Thank you for the thoughtful insights - especially remembering "the simple 
power of our core practice" as Michael points out which says it all for me!

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 15:42:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in terms 
of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of the 
gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at any 
time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos gathering time. 
 if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there could be some 
commenting on that in advance of the gathering.  
at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and 
overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the 
invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only one 
of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that we 
designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian and 
camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of osonos 
i really like the idea that these things could happen on several continents at 
once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools like qiqochat offer 
interesting possibilities of being able to easily bumblebee across oceans.  
we've also been growing a tradition of spinning these things up into major 
productions, perhaps drifting some from the simple power of our core practice.  
if we met in more places at once and traveled shorter distances, maybe the 
hosts would feel less pressure to "work too hard" an planning and organizing 
these things?
what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of world-around OS 
carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites, many parties, i mean 
working sessions?


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList 
<> wrote:
How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla. 
Another two things I would like to add: 
1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future year, I 
have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom from past 
host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily offer to 
whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear reader, are 
thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then please wait until 
a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it with the latest Host 
Team’s lessons-learned. 
And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our recent 
WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have to be 
physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us have over the 
years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite who were not able to 
physically make it. And you can make us do whatever you like, to represent you !
Looking forward to the conversation,Lisa

On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList 
<> wrote:

Hi all!

At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on 
how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations from 
countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.


In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would 
trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the ways 
things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions are made 
in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.


If you are new to WOSONOS

This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the 
next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and the 
participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of 
accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure 
in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds everybody 
that the only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law of mobility’. 
There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple since 
‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.


My view

I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a 
collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open Space 
is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the same 
engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes it 
takes time for things to emerge.

If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of outmost 
importance for those present to understand what they are about to do, in order 
to make an informed decision. Is it a majority decision? How many is the 
majority? What happens if some vote no? Is it possible to have a ballot vote? 
Is it the role of the facilitator to sum it up and make the final decision? In 
my view, we can only express our appreciation for the invitation at the Open 
Space, offer help if needed and make use of the law of mobility. 


An invitation

This is an invitation to try something else and maybe to let go of a 
‘tradition’. What if we opened up at the beginning of the process in order to 
see how it self organizes at the end? 

There seems to be something unclear about the ‘tradition’ on how to get 
information about who is inviting and why. If that information were transparent 
from the very start of the WOSONOS, it might enable more dialogue with the 
inviting hosts and between the hosts.


The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this on the 
OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before the upcoming 
WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip chart at the WOSONOS 
and announced as a session when creating the bulletin board or at the evening 
news. As always there is the opportunity to add places, sessions and news 
announcements up until the closing circle, both on the spot and via other ways 
of communicating. This would make it easier for everyone to approach the hosts, 
express their delight or ask clarifying questions. It would also enable the 
hosts (or their representatives) to come together in a session and find out how 
they would like to do the invitations in the closing circle. Maybe some will 
wait until next year? Maybe multiple WOSONOSes in one year? Maybe in different 
continents at the same time? Maybe with different themes/urgent questions? 
Let’s embrace chaos and see what emerges! Or ‘Whatever happens is the only 
thing that could have’.


Since the closing circle have a more definite dead line than ‘When it is over 
it is over’, due to flights and other time restrictions, this prolonged 
invitation process will open up time for more dialogues and invitations. 

But then again, as said in the closing circle in Kraków, there is nothing like 
a good mess in order to learn something new J


Maybe it has been tried before and in that case I’m interested to know how it 
worked or didn’t work.

Greetings from Sweden!


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