wherever it
> happens on Planet Earth (Sit in a Circle, Create Bulletin Board,
> Open a Market Place, Go to Work). That has been true since the 4^th
> of July, 1985 when it all “began” in Monterey, California. Since then
> 300,000+ groups in 146 Countries have enjoyed the experience (just a
> rough estimate). But each one of the millions of people who sat in
> all those Circles, had a unique, individual experience – informed by
> their place in the world, their culture, traditions, occupations...
> etc.
> I have some friends who introduced OS to a group of Buddhist Monks in
> Tibet. There are some wonderful pictures which are just like
> “always” – but the “signs on the wall” (4 Principles and The Law) are
> all in Tibetan. I have similar “pictures” (in my mind) of IBM
> executives, Microsoft Engineers,  Boeing folks, South Africans
> (immediately post apartheid)... It is all the same. It is all
> marvelously different.
> Would it not be wonderful to draw all that experience together in a
> series of “Brief Essays” on “What is Open Space?” Bringing it “all”
> together would boggle the mind. But just a sampling would be
> delicious...
> Just a thought. And Thank you for your contribution!
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> <>
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the
> archives of OSLIST Go
> to:
> *From:*OSList [
> <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Martin Grimshaw via OSList *Sent:* Tuesday, June 02, 2015
> 9:24 AM *To:* OSLIST *Subject:* [OSList] What is Open Space?
> Hi folks
> There's plenty of great material out there, and a few people have
> tried to write articles answering the question: What Is Open Space?
> When trawling the internet though, it can be hard to find a nice neat
> answer, or one that fits the seeker's needs. So I decided to write a
> piece in the hope of helping to answer that question for those in
> need, while adding my own flavour to the mix and generally adding to
> the resources out there. It is also really important when
> communicating with clients to have something to refer to that tries
> to sum it up, and points towards further resources.
> I might try to write another more succinct version sometime, but for
> now I hope you find this useful. Feedback very welcome, as well as
> suggestions for extra links in the 'further reading' bit at the end.
> If you like it, please share or use it to your heart's content.
> **
> Warm regards
> Martin Grimshaw 07591 552420
> There's Better Ways Of Working <> a Thriving
> Planet <> project. Twitter
> @ThrivingPlanet <>@CaterflyOST
> <> LinkedIn
> <> Caterfly
> <>: For smart, responsive and collaborative
> workplaces Follow our Art Of Work <>
> and Smarter Working <> blogs
> /Tools For A Smarter Planet:/ Facilitation, organisational
> consultancy, training, support for start-ups
> Thriving Planet Community Interest Company is a 'Fair Shares' social
> enterprise for personal, organisational and planetary wellbeing.
> *Early Bird Tickets open: *Shift: Why Isn't Organisational Change
> Happening? 21/7, Learn how to use Open Space to host participant-led
> unConferences 12/6 & 21-22/8, Mindfulness for Smarter Living &
> Sociocracy for Dummies each 1 week, September, Greece ....
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> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 404 resident Open
> Space Workers in 69 countries working in a total of 143 countries
> worldwide:
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