Well it was at least three days... but who knows? Time and space sort of blew 
away. Pick any number you like, and that will be right. Maybe 30 years?




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From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Jeff 
Aitken via OSList
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:06 PM
To: harrison owen
Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] 30 year anniversary celebrations / #OpenSpaceTech / What 
is Open Space?


Thanks Harrison. Was it three days? I'd figure Friday-Sunday, July 5-7.


On Jun 3, 2015 10:52 AM, "Harrison" <hho...@verizon.net> wrote:

Jeff – it was the 4th of July Weekend (nicely symbolic, I thought – Liberty and 
all of that), but exactly which day was the opening day, I don’t have a foggy 
clue. But you can be sure that the bar was well engaged the night before. And 
after that, who cared what day it was?




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7808 River Falls Drive

Potomac, MD 20854



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189 Beaucaire Ave.

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From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Jeff 
Aitken via OSList
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:33 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list; Martin Grimshaw
Subject: Re: [OSList] 30 year anniversary celebrations / #OpenSpaceTech / What 
is Open Space?


The OT symposia in the US were so often held on the week of July 4 that I 
assume it was true in 1985 also. 

July 4 was a Thursday, so I also assume the event gathered (at the bar) in 
Monterey on Monday night July 1, and the space was opened on Tuesday morning 
July 2.

Anyone know? 

For fun, and a portrait of the times, July 4, 1985 was also when Springsteen 
played Wembley. https://youtu.be/2Epn-TJSqIM


On Jun 3, 2015 10:05 AM, "Martin Grimshaw via OSList" 
<oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

Hi folks

Great response, many thanks and I love the ensuing conversation. The quote 
below is brilliant Chris, and I love the elevator pitches Michael :)

Harrison, close your ears now > For those of us using Twitter... one thing 
that's been on my mind for a while, is encouraging the community to converge 
more around the #OpenSpaceTech hashtag. For reasons that should become obvious 
after a few moments perusal of them, the choice of #OpenSpace, #OST or even #OS 
don't work very well. I and a few others have been using #OpenSpaceTech a bit, 
which is less burdened by unwanted interference, but not well used. #OpenSpace 
is used and makes sense, but tweets often get lost in the noise. 

Proposal: This community shifts toward #OpenSpaceTech as a Twitter hashtag, to 
help us share and gather. Any thoughts or enthusiasm?

Ok, back in the room techno-meh folks.

I've been conversing with Jack Martin Leith (@jack_m_leith), over on the 
Twitter thing. I'm told the Open Space 30 year anniversary is approaching NEXT 
MONTH, and he's keen for the community to celebrate it. In particular he was 
wondering the actual date of OT3 in 1985, and suggesting: 

"We could host  <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OSchat?src=hash> #OSchat here on 
Twitter. Check out  <https://twitter.com/hashtag/innochat?src=hash> #innochat 
for mechanism. See 
http://www.innochat.com/innochats/date/2015-05-28/unbundling-capabilities - I 
could make a web page."

I suggested a blogging onlaught, ideally using #OpenSpaceTech, as above, where 

I've never used innochat personally. Any reactions?


Martin Grimshaw
07591 552420

There's Better Ways Of Working <http://2bwow.org.uk> 
a Thriving Planet <http://ThrivingPlanet.org.uk>  project.
Twitter @ThrivingPlanet <http://twitter.com/ThrivingPlanet>  @CaterflyOST 
LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/martingrimshawbrighton> 
Caterfly <http://www.caterfly.co.uk> : For smart, responsive and collaborative 
Follow our Art Of Work <http://2bwow.org.uk/artofwork/>  and Smarter Working 
<http://caterfly.co.uk/the-buzz/>  blogs

Tools For A Smarter Planet: Facilitation, organisational consultancy, training, 
support for start-ups

Thriving Planet Community Interest Company is a 'Fair Shares' social enterprise 
for personal, organisational and planetary wellbeing.

Bookings open: Shift: Why Isn't Organisational Change Happening? 21/7, Learn 
how to use Open Space to host participant-led unConferences 12/6 & 21-22/8, 
Mindfulness for Smarter Living & Sociocracy for Dummies each 1 week, September, 
Greece .... http://2bwow.org.uk/workshops/


On 03/06/15 17:46, Michael Herman via OSList wrote:

the elevator speeches michael p mentioned, collected years ago, are here...  



some new stuff, too, after a recent updating at openspaceworld.org




Michael Herman

Michael Herman Associates



On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Chris Corrigan via OSList 
<oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

My favourite way to talk about Open Space is this. 


Client: "I need a bunch of ideas/perspectives/leadership on this issue that we 
can't figure out."


Me: "got it. I have a process where we can raise and document every 
conversation that we need to have/activate leadership/creat experiments/get to 
the heart of the matter. All we need is a space and a good invitation and I'll 
help the group quickly organize themselves."



Harvest Moon Consultants

Facilitation, Open Space Technology and process design 


Check www.chriscorrigan.com for upcoming workshops, blog posts and free 



On Jun 3, 2015, at 3:37 AM, ingrid ebeling ebus via OSList 
<oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

Dear all, 


Does this work for you? 

“Open Space is an evocative dialogue process of an inspired group, that 
co-creates knowledge and wise solutions in a self-organised way.“ 


Greetings from Hannover,



Ingrid Ebeling, EBUS  

Institut für Entwicklungsberatung und Supervision 


Systemische OE-Prozessberatung und -Designs  

Executive-Coaching • Großgruppen-Interventionen


Am Alten Gehäge 6 • D- 30657 Hannover

fon +49-511-336 03 30 <tel:%2B49-511-336%2003%2030>  • fax +49-511-336 03 47 

mobile +49-172-5145179 <tel:%2B49-172-5145179> i...@institut-ebus.de •  
<http://www.institut-ebus.de/> http://www.institut-ebus.de




Am 03.06.2015 um 09:28 schrieb Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 

Dear Harrison,
“Brief Essays” on “What is Open Space?” reminds me of the elevator
speeches that we did a few years ago... seems they turned up every now and then 
again, which is great.

Searching for Elevator Speeches in our OSLIST Archives (thanks Harold)
turned up a bunch of strings (or tunnels as Douglas also calls them), it
was Jeff Aitken in 2000 who suggested:

"Twenty five words or so, to be uttered into the ear of a person who would just 
love Open Space if they only knew about it. They say to you: "What is Open 
You say to them:"

Here is my take:

"Open Space is the only process that focuses on expanding time and space for 
the force of selforganisation to do its thing. Although one can't predict 
specific outcomes, its always highly productive for whatever issue people want 
to attend to. Some of the inspiring side effects that are regularly noted are 
laughter, hard work which feels like play, surprising results and fascinating 
new questions."

Obviously, this is more than 25 words. Therefore I chose that slow elevator 
Florian Fischer suggested, adding that you find more slow elevators in small 
buildings than in high buildings... or better yet, enter a "Paternoster", see 


which is a neat "endless"  elevator, a place where you can do your "elevator 
speech" in the pater noster style.

Greetings from Berlin

On 02.06.2015 23:24, Harrison via OSList wrote:

Well done!  I did notice, however a certain “culture specific slant”
-- When it came to talking about the impact of the Law of Two Feet,
you mentioned that some people might just be off for a “cup of tea.”
JOf course you did redeem yourself when describing the genesis of OS
in the Coffee Break! However, I might fault you for no mention of
“Two Martinis.” One might think that the only thing essential for a
grand Open Space is multiple libations!

Seriously – I loved what you have done. And it occasioned a thought –
a notable experience in my increasingly senile condition.  We have
always had a poetry contest (recently concluded). Perhaps now we
should add a “Brief Essay Contest” on the subject of... “What is Open

It is certainly true that Open Space (OST) is the “same” wherever it
happens on Planet Earth (Sit in a Circle, Create Bulletin Board,
Open a Market Place, Go to Work). That has been true since the 4^th
of July, 1985 when it all “began” in Monterey, California. Since then
300,000+ groups in 146 Countries have enjoyed the experience (just a
rough estimate). But each one of the millions of people who sat in
all those Circles, had a unique, individual experience – informed by
their place in the world, their culture, traditions, occupations...

I have some friends who introduced OS to a group of Buddhist Monks in
Tibet. There are some wonderful pictures which are just like
“always” – but the “signs on the wall” (4 Principles and The Law) are
all in Tibetan. I have similar “pictures” (in my mind) of IBM
executives, Microsoft Engineers,  Boeing folks, South Africans
(immediately post apartheid)... It is all the same. It is all
marvelously different.

Would it not be wonderful to draw all that experience together in a
series of “Brief Essays” on “What is Open Space?” Bringing it “all”
together would boggle the mind. But just a sampling would be

Just a thought. And Thank you for your contribution!


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7808 River Falls Drive

Potomac, MD 20854


Summer Address

189 Beaucaire Ave.

Camden, ME 04843



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*From:*OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] *On
Behalf Of *Martin Grimshaw via OSList *Sent:* Tuesday, June 02, 2015
9:24 AM *To:* OSLIST *Subject:* [OSList] What is Open Space?

Hi folks

There's plenty of great material out there, and a few people have
tried to write articles answering the question: What Is Open Space?

When trawling the internet though, it can be hard to find a nice neat
answer, or one that fits the seeker's needs. So I decided to write a
piece in the hope of helping to answer that question for those in
need, while adding my own flavour to the mix and generally adding to
the resources out there. It is also really important when
communicating with clients to have something to refer to that tries
to sum it up, and points towards further resources.

I might try to write another more succinct version sometime, but for
now I hope you find this useful. Feedback very welcome, as well as
suggestions for extra links in the 'further reading' bit at the end.
If you like it, please share or use it to your heart's content.


Warm regards

Martin Grimshaw 07591 552420

There's Better Ways Of Working <http://2bwow.org.uk> a Thriving
Planet <http://ThrivingPlanet.org.uk> project. Twitter
@ThrivingPlanet <http://twitter.com/ThrivingPlanet>@CaterflyOST
<http://twitter.com/CaterflyOST> LinkedIn
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/martingrimshawbrighton> Caterfly
<http://www.caterfly.co.uk>: For smart, responsive and collaborative
workplaces Follow our Art Of Work <http://2bwow.org.uk/artofwork/>
and Smarter Working <http://caterfly.co.uk/the-buzz/> blogs

/Tools For A Smarter Planet:/ Facilitation, organisational
consultancy, training, support for start-ups

Thriving Planet Community Interest Company is a 'Fair Shares' social
enterprise for personal, organisational and planetary wellbeing.

*Early Bird Tickets open: *Shift: Why Isn't Organisational Change
Happening? 21/7, Learn how to use Open Space to host participant-led
unConferences 12/6 & 21-22/8, Mindfulness for Smarter Living &
Sociocracy for Dummies each 1 week, September, Greece ....

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Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000 <tel:%2B%2B49%20-%2030-772%208000> 

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Space Workers in 69 countries working in a total of 143 countries
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