How much silence depends on your intention:
Are you opening space for the transfinite AND finite fields to emerge?  Or only 
the finite?
Are you opening inner space so people will access their capacity for being 
guided by the resonating field in their heart/mind/body awareness? (In order to 
really take responsibility for what they care about??) 

If finite, a small amount of silence helps people settle into their bodies and 
bring themselves 

Transfinite and finite (which is what i do) opens a more expansive space.  It's 
not Woo-Woo.  The work the field is supporting gets done regardless, just more 
co-creatively, more quickly-- synchronicities spark rapidly, delighting 

Re silence: 
   1. I sometimes cue people to be aware of their feet on the floor, their 
legs, their bottoms on the chair, shoulders, top of head. 
   2.,And sometimes, after the Welcome & logistics are dealt with, i simply 
invite them to be comfortable and relax into the chair, the silence, the 
feelings in their bodies. Usually i refer to a word or phrase in the Welcoming 
setup by the Host to help people make an outer/inner connection. I let silence 
go until i sense it's time to stop...not more than 8 minutes or so, probably. 
This is until i sense we are resonating together (i guess). 

Then i break the silence by standing and then, slowly beginning to walk the 
circle, opening the finite space of the circle, acknowledging each one as I 

To open the silence, sometimes i invite a friend to sound a crystal bowl 
followed by 2. above.  That is even more delicious.

NOTE:  none of this is "rote"!  My preparation includes sensing into each group 
meditatively;  getting clarity about who they are and what they need; and in 
the Now of the experience sensing into the circle and acting in the present 

Thank you!  Took me a while to ruminate on it. Good and interesting question!  
Thanks whoever posted it a while ago.  

Blessings!  Anne

Your Self

A world that works for ALL is a world of love made visible

Phone: 206-459-0227
Skype: anne.m.stadler

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