Hi, Christine - 

Several things come to mind. And I know you already had your phone appointment. 
And I am wondering what you sensed and did and what happened. But still I will 
share reflections if it helps in general or as you reflect.

1) What does your intuition / gut / sensing say? I imagine you know your own 
answer. Is there a reason you hesitate when you can feel inside exactly what to 
do and say?

2) I agree that it sounds like OST is a good approach if the issue is complex 
such as this. However there are huge power dynamics operating as well, right? 
So these next things come to mind:

- if the sponsor 
>> fear that there it will not enough reflect the diversity of actions and 
>> timeframe  and the possibility to create a kind of frame to support long 
>> term action on the territory.
 — then her/his intuition may be speaking loudly, not just her/his fear, no? If 
this all is so, does that not tell you both that it is more important to take 
more time to plan (rather than the rushed planning) and find a longer meeting 
time on another date? if it is so important?

And SO many things support long-term action. Not a single short event by 
itself. Instead, relationships, infrastructure, time, ability, resources, 
partners, champions, desks and computers, ability to step outside one’s daily 
tasks to add in these tasks, SO many things. Are these in place before the 
event to support the actions that are being invited? If not, is asking for 
action appropriate for this particular event? Or is this for part of that 
strength, such as in ideas, relationships, and so on ? Does all that have to be 
accomplished by one short event? And if it is complex, why so short? 

3) I always go with what is realistically achievable, given the circumstances 
which I may or may not be able to inform.

- Without knowing more details, dynamics, ideas and emotions brought up during 
your pre-work conversations, I can only say that as an outsider to this my own 
intuition / gut / body says to take advantage of what a short OS meeting can 
=realistically= deliver - which is a highlighting of emergent issues, ability 
for people to notice who else cares about these things, ideas generated for 
opportunities and for describing challenges, and that’s about it.  With a 
documentation design that really captures, with another event scheduled after 
people can rest and reflect on their documentation (data), then going into the 
next step of mapping out (or even a small group having a conversation about) 
what are resources / relationships / realities for what in their systems can 
support actions, then inviting people who are really the people who have 
power-mobility-ability-relationship to identify and work on some actions, and 
so on and so on in a chain of meetings and conversations. Not just a quickie 
because (do I understand you correctly?) there was some meeting time within a 
COP21 event.

- Also with these power dynamics I would pay attention to other things that can 
help as in: no introductions, no speeches, name tags only saying names (not 
organizations or titles), and maybe even more of an emphasis in the theme 
question on “I” to bring it into peoples’ bodies (mixed dynamics here can often 
bring in tension and words of ‘somebody should’) - things like that.

Lastly, you asked what we did in a similar situation. I spoke to truth. Always. 
“This will not work if you do x.” “If you want to do x, I can support that by 
changing the process to do y but the Open Space process will not work if you do 
that.” “Are you worried about x.” “You know that will not fix x” “Then we need 
more time for inviting diverse people.” “Then we need more hours in the meeting 
to embrace that tension and possibility.” “That deliverable cannot be delivered 
in that short a time frame.” “Then we must change the objective / theme / 
goal.” “Then we must schedule additional meetings to accomplish each of these 
tasks over time.” “You know that that does not support sustainability - you 
have seen it before, I am sure.” And so on. 

He is such a busy man, you say. If so, it is essential to help him use his (and 
others’) time wisely and productively. Right? That is what you do, when you do 
your best, Christine…

No doubt some of us may be sharing thoughts and experiences about these sorts 
of things when we gather for the Open Space Learning Workshop in Krakow 
September 8-10, and also during the WOSonOS on September 10-13.  I SO look 
forward to that...


On Jun 29, 2015, at 11:32 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
<oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hi 
> of course, the way I put it sounds rather comic..
> I am supposed to facilitated a 3h 1/2 OST next wednesday with 90 participants 
> from a very diverse background (impact of local actions on climate change and 
> COP21  -in Paris next fall- and they are all local actors : politics, 
> technicians, companies, non-profit etc.. Host is the territorial entity via a 
>  statesman with a territoral mandate. 
> All has been organized in a few days, we have considered many different 
> design to come back to OST because of simplicity and efficiency .
> But now the sponsor fear that there it will not enough reflect the diversity 
> of actions and timeframe  and the possibility to create a kind of frame to 
> support long term action on the territory.
> Diificulty lies in the goal : for the planning team, immediate need is the 
> use of the space that the entity is willing to rent (and pay for) during 
> COP21 BUT that has to be run collectively (and not as usual here « we do it 
> for you ») , for the politics, the goal is « long" term with something that 
> will be created and will last even after the COP21 event.
> I believe that OST s the only way that may reach all those goals in such a 
> short time frame (at least set the first step) but obviously there is no 
> control enough for him and now he want a few discourses speeches from a 
> variety of actors before opening the space so that everyone knows about all 
> this and that…
> What would help me is what you did in similar situation.. because I don’t 
> know what to tell him (« trust the process obviously does not work…) My 
> appointment (by phone of course, such a busy man) with him is in a few hours
> Christine 
> -- 

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