Thank you Martin, Daniel, Barry, Chris, Lucas and Harold!

    I learned some about history of Bar Camp and OS, the “foomobile” and
Lean Coffee, CloudCamp and UnPanel (I like the idea). I got the list of
differences - unconference versus OS. And I got a very interesting Edcamp
materials (checklist, ppp)! And I too prefere juice to alcohol :) (Harold).
   You are right (Chris) that client thinks “it will be interesting for
people” to learn a new process (btw their speciality - mediators - is
focusing on the process). And you are right (Barry) that the finger on the
“power” button is important for the client as well.
   It was rather complicated to have the OS  as client wanted “important”
people to have “small” presentations in between.
   Still the event is more entertaining and rather of meeting of specialist
all over the country than a strategic work (Chris). I would use quote from
Lucas: “unconferences are more about building social cohesion and
individual learning.” Or could be, the client (the organiser of the event)
would like to accomplish many tasks at the same time.
   And you are right that the OS would be perfect thing to do (the feedback
from participants years ago).

Be well!


2015-09-17 1:14 GMT+03:00 Harold Shinsato via OSList <>:

> Hi Lucas,
> Thanks for the "hat tip" around "Open Space in the Wild". I started
> composing an OSList message a couple weeks ago which isn't quite ready for
> release, but I do believe that OST has had a lot of children (some
> legitimate, and some maybe not so much). Barcamp is definitely a child of
> Open Space, as is the whole unconference "movement".
> ...
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