I probably also remind them to check what has heart and meaning and offer that 
as i open the marketplace offerings.

Your Self 

A world that works for ALL is a world of love made visible

Phone: 206-459-0227
Skype: anne.m.stadler

> On Jun 19, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Harold Shinsato <har...@shinsato.com> wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> Thanks for your offering. The most incredible experiences (and hyper 
> performance) of Open Space I am sure come from inviting the "trans-finite", 
> and not just the finite.
> Although this isn't rote, I'm curious as to your experience of offering this 
> grounding exercise just after the welcome and the logistics. This does seem 
> like a natural placement to me, and corresponds roughly to the point where 
> Harrison generally walks the circle and asks folks to be aware of the others 
> in the room.
> And at the same time, this doesn't specifically addresses the comment from a 
> participant of a need for some silent reflection time just before people were 
> invited to generate, announce, and post their sessions.
> Would 8 minutes of grounding silence after the welcome and logistics opened 
> enough space for participants so they didn't need silent reflection time with 
> their papers and markers to gather their thoughts? Do you offer anything 
> before letting the participants make their offerings to help invite in the 
> "transfinite"?
>     Thanks!
>     Harold
>> On 6/17/15 12:35 PM, Anne Stadler via OSList wrote:
>> How much silence depends on your intention:
>> Are you opening space for the transfinite AND finite fields to emerge?  Or 
>> only the finite?
>> Are you opening inner space so people will access their capacity for being 
>> guided by the resonating field in their heart/mind/body awareness? (In order 
>> to really take responsibility for what they care about??) 
>> If finite, a small amount of silence helps people settle into their bodies 
>> and bring themselves here...now. 
>> Transfinite and finite (which is what i do) opens a more expansive space.  
>> It's not Woo-Woo.  The work the field is supporting gets done regardless, 
>> just more co-creatively, more quickly-- synchronicities spark rapidly, 
>> delighting participants. 
>> Re silence: 
>>    1. I sometimes cue people to be aware of their feet on the floor, their 
>> legs, their bottoms on the chair, shoulders, top of head. 
>>    2.,And sometimes, after the Welcome & logistics are dealt with, i simply 
>> invite them to be comfortable and relax into the chair, the silence, the 
>> feelings in their bodies. Usually i refer to a word or phrase in the 
>> Welcoming setup by the Host to help people make an outer/inner connection. I 
>> let silence go until i sense it's time to stop...not more than 8 minutes or 
>> so, probably. This is until i sense we are resonating together (i guess). 
>> Then i break the silence by standing and then, slowly beginning to walk the 
>> circle, opening the finite space of the circle, acknowledging each one as I 
>> pass.
>> To open the silence, sometimes i invite a friend to sound a crystal bowl 
>> followed by 2. above.  That is even more delicious.
>> NOTE:  none of this is "rote"!  My preparation includes sensing into each 
>> group meditatively;  getting clarity about who they are and what they need; 
>> and in the Now of the experience sensing into the circle and acting in the 
>> present moment. 
>> Thank you!  Took me a while to ruminate on it. Good and interesting 
>> question!  Thanks whoever posted it a while ago.  
>> Blessings!  Anne
> -- 
> Harold Shinsato
> har...@shinsato.com
> http://shinsato.com
> twitter: @hajush
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